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Mobility Management in Packet- based Communication Networks Yun Won Chung Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute

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2 Mobility Management in Packet- based Communication Networks Yun Won Chung Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute E-mail:

3 2 Contents Introduction Mobility management in circuit-based communication networks Mobility management in packet-based communication networks Mobility management in all-IP networks Further studies

4 3 Introduction Mobility management  Location management  Location update (registration)  Call delivery  Handoff management Tradeoff between location update and call delivery  Signaling load analysis  Resolution of location information (i.e., cell, location area, service area)

5 Mobility Management in Circuit- based Communication Networks

6 5 Location Management Location update Call delivery

7 6 Network Service Area in 2G Systems * source: reference [1]

8 7 Location Registration and Call Delivery Centralized database architecture  Dynamic hierarchical architecture  Per-user location caching  User profile replication  Pointer forwarding  Local anchoring Distributed database architecture  A fully distributed registration scheme  Partitioning  Database hierarchy

9 8 Location Update and Terminal Paging Location update schemes  Dynamic LA management  Three dynamic update schemes  Time-based  Movement-based  Distance-based Terminal paging schemes  Paging under delay constraints  Update and paging under delay constraints

10 Mobility Management in Packet- based Communication Networks

11 10 Mobile Station State In circuit-based communication networks  MT is in idle or busy state In packet-based communication networks  MS is in Idle, ready, or standby state in GPRS  UE is in PMM-detached, PMM-idle, cell-connected, or URA- connected state in UMTS Cell, URA, RA, or LA is the unit area for location update Frequency of location update and paging depend on the state of MS or UE Effect of timer (i.e. ready timer, inactivity timer, etc.) is important

12 11 Network Service Area in GPRS * source: reference [1]

13 12 GPRS MS State Model Idle  MS is not reachable  After attach, the MS moves to ready state Ready  Packet transmission is possible  Cell-based location update is performed  Ready state can be sub- divided into ready(off) and ready(on) Standby  RA-based location update is performed

14 13 URAs, RAs, and LAs in UMTS * source: reference [2]

15 14 UMTS UE State Model MM state model in SGSN RRC state model in UTRAN

16 15 UMTS UE MM and RRC States MM state  PMM detached  UE is not reachable  PMM connected  Packet switched (PS) signaling connection is established  Serving RNC id is stored  Cell-connected or URA-connected  PMM idle  PS signaling connection is released  Only RA information is stored RRC state  Idle  No RRC connection  Cell connected  Cell level location information is managed  Stays until inactivity timer expires  URA connected  URA level location information is managed

17 16 Research on the Analysis of MS State Yun Won Chung, Dan Keun Sung, and A. Hamid Aghvami, “Steady State Analysis of Mobile Station State Transitions for General Packet Radio Service,” in Proc. PIMRC’2002, pp. 2029 – 2033, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002 Yun Won Chung, Dan Keun Sung, and A. Hamid Aghvami, “Steady State Analysis of User Equipment State Transitions for Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems,” in Proc. PIMRC’2002, pp. 2034 – 2038, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002 Yun Won Chung and Dan Keun Sung, “Modeling and analysis of combined mobility management and implicit cell update scheme in General Packet Radio Service,” in Proc. VTC’2003 Spring, Jeju, Korea, 2003

18 17 Analysis of GPRS MS State Location update & paging in GPRS  Cell in ready state  RA in standby state  Location update and paging frequencies depend on the state of MS  Tradeoff between location update and paging signaling based on the number of cells in an RA Derivation of steady state probability of MS Performance analysis using steady state probability

19 18 Modified MS State Model Exit from Idle  Ready(off) by Attach (T 12 ) Exit from Ready(off)  Idle by detach (T 21 )  Ready(on) by packet session arrival (T 23 )  Standby by ready timer expiry (T 24 ) Exit from Ready(on)  Idle by Detach (T 31 )  Ready(off) by completion of session processing (T 32 ) Exit form Standby  Idle by Detach (T 41 )  Ready(off) by RA update due to movement or RA update timer expiration (T 42 )  Ready(on) by packet session arrival (T 43 )

20 19 Steady State Probability Stationary probability Steady state probability

21 20 Numerical Example P 1 : idle P 2 : ready(off) P 3 : ready(on) P 4 : standby

22 21 Analysis of UMTS UE State Location update & paging in UMTS  Cell in cell-connected state  URA in URA-connected state  RA in PMM-idle state  Location update and paging frequencies depend on the state of UE Derivation of steady state probability of UE Performance analysis using steady state probability

23 22 Modified UE State Model Exit from PMM detached  Cell connected (off) by attach (T 12 ) Exit from Cell connected (off)  PMM detached by detach (T 21 )  Cell connected (on) by packet session arrival (T 23 )  URA connected by inactivity timer expiry (T 24 ) Exit from Cell connected (on)  PMM detached by detach (T 31 )  Cell connected (off) by completion of session processing (T 32 ) Exit form URA connected  PMM detached by detach (T 41 )  Cell connected (off) by URA update (T 42 )  Cell connected (on) by packet session arrival (T 43 )  PMM idle by URA update timer expiration (T 45 ) Exit from PMM idle  Detach request (T 51 )  RA update due to movement of a UE or expiration of an RA update timer (T 52 )  Incoming or outgoing session arrival (T 53 )

24 23 Numerical Example P 1 : PMM detached P 2 : cell connected(off) P 3 : cell connected(on) P 4 : URA connected P 5 : PMM idle

25 24 Combined Mobility Management * source: reference [1]

26 25 Combined Mobility Management Location Update  Based on LA in GSM  Based on cell or RA in GPRS  Size of LA > size of RA Paging  Based on paging area (= LA or RA) Combined Mobility Management  Class-A mode MS  Attached to both GSM and GPRS  Supports simultaneous operation of GPRS and GSM services  Gs interface between SGSN and MSC/VLR  Combined RA/LA update using one radio signaling message  Circuit-switched paging via SGSN to either RA or cell based on a GPRS MS state  Efficient management of GSM/GPRS MM

27 26 Combined Mobility Management Implicit cell update  The location of MS is known to network if GSM MS is in busy state  How can we utilize this cell-based location information for Class-A GPRS MS state management?  After the implicit cell update, paging only one cell may be sufficient for call or packet delivery if the cell location is managed A new MS state model  Incorporation of GSM MS state into GPRS MS state  Ready state can be sub-divided into ready(off), ready(on)- GSM, ready(on)-GPRS, ready(on)-GSM/GPRS

28 27 Modified MS State Model

29 28 Numerical Examples

30 Mobility Management in All-IP Networks

31 30 Micro-Mobility Protocols Cellular IP HAWAII Regional registration Hierarchical Mobile IP Fast handoff

32 31 Seamoby Activities RFC 2132: dormant mode host alerting (“IP paging”) problem statement RFC 3154: requirements and functional architecture for an IP host alerting protocol MH state  Active  Dormant Functional entities  Paging agent  Tracking agent  Dormant monitoring agent

33 32 Motivation of IP Paging Consider an MH, which is moving fast and is not involved in a communication  Bandwidth consumption  Processing power  Protocol states Optimization for nodes that are currently not in a session might be taken into consideration Entering dormant mode  Avoids frequent location update  Decreases the preciseness of the network’s knowledge about individual mobile’s location to paging areas Dormant mode supports  saving scarce radio bandwidth  cutting superfluous location updating  reducing battery energy drainage

34 33 P-MIP (an Idle MN ’ s Movement) HA Reg request Reg reply FA MN PA1 PA2 * source: reference [3]

35 34 P-MIP (Page an Idle MN) HA FA MN CN data paging reg * source: reference [3]

36 35 Analysis of P-MIP MS State Yun Won Chung, Dan Keun Sung, and A. Hamid Aghvami, “Steady State Analysis of P-MIP Mobility Management,” IEEE Communications Letters, June 2003 P-MIP MS State  Active  Idle

37 36 Numerical Examples

38 37 Further Studies Multicast accommodating host mobility Power saving MM algorithm Vertical handoff Mobility support in WLAN Network mobility Integrated MM in heterogeneous all-IP networks

39 38 References 1.Brahim Ghribi and Luigi Logrippo, “Understanding GPRS: the GSM packet radio service,” Computer Networks, vol. 34, pp. 763-779, 2000. 2.Yi-Bing Lin, Yieh-Ran Haung, Yuan-Kai Chen, and Imrich Chlamtac, “Mobility management: from GPRS to UMTS,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 1, pp. 339-359, 2001. 3.Xiaowei Zhang, “Paging in Mobile IP”, presentation material on the 4th International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia, Rome, Italy, July 2001, 4.I. F. Akyildiz, et al., Mobility management in next-generation systems, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 87, no. 8, Aug. pp. 1347 – 1384, 1999.

40 39 Any Questions & Comments ?

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