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CSE Senior Design I Superior Designs, Inc. Summer 2010 Approved Projects (for delivery December 2010) Instructor: Mike O’Dell.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE Senior Design I Superior Designs, Inc. Summer 2010 Approved Projects (for delivery December 2010) Instructor: Mike O’Dell."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE Senior Design I Superior Designs, Inc. Summer 2010 Approved Projects (for delivery December 2010) Instructor: Mike O’Dell

2 1 Onboard Diagnostics for Race Car  Design and develop a device that will read and display information from a formula SAE Hybrid Race Car  Device reads and records information from several onboard sensors (throttle, brakes, etc.)  Remote display device shows plot of readings vs. time.  Sensor data used to control race car’s electric motor.  Sponsor: Formula SAE Race Team/Dr. Woods

3 1 Remote Game Survey Device  Design and develop a small portable camera array that can be used to detect and record wild game movement.  Array captures images of surrounding area at specified intervals  GPS locator included to find/track device  Images are uploaded via transient wireless connection to laptop in roving vehicle(s).  Base station software stitches images to provide 360-degree panorama.  Sponsor: UTA Vision Lab (Dr. Athitsos)??

4 1 Cycling Monitor  Develop a device for a bicycle to keep track of the rider’s speed, location, direction, elevation, balance, and cadence.  Include and interface to advise rider when to shift gears, etc.  Detect and adjust for turns vs. slight changes in direction.  Sponsor: Dr. Nystrom?? (or sports equipment manufacturer)

5 1 Voice-Operated Tread Mill  Design and develop a system that controls a treadmill based on voice commands.  Interface voice control device with “standard” treadmill mechanical controls (e.g. speed and incline)  Include safety override commands  Sponsor: Marcus Oladell (or sports equipment manufacturer??)

6 1 Directional Sound Receiver  Design and develop a system consisting of an array of omni-directional microphones.  Adjust delays in the audio streams from microphones to reinforce sound/suppress noise.  Develop user interface to monitor and control speaker selection.  Potential application: speaker selection in a conference room/meeting  Sponsor: Umair Sadiq/UTA Lab??

7 1 Weather Balloon Data Collector  Design and develop a system to be attached to a weather balloon to collect environmental data (position, altitude, temperature, pressure, humidity, etc).  Module should also be able to detach from the baloon via remote command, timer, or upon detection of a specified event.  Data collector module deploys parachute and detection device to allow recovery.  Sponsor: UTA GeoScience Lab??

8 1 Automated Pet Door  Design and develop device to provide advanced controls (beyond on/off) for a dog/cat door.  Provided controls to times door is open, separate access for different pets, etc.  Provide capability for remote (web-based) access to control interface.  Sponsor: Marcus Oladell (or pet equipment manufacturer??)

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