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1 School of Health

2 Practice Documentation: The Ongoing Achievement Record Guy Collins

3 Setting the scene:  NMC (2010) standards for pre-registration nurse education  NMC (2008) standards to support learning and assessment in practice  In order to register required to evidence achievement of specific progression criteria; Generic and Field specific competencies; EU Directive 2005/36/EC  University Derby practice documentation (contents & format) developed with practice partners 2011- 2012  Engagement with mentors 2011-2012 series of roadshow events across Derbyshire  Commended as an example of best practice at the validation event in May 2012  Mentor updates (annual requirement); Triennial reviews  Practice Partnership Network  Support by Clinical Placement Facilitators employed by Trusts  Link Lecturers  Mentor website resources and example document

4 Sections of the OAR:  You need to be familiar with document in addition to mentor responsibility! Impacts on your own progression!  Different OAR for each stage of the programme  Essential Skills document supplementary requirement/record (across programme)  User guidance at the start of the document and at the start of each section  Consists of:  Stage 1 Hub Core Documents  Essential Care Spoke Core Documents  Health of the Community (simulated practice) Spoke Core Documents  Practice Passport  Testimonials  Attendance Record  Mandatory Training Record  Additional Review & Action Planning Record  Link Lecturer Visit Record  Summative Generic & Field Specific Competencies Assessment  Summative Generic Progression Criteria Assessment  Hub Mentor Declaration Stage 1  Integrated Practice Module Leader Stage 1 Verification

5 Time line for summative assessment:  NMC requirement that students are assessed summatively at the end of each stage & then a sign off mentor assessment at end of Stage 3  All stages must be passed in order to progress  All summative assessments must be completed by Hub mentor – can review evidence/testimonials from elsewhere – but ultimately only one person summatively assessing you  Normally only 2 attempts at summative practice assessment – failure at second attempt would result in discontinuation regardless of stage of programme  Practice assessments must occur in the identified progression point weeks  See the identified weeks for your specific cohort  If referred at 1 st attempt must liaise with mentor and link lecturer team  Action plan must be established and adhered to  If required only 2 nd attempt must occur before the end of the placement/end of Stage  OAR must be submitted to University at end of Stage for verification by IANP module team  Ensure everything fully complete prior to submission otherwise will be returned  OAR is YOUR professional record of progress

6 Summative Generic & Field Specific Competencies Assessment:  Competencies across 4 domains of practice:  Professional Values  Communication & Interpersonal Skills  Nursing Practice & Decision Making  Leadership, Management and Team Working  All competencies must have been assessed in practice by using a range of evidence and recorded (see page 12 of OAR for types of evidence and codes)  All competencies must be achieved at the applicable ‘Bondy level’ – minimum of Bondy level 2 for 1st progression point (see OAR for level criteria)  OAR = Practice Assessment  Remember theoretical assessment is demonstrated in YOUR portfolio – can’t double count same evidence for practice theory for each competency  Each competency must be signed and dated with outcome (both Hub mentor and student)

7 Summative Generic Progression Criteria Assessment  Separate specific NMC progression criteria  Listed A-R - under following areas:  Associated with safety and safeguarding people at all ages, their carers and their families  Areas associated with professional values and expected attitudes and behaviour’s towards people, their carers and their families  Assessed using a range of evidence and recorded (see guidance in OAR for types of evidence and codes)  Assessed at 1 st as either Achieved/Refer 2 nd attempt (if required only) as Achieved/Fail  Each progression criteria must be signed and dated with outcome (both Hub mentor and student)

8 Hub Mentor Declaration Stage 1  Acts as summary and guide to provide progress overview  Additional record that person is suitable designation to assess an ‘active’ mentor (advisable to clarify this with identified mentor during placement experience and not left to progression point)  Aid to ensure all applicable sections completed  Record of total hours completed at Progression Point (will undertake further clinical hours post progression point – this total hours will be checked by the IANP module team during their verification of document  Inclusive of progress of working towards requirements of EU Directive 2005/36/EC in practice only  Hub mentor will need to review Essential Skills Clusters for one statement  Separate 2 nd attempt declaration (if required only)  Do not detach copies from Hub Mentor Declaration section

9 If still unsure seek guidance from your Personal Tutor the Link Lecturer for your placement

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