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MAC VS PC - TRANSLATED. The Basics PCMac Ctrl Command ⌘ Alt Opt ⌥ Shift Shift ⇧ Right ClickCommand click BackspaceDelete fn delete.

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Presentation on theme: "MAC VS PC - TRANSLATED. The Basics PCMac Ctrl Command ⌘ Alt Opt ⌥ Shift Shift ⇧ Right ClickCommand click BackspaceDelete fn delete."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Basics PCMac Ctrl Command ⌘ Alt Opt ⌥ Shift Shift ⇧ Right ClickCommand click BackspaceDelete fn delete

3 Some Extras PCMac Force QuitCtrl Alt DeleteCommand Option Esc Close WindowLook for x at top rightLook for red circle at top left - Zooming - (especially useful when projecting webpages) Zoom InCtrl +Command + Zoom OutCtrl -Command - Default ViewCtrl 0Command 0

4 Be Aware!  Mac - Be aware of the swipe shortcuts  Be aware of:  Mac – Command Tab  PC – Alt Tab

5 Helpful Buttons for Non-Mac Users  Two very important things to be familiar with to find applications, files, folders:  Spotlight (top far-right)  Finder:

6 Checking Wifi Connection  Mac – Upper Right:  PC – Bottom Right:

7 Closing a Window vs Quitting an Application  With Mac, closing a window is not equivalent to quitting an application  Must go to menu bar and Quit application

8 Taskbar (PC) vs Dock (Mac)  Both used to launch and switch between applications  When you minimize a document, you click the taskbar or dock to maximize the document again  In dock, click and HOLD on application to display menu options:  Note: this is an easy way to force quit an unresponsive program

9 Screenshot – Mac (saves file on desktop)  Command Shift 3: Take a screenshot of the screen, and save it as a file on the desktop  Command Shift 4, then select an area: Take a screenshot of an area and save it as a file on the desktop

10 Screenshot PC (copies to clipboard)  Hit the “Print Screen” Button  Note: this might require holding down the fn key  This copies the picture to the clipboard, so you must PASTE it somewhere (word, paint, etc)  Note: Alt PrintScreen just takes a screenshot of the current window

11 The Dongle  The dongle – the white attachment that connects the Mac to the VGA video cable.  1 st step: become comfortable with the word.  Note: the new dongle that works on newer Mac’s (what most students have) doesn’t work on older Mac’s  How to connect and disconnect – ORDER MATTERS!  Connect the dongle to the VGA cable first and then connect the dongle to the computer  When detaching, do it in the same order. Detach the dongle from the Mac first and then detach the dongle from the VGA cable. Note: when you don’t follow these steps, you sometimes need to reset your video settings for the screen to return to original size.

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