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Paradyn Project Paradyn / Dyninst Week College Park, Maryland March 26-28, 2012 Paradyn Project Upcoming Features in Dyninst and its Components Bill Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Paradyn Project Paradyn / Dyninst Week College Park, Maryland March 26-28, 2012 Paradyn Project Upcoming Features in Dyninst and its Components Bill Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paradyn Project Paradyn / Dyninst Week College Park, Maryland March 26-28, 2012 Paradyn Project Upcoming Features in Dyninst and its Components Bill Williams

2 What’s New in Dyninst Dyninst 7.0.1 o ProcControl, Stackwalker not reintegrated o DataflowAPI early prototype o Static CFG model o No PPC64 or BlueGene rewriting o Non-standard configure, packaging Dyninst 8.0 o ProcControl, Stackwalker fully integrated on all platforms o DataflowAPI includes all analyses used by Dyninst o Dynamic CFG model o PPC64 and BlueGene rewriting o More standards-compliant distribution 2 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

3 Dyninst and the Components AST Binary Process Stackwalker API Stackwalker API Patch API SymtabAPI DataFlow API DataFlow API Instruction API Parsing API Parsing API Code Gen Code Gen ProcControl API Binary = Existing Component = Proposed

4 ProcControlAPI: Ports Windows port Complex things become simple (e.g. library load) Simple things become complex (e.g. stopping process) BlueGene port Everything is asynchronous Everything is at large scale 4 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

5 ProcControlAPI: Interface Extensions RPCs revisited Sometimes you really want a blocking operation Process groups Iteration, once again, the bane of scalability Detach-on-the-fly support 5 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

6 DataflowAPI New features Liveness analysis Existing features Stack height analysis Symbolic evaluation Slicing Application inside Dyninst Code generation BG/P return instruction analysis 6 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

7 Dynamic CFG Applications Malware analysis Binary modification Dynamically loaded libraries Unparsed indirect control flow 7 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

8 Dynamic CFG Observe updated CFG via callbacks New code Modified code Overwritten code Using modified CFG is optional Instrumentation works normally 8 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

9 SymtabAPI and orthogonality Old model (pre-PPC64 Linux) o Symtab depends on: o Binary format o …and address width o Symbols in ELF binaries point to: o Functions o Variables New model (including PPC64) o Symtab depends on: o Binary format o Address width o ABI, including: o Architecture o OS o Symbols in ELF binaries point to: o Functions o Variables o Pointers to functions 9 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

10 Packaging Separate make, make install Improved detection of dependencies Improved modularity Working with RedHat to make a standards- compliant RPM 10 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

11 New in MRNet 4.0 Performance improvements Platform pruning No more AIX, Solaris official support New multithreaded, lightweight back end 11 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

12 Questions? 12 New Features in Dyninst and its Components

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