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Literature of Malaysia BBL 4306 WEEK 4. Nation and Narration: The Problematics of Writing Malaysia in English Zawiah Yahya (2003)

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1 Literature of Malaysia BBL 4306 WEEK 4

2 Nation and Narration: The Problematics of Writing Malaysia in English Zawiah Yahya (2003)

3  The Metaphor used by Zawiah in describing the relationship between a nation and the English language is reflected in her reference to the nation being schizophrenic

4 What is the postcolonial condition?  Detach from its colonial past and reconstruct its own identity (culturally and linguistically)  Fights with the experience of the past and the effect of globalization  “ …between the perceived subversiveness of the language to the agenda for a national identity and the perceived usefulness of the international communication and economic wealth, the postcolonial nation is caught in an ambivalence not of its own making.” (2)  Ambivalence-Nation’s multi-linguistic and ethnic identities, two literary traditions, and the clash between national and communal ideologies.

5 Education System Discrimination between Malay Vernacular and English Education

6 British system  Pay attention to English History, language and literature  Produce Malay administrators with a “distinctively” English orientation  Malay vernacular schools to keep them contented with their land and cultural practice so that they will not be create social unrest  The establishment of ASAS 50in 1950s—to promote Malay Language and literature and resist colonial rule

7 British system: Between Malay literature and English literature  University community centering on English literary tradition  Malay writers centering on Malay language and literature for nationalism, independence, social equitability, and resisting the colonial rule and English as the official language

8 What did the education system do to the people’s attachment to language? 1.A great divide between Malay and English educated Malaysians 2Some of the stereotypes about the Malaysian English writers: continuing colonialist attitudes and non-supportive of national aspiration and of the literary and political activism of local writers 3.In support of the Malaysian writers writing in English: —we must understand their forefathers’ emigration to Malaya as indentured labour from underprivileged socioeconomic margins. This is reflected in Wong Phui Nam’s line: “ a naked and orphaned psyche” ( lost of culture and spiritual resources carried over a “mother” culture) –Their great challenge is finding their own voice within the Imperial centre --the feeling of double exile: by British and by Malaya

9 The transformation of Malaysian English Language  Domesticating” or “Malaysianising”  The language is culturally rooted in the Anglo-European tradition—the Malaysian writers writing in English are like outsiders looking in  They are pushed into the margin of Commonwealth literature

10 After Independence?  1957 language policies (p.7) in downshifting the English Language  1951 Barnes Committee Report  1956 Abdul Razak Report  1967 National Language Act

11 Zawiah Yahya  Is there any truth in the claim that Malay language and literature is privileged?

12 The argument that the Malay language and literature is privileged  Establishment of DBP ( Language and Literary Agency) in 1959 to promote national language  Novel writing competitions for national language writers  Sasterawan Negara Award ( National Laureate)  The Federation of national writers 1970

13 The choice of Malay as the National language  Was it the right thing to do according to Zawiah?

14 Rationale behind the decision and the choice  Language and literature are crucial identity-makers.  Culturally rooted in the region – reflective of its regional uniqueness.  Use of a common language can enable Malaysians of all races to participate in the literary process – a powerful instrument in unification.  However, Zawiah points out that a good language policy is nevertheless a critical variable in shaping the essence nationhood.

15 Zawiah Yahya  Does state dictates the choice of language, theme and content to any writer?

16  Globalisation – fast making English proficiency a matter of necessity.

17  Does Zawiah Yahya end her discussion with a positive or negative note? Elaborate.

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