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Sports Psychology And Swimming Performance Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. Peak Performance Sports Orlando, Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Psychology And Swimming Performance Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. Peak Performance Sports Orlando, Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Psychology And Swimming Performance Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. Peak Performance Sports Orlando, Florida

2 2 Peak Performance Sports Sports Psychology  About improving performance  Uncover negative thinking  Help healthy athletes get better  Improve practice efficiency  Improve team unity & cohesion

3 3 Peak Performance Sports We earn Competence in a Lifetime, but Choose our Attitude Every Single Day

4 4 Peak Performance Sports Ten Signs Your Mind is in the Tank 1.Meet times are slower than practice times. 2.Lose focus during critical times of the race. 3.Confidence dives when you go to big meets. 4.Best technique on the team, but slow times. 5.Swim worse when others are watching you.

5 5 Peak Performance Sports Ten Signs Your Mind is in the Tank (Cont.) 6.You have negative thoughts before meets. 7.You feel sick or really scared before meets. 8.You focus too much on your competitors. 9.You worry about mistakes & embarrassment. 10. You worry too much about what others think.

6 6 Peak Performance Sports Mark of Champion Swimmers  Dreams of greatness  Clear and simple goals  Belief in one’s ability  Focus on one stroke at a time  “See” the successful race  Perform improves in meets  Ability to discard doubts  Let it happen, not force it  Ability to let go of mistakes  Train like a champion  Swim without mental roadblocks

7 7 Peak Performance Sports The Three C’s for Success in Sports  Confidence  Concentration  Composure

8 8 Peak Performance Sports You Must Believe Before You Can Achieve  What is self-confidence?  Sources of confidence for swimmers  Take control of your confidence  Focus on reasons to be confident  Fight the “doubter” inside you  Prepare to feel confident

9 9 Peak Performance Sports Focusing on the Process Brings Desired Results  Define what’s important to focus on  Know what’s not important to racing  Immerse yourself in those tasks  Be aware when you get off task  Learn to refocus when off-task

10 10 Peak Performance Sports Choose to Stay Composed  You can control your reactions  Stop the dwelling!  Focus on improving for next event  Be your own best coach

11 11 Peak Performance Sports Common Challenges for Swimmers  Nerves before races  Doubt or low confidence  Intimidation from others  Can I beat this gal/guy?  Protecting your lead

12 12 Peak Performance Sports Positive Thoughts for Mental Toughness  “Take it one stroke at a time”  “I have no limitations”  “I’ve trained & deserve to win”  “No one can distract me today”  “It’s just me and my lane”

13 13 Peak Performance Sports Commitment is a Choice You Make Everyday  Self-motivation  Personal goals  Practice plan  Self-monitoring

14 14 Peak Performance Sports Choose to Learn & Grow in the Face of Failure  What are the positives?  How can you learn?  How can confidence grow?

15 15 Peak Performance Sports Tips for Coaches u Encourage a process focus u Focus on goals, not outcomes u Reinforce athlete’s confidence u Use objectives, not expectations u Utilize specificity training & routines

16 16 Peak Performance Sports 8 Guidelines for Parents u Sports should be just a game. u Your agenda is not your child’s. u Emphasize process not results. u Model composure & poise. u Refrain from game-time coaching. u Detach self-esteem from achievement. u Ask the right questions. u Pledge: P.A.Y.S. Parent’s Code of Ethics.

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