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Published byMolly Sorah Modified over 10 years ago
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 1 Most of us feel that we have a pretty good idea as to what is right and what is wrong, and we are usually not afraid to express our opinions about what we consider to be right and what we consider to be wrong. How can we be so sure that we are right about an issue when the guy who lives down the block from us is so sure that we are wrong about the same issue?
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 2 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3 The guy who lives down the block began a socialization process of automatically exchanging his subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with other people through the Collective Subconscious early in life. We also began the same socialization process early in life. How can our opinions be so different? Even though we were each developing spiritual links with other people as we were growing up, we were not developing our spiritual links with the same people.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 3 The people who we developed our spiritual links with became an important part of our thought processes. They became like a conscience telling us what was right and what was wrong. Whenever we would express our opinions about an issue, we would feel that we were being “watched” and that we were being supported by these people who we were spiritually linked to. And the guy who lived down the block also felt that he was being “watched” and that he was being supported by the people who he was spiritually linked to. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 4 We did not feel that we were living in the fantasy world and the guy down the block did not feel that he was living in a fantasy world. Our spiritual connections with the people who we were spiritually linked to were very real and very dynamic and those spiritual connections were a very important part of our reality. And the spiritual connections of the guy down the block were very real and very dynamic to him. Those spiritual connections were a very important part of his reality. We lived on the same block as the other guy but we lived in different worlds. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 5 There are a lot of vulnerable people in our physical world who do not consider their spiritual connections with other people to be an important part of their reality. When a vulnerable guy (or a vulnerable girl) hears other people talking about parallel worlds and parallel realities they have no idea what those people are talking about. And when those people go on to tell the vulnerable guy that he is living in a fantasy world he will probably think to himself that his fantasies are nowhere near as ridiculous as fantasies about parallel worlds. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 6 Most of us have heard about or read about dual citizenship. A person who has dual citizenship is recognized as a citizen in two different countries. But a person might also be a citizen of (or be a part of) two different fantasy worlds. For example, if a vulnerable guy does not become a part of a real spiritual world, he might become a part a fantasy world or might possibly become a part of two different fantasy worlds. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 7 Number 4 In order for us to understand how a vulnerable guy might have become a citizen of two fantasy worlds it might be useful for us to understand how he might have been forced into a situation where he is only living in fantasy worlds while most of the other people who he meets are living in real worlds. This sort of thing might happen if a vulnerable guy (Number 4 below) was only given a limited role in his family.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 8 Number 4 If a family gives one of their members only a limited role in the spiritual entity that is made up of the family members (and takes away some of that individual’s spiritual energy), they might create a fantasy about the vulnerable guy that says that the vulnerable family member was given an equal role in his family and that he is capable of normal exchanges of spiritual energy with other people.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 9 When a vulnerable guy starts to develop relationships with people outside of his family, the people who he meets will be confused. Due to the fact that they believe the family’s fantasy that the vulnerable guy is living in a real spiritual world (and not a fantasy world), they will wonder why they are only able to develop a very practical and very limited type of a relationship with him.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 10 Most of the people who the vulnerable guy meets develop a deep set of emotions (which is the most important part of their soul). They also develop a practical set of emotions. An example of a person using their practical emotions might be a car saleswoman merging the practical part of her soul with the souls of her customers for the purpose of getting them to buy an automobile from her.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 11 When a customer comes into the car dealership she tries to build rapport with that customer by developing a practical sort of spiritual attachment with them. After creating this spiritual attachment she will be exchanging subconscious spiritual thoughts with the customer. She might allow the customers to take a test drive with the car.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 12 One customer who takes a test drive will take the car out into the country to see how fast it will go. Another customer will use the car to pick up their kids after school. When the customers come back and the salesperson realizes that the test drive has helped them to overcome their doubts about the car, she will be happy that they want to buy the car but she will not know where they took the car on the test drive.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 13 But even though she does not know consciously where the customer took the car on the test drive she might know at a deep subconscious level where the customer took the car and she might know what the customer was thinking during the test drive because of the practical spiritual attachment that she formed with the customer when the customer walked into the car dealership.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 14 The saleswoman is living in one real spiritual world (or spiritual reality) and her customer is living in another, different real spiritual world. When people relate to other people who are from different real spiritual worlds they use practical spiritual connections. The relationship cannot really develop into anything further because the basis of the relationship is false. It is not based on strong emotions.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 15 The vulnerable guy has exchanges of spiritual energy with other people that are similar to those of the saleswoman. The saleswoman has exchanges of spiritual information with her customers at a very deep level, but it is a temporary sort of a spiritual exchange that will not lead to a relationship. And the vulnerable guy also has exchanges of spiritual energy with other people that tend to not become very strong.
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The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 18 The woman who the vulnerable guy meets is also exchanging her spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious with other people who she knows. A lot of spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guys might have gotten into a pattern where they are interfacing with a woman (who we will call a “primary woman”) who is only merging the practical part of her soul with the vulnerable guy.
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The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 25 Number 4 Due to the fact that the vulnerable guy has never experienced strong exchanges of spiritual energy with other people, these exchanges of spiritual energy seem to be magical to him. Other people can tell that the vulnerable guy is more involved with the secondary women than he is with the primary woman, but they also believe the fantasy that was created by the vulnerable guy’s family.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 26 Number 4 There is an old saying that you reap what you sow. But there are a lot of people who don’t like the idea that you have to work at planting seeds if you want to have a harvest. A lot of people prefer to reap where they don’t sow. Most people will believe the fantasy about the vulnerable guy that was created by his family, but there are some people who can see through the deception.
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The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 34 This secondary woman who likes to reap where she doesn’t sow knows that the vulnerable guy’s family created a fantasy about him that said he was capable of normal spiritual exchanges with other people. When he gets to know her she will try to make him feel that the fantasy that was created by the vulnerable guy’s family was correct and that he really is capable of normal exchanges of spiritual energy with other people. She will try to lead him into thinking that she will not want to hurt him anymore because she and the vulnerable guy are now spiritually connected. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
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The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 38 The people who have been observing the situation will ask her why she stopped the relationship that appeared to be developing between the rough woman and the vulnerable guy. The rough woman will at this point create a lie about the vulnerable guy that says that the vulnerable guy was too rough for her. She gets away with this because when she was nice to the vulnerable guy, it made people think that the vulnerable guy must be rough. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 39 Earlier it was mentioned that sometimes a family might give one of the family members a limited role in the family. When they do this they might also try to give other people (including the people in the family’s immediate community) the impression that the vulnerable family member was actually given an equal role in the family. At first the family might have trouble convincing people that their fantasy is true.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 40 The vulnerable guy will obviously have a lack of spiritual energy and he will have trouble relating to other people because they think that he is different from them. But early in his life the vulnerable guy might meet someone in his family’s immediate community who is similar to the rough woman in our example. She will act like she is becoming friends with the vulnerable guy but will just be setting him up.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 41 The people in the family’s immediate community (including the vulnerable person’s family members) will think that she would not like the vulnerable guy unless she thought that he was rough. When she ends the relationship with him and people ask her the reason why, she will create a lie that says that he was too rough for her. The people observing the situation will start to think that the vulnerable guy is rough.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 42 Because of his experience with the rough woman the vulnerable guy might develop a spiritual identity as being a person who is rough. At this point it will become easier for the vulnerable guy’s family to give other people the impression that the vulnerable guy was given an equal role in his family. Now that he has been given a spiritual identity, it will appear to other people that he is living in a real world.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 43 The rough woman who took advantage of the vulnerable guy early in his life was not trying to give him a solid platform for developing relationships with other people. And whenever other people kept the vulnerable guy’s fantasy spiritual world alive for their own benefit (by perpetuating the lie created by the rough woman), they were not trying to give him a solid platform for developing good relationships.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 44 The rough woman gave the vulnerable guy a spiritual identity, which was something that he did not have before. After that his family and other people who he met in his life (at school and at work) were able to have practical exchanges of spiritual energy with him based on the spiritual identify that he was given. As he went through his life he brought more and more people into his fantasy spiritual world.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 45 But it might be useful for the vulnerable guy to realize that instead of living in one fantasy world, he might actually be living in two fantasy worlds. For example, the vulnerable guy’s family might have been embarrassed when the rough woman gave the vulnerable guy a spiritual identity as someone who was rough. They might have prided themselves on being fancy people who were better than other people.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 46 When they saw that the rough woman was able to get away with telling other people that the vulnerable guy was rough (when he actually wasn’t rough), the vulnerable guy’s family decided that they would tell other people that the vulnerable guy, like the other members of the family, was a person who was fancier than other people (when he actually wasn’t fancy). The vulnerable guy now had two false spiritual identities.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 47 You might have heard people talk about how their current lover was able to tie up their emotional loose ends and was able to help to bring their life into perspective. It was almost as if the spiritual energy that they had been exchanging with their previous lovers (who were no longer present) was being transferred to their new lover (who was physically present).
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 48 The vulnerable guy will also transfer the exchanges of spiritual energy that he had with people who he knew in the past to people who he knows in the present. When the vulnerable guy meets a new man or a new woman he will start transferring to that person spiritual energy that comes from exchanges of spiritual energy that he had with other people who he knew in the past.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 49 For this reason, as time goes by the spiritual energy being exchanged between the vulnerable guy and a new woman or man who he has just met might seem fairly strong. And the new man or the new woman might have transferred to the vulnerable guy spiritual energy that they had exchanged with other vulnerable guys who they knew in the past.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 50 s The vulnerable guy might imagine that this person cares about him deeply or is guiding him subconsciously because he can sense that he is exchanging quite a bit of spiritual energy with this new man or new woman. He can sense that his spiritual energy is going out to the other person and that their spiritual energy is coming back to him.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 51 But the fact that another person is exchanging spiritual energy with the vulnerable guy (even if it is more spiritual energy than the vulnerable guy has ever exchanged with another person before) does not mean that the other person cares deeply about him or that they are somehow guiding him subconsciously. And it is also not a guarantee that the other person will want to increase the amount of spiritual energy that they are exchanging with him.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 52 When the vulnerable guy meets a new man or a new woman that person can sense that he is living in two fantasy spiritual worlds. And there is a good chance that they have known other people in the past who were living in fantasy spiritual worlds. It is possible that the new man or the new woman who the vulnerable guy meets might have been unkind to vulnerable guys who they knew in the past.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 53 When they sensed that they were starting to exchange spiritual energy with the vulnerable guy they might have told other people that they were uncomfortable with the vulnerable guy. They might have told other people who they knew (and who the vulnerable guy knew) that they thought that the vulnerable guy might not have a soul (or that he might not be capable of connecting with other people spiritually).
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 54 The vulnerable guy will not be able to guess that something like this might be happening because he senses that he is exchanging more spiritual energy with this person than he usually exchanges with other people. When the relationship with the man or the woman ends the vulnerable guy might realize that he does not understand things of a spiritual nature.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 55 The vulnerable guy might decide that he needs to make some changes and he might gain some insights into why the man or the women ended the relationship that he thought he was developing with them. The next time that he sees the man or the woman he is pleased that he has made progress. He is pleased that he is no longer incorrectly imagining that he is developing a relationship with them.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 56 He can also tell that the man or the woman can sense that he is no longer incorrectly believing that he is developing a deep relationship with them. He is expecting them to be happy that he has made progress in understanding things of a spiritual nature. Instead, they might say something like “you might think that you are reaching your goal but you are actually only sacrificing your soul.”
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 57 The man or the woman had previously been telling other people that they thought the vulnerable guy might not have a soul. So why would they now tell him that he is sacrificing his soul when he tries to make a change that might help him to develop his soul? The man or the woman might have gotten into a pattern of taking advantage of vulnerable guys. They might have no interest in helping vulnerable guys to develop their souls.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 58 The vulnerable guy should to be trying to gain insights into developing better relationships with other people, but it might also be helpful for him to gain insights into the nature of the two fantasy spiritual worlds that he is a part of. This might help him develop a stronger spiritual structure and to gain a stronger sense of self awareness. The Vulnerable Guy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 59 But it is hard for the vulnerable guy to break free of his rough fantasy spiritual world. He might not have believed the lie of the rough person who originally gave him his spiritual identity but enough people believed the lie to create a spiritual identity and to create his rough fantasy spiritual world. The Vulnerable Guy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 60 It is easy to understand why the vulnerable guy might detach from his fancy fantasy spiritual world. As he reaches adulthood it is easy for him to see that he is not really being accepted by these fancy people. As he makes this realization he might feel his spiritual energy increase because he is now sending less spiritual energy out to these fancy people who were not sending very much spiritual energy to him in return.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 61 But after a while he will start losing his spiritual energy again and he will not understand what the problem is. The problem is not that he was wrong for detaching himself from the fancy people who never really accepted him. The problem is that he did not finish the job. And the fancy people who were watching the vulnerable guy detach from them know that the vulnerable guy did not really finish the job.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 62 The fancy people know that the vulnerable guy has dual citizenship in their spiritual world and in the spiritual world of the rough people. They can make the vulnerable guy nervous by making a comment about how rough the vulnerable guy is. He gets nervous because he knows that he is not rough and he does not know how to prove that he is not rough.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 63 When he was younger the vulnerable guy never thought that he needed to detach himself from rough people because he did not believe that he was rough. But a fantasy spiritual world had been created for him by the rough people. Because of this fact he has to figure out how to detach himself from that spiritual world. He needs to do this to develop a stronger spiritual structure and to develop a stronger sense of self awareness.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 64 The vulnerable guy is not really a rough person and living in a fantasy spiritual world that was based on the premise that he is rough is a major conflict for him. But once he realizes that the people who gave him the rough spiritual identity told a lie to create his fantasy spiritual world, he might be able to start gaining the insights that he needs in order to break free from the fantasy spiritual world created by the rough people.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 65 The vulnerable guy might also be confused because the fancy people and the rough people don’t seem to worry too much when they see him try to detach himself from them. They aren’t worried because they know that he is thinking that he only needs to detach from one spiritual world. But once he starts trying to detach from both of the fantasy spiritual worlds that he is a part of, he will probably start to see more resistance.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Dual Fantasy World Citizenship 66 Copyright 2012 Don Bergquist At that point both the fancy people and the rough people will realize that the vulnerable guy might actually have a chance to detach himself from his two fantasy spiritual worlds. And in detaching from these two fantasy spiritual worlds that drain off a lot of his spiritual energy he might be able to start developing a stronger spiritual structure and a stronger sense of self awareness.
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