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Paralleling Switchgear (PSG)
GE Zenith Capabilities - Overview
Currently ~ 150 systems/year
GE Zenith Controls – Paralleling Switchgear (PSG) First system built in 1975 Currently ~ 150 systems/year Currently building project #1280
Exit What is a Paralleling Switchgear System (PSG) ?
Controls and switchgear, acting as a system, to manage & distribute emergency power and/or reduce energy costs thru intelligent use of local generation Genset #1 Genset #2 Genset #3 Utility Breaker Service Entrance Breaker Paralleling Breaker Paralleling Bus Primary Source (Normally Energized) Normal System (Normally Energized) Distribution Breakers Emergency System (Normally De-energized) ATS Exit Critical Loads
Increased Backup Power Supply Capacity
Key Benefits of PSG? Increased Backup Power Supply Capacity When backup supply needs are > capacity 1 Gen Backup Supply Redundancy Provides “N + 1,2,etc” redundancy. Critical loads not reliant on only 1 Genset Operational Flexibility Ability to switch loads between multiple sources (including Gensets) for maintenance & test without interrupting power to the loads Reduced Energy Bills Turn on-site generation capability into an money-saving Asset, with start/stop/loading intelligence for reduced energy & demand charges.
Single Genset – Single Utility Soft Load Transfer Switch
Typical Systems built by GE Zenith Controls Single Genset – Single Utility Soft Load Transfer Switch For small facility standby & distributed generation Multiple-Genset Standby For Life Safety or Business Critical standby power to selected high-priority loads. Utility Paralleling, Peak Shaving Paralleling of Generator(s) and Utility supplies for backup of entire facility and reduced energy charges. Mission Critical Standby Turning on-site generation capability into an Asset, with start/stop/loading intelligence for reduced energy & demand charges.
Examples of Typical GE Zenith Systems
Type 1 – Single Gen, Single Utility Soft Load Transfer Switch
Single Gen, Single Utility Architecture
Soft Load Transfer Switch Single Gen, Single Utility Architecture Utility Supply Building Dist. System Speed Control Gen Supply Breaker Utility Supply Breaker Generator GCB MCB Engine (N/O) (N/C) Standby Generator Building Load
Sequences of Operation – Softload Transfer Switch
Gen Status: Utility Status: Mode: Normal OFF Energized. kW Varies. kW = Facility Load GCB MCB Genset/Backup Supply Utility/Primary Supply Critical Load Standby Running. kW Varies. kW = Facility Load Failed/Off. Soft Re-Transfer To Utility Running. Initial kW = Facility Load Final kW= ~10% Rated Running. Initial kW= 0kW Final kW= Facility Load kW kW GCB MCB
Sequences of Operation – Softload Transfer Switch
Gen Status: Utility Status: kW Level Baseload Setpoint kW Level Mode: Time Time Base Load Mode Running. kW Fixed. kW = Preset/ Fixed (typically 80-100% Genset Capacity) Energized. kW Varies. kW = Facility Load in excess Of Fixed Gen kW GCB MCB kW kW kW kW Level Time kW Level kW Level Energized. kW Fixed. kW = Fixed Import or Export Level (kW) Import Setpoint Import (Export) Mode Running. kW Varies. kW = Facility Load in excess Of Import Setpoint Time Time GCB MCB kW kW kW kW Level Time
Control Panel – Softload Transfer Switch
Generator & Utility Protection via: GE Multilin G30 ™ LAN/ WAN Peak Shaving Control via: Woodward GCP-32 ™ Peak Shaving Controller communications via: Woodward GW4 ™ (Modbus) Local Monitoring and Alarm transmission via: Enervista Viewpoint Monitoring ™ Plus: Manual Control Switches Safety Lockout/86 Relay LED Status Annunciation
Site Level: Peak Shave System Metering
Meter #1: Utility Meter (UM) : Utility Supply kW, Energy, etc. Meter #2: Generator Meter (GM) : Generator Supply kW, Energy, etc. Virtual Meter #1: Load Meter (LM = GM + UM) {Developed in GE Aggregator ™} Peak Shaving Savings = (LM * Rate Structure) – (UM * Rate Structure) GE Multilin G30 Relay Meter #1: Generator Source Metering (GM) Meter #2: Utility Source Metering (UM) V (PT’S) V (PT’S) 3 CT’s 3 CT’S Closed Transition ATS or 5-cycle CB’s Utility Supply GCB MCB Engine Generator Genset Supply Critical Load
1 2 4 3 Peak Shave Savings Reports – GE Aggregator™
Setup Utility billing structure Export reports for printing, sending, or filing 2 Setup custom site bills (showing usage or savings) 4 Enter Begin & End dates & create/ view bills 3
Local & Remote Access to Reports
LEVEL 4: Enterprise Energy Aggregator™ Viewers (Up to 5 concurrent users) Web Server View reports from EEA. “Aggregates”, or combines date from from the (6) REA servers. LEVEL 3: Enterprise Energy Aggregator™ (EEA) (Qty. 1) … LEVEL 2: Regional Energy Aggregator™ (REA) (1 Server/~100 Sites) Est. (6) REA’s for full 630-site configuration Up to ~ 100 Sites per Aggregator Upload Data-Logs LAN or VPN Local data-logging by Multilin G30’s Site Level Site Peak Shaving Control Systems w/ local GE Enervista Viewpoint™ Unlimited # Sites GE Zenith ZTSSL GE Zenith ZTSSL
GE Zenith Design Recommendations
True PQ Metering of Both Sources, including Waveform and Events Capture – for quick diagnosis of system events and outages Utility grade protective relaying for equipment and personnel safety - – due to extended nature of utility paralleling. Open protocol Modbus communications for easy facility integration Plug-and-Play PC Monitoring for low cost, but effective system monitoring and alarm management, including automatic generation of any/all alarm events Key-lockable Control Switches for safety Automatic report generation for: Utility and Generator Energy supply (kWH), Demand (kW), and Peak Shave savings (based on site-specific utility rate structure).
Type 2 – Multiple Genset Standby
Exit Multiple Genset Standby Typical Architecture Genset #1
Primary Distribution Paralleling Bus Secondary Distribution Emergency Loads Emergency Panelboard Exit ATS
Synchronous Conditions
Typical Sequence of Operation for PSG – On loss of Utility X Genset #1 Genset #2 Synchronous Conditions 1 1) Volts within +/- 10% 2) Phase within +/- 20 Deg 2 Paralleling Bus ATS 1 PSG Controls synchronize 2nd and 3rd Gensets to Bus (speed and volts bias to Gen Gov & AVR), and close CB’s at point of synchonism (see above). Utility Supply Fails 5 2 ATS Send start signal to all Gens 6 PSG Controls remove xfer inhibits on lower priority ATS to permit connection to Gen system. 3 All Gens start. PSG control system monitors. 1st Gen at rated Volts & Freq is connected to the Paralleling Bus. PSG Controls shed low priority ATS if Gens are overloaded. PSG permits manual or auto re-connect. 7 4 Priority 1 ATS Xfer to Gens. PSG inhibits xfer of lower priority ATS to prevent Gen overload. 8 PSG Controls shed low priority ATS if Gens are overloaded. PSG permits manual or auto re-connect.
Typical Sequence of Operation for PSG – On Return of Utility
Genset #1 Genset #2 Paralleling Bus ATS 1 4 PSG controls hold start signal to all Gens to permit cooldown at no load. Utility Supply Returns 2 ATS’s retransfer loads to Utility, after preset time delays, and remote start commands. 5 After cooldown timer expires, PSG controls remove start signals to Gensets. 3 When last ATS removes start command, PSG Controls open all Gen CB’s 6 Gensets shut down and remain ready for next utility outage.
Typical GE Zenith Configuration
Other key items (inside) GE Fanuc PLC (Single or Redundant) Flexible Woodward SPMA (sync) and LSM (load Sharing) modules Hardwired backup switches for load add/shed Backup 24 VDC power supply for system ride-thru on DC control power problems Key Items – GE Recommendation Highly visible, LED Annunciation for instant viewing and viewing from distance Full manual paralleling control switches (Auto/Manual, Sync Switch, CB Open/close, Synchroscope/V/Hz meters on swing panel) Generator Analog Metering for best viewing of Gen & Utility stability Generator Protective Relay (typically Utility grade for MV, Industrial grade for LV) Totalizing Power Quality Meter (PQM) with waveform & diagnostic capability Simple Operator Interface Panel (OIP) for setup of time delays, load add/shed, etc.
Type 3 – Utility Paralleling, Peak Shaving
Utility Paralleling, Peak Shaving
Typical Architecture Generators sized to high% of total facility loads Utility CB and Gen CB’s act as a “Transfer Switch”, switching 2 sources of power to main bus in event of Utility outage. Re-transfer to utility either Open or Closed Transition (typically closed) Main bus is fed from 2 sources power – utility supply (primary) and generator supply (backup) Bus AIC/Short circuit rating sized to capacity of utility + all Gensets. Utility Supply Genset Breakers Feeder Breakers Main Bus Facility Loads
Utility Paralleling - Base Loading
Genset Base Load: Utility kW Level 1 Baseload Setpoint Utility Supply Available Time kW Gen kW Level Utility Supply 2 When pre-programmed conditions for Genset starting satisfied (Utility load >x, time of day, etc) PSG Controls start Gensets, synchonize to utility supply, and close Gen CB’s. kW Time GCB kW 3 PSG system controls kW on Gensets to fixed, base load level. GCB 4 As system load varies, Utility supply kW varies to supply the load. kW 5 When Gen supply no longer needed, PSG Controls slowly ramp load back to utility supply and open Gen CB;s at near no-load. kW Load kW Level 5 PSG controls cooldown and shutdown Gensets. Time
Utility Import/Export:
Utility Paralleling - Import/Export Utility Import/Export: Baseload Setpoint Utility kW Level 1 Utility Supply Available Time Gen kW Level MCB 2 When pre-programmed conditions for Genset starting satisfied (Utility load >x, time of day, etc) PSG Controls start Gensets, synchonize to utility supply, and close Gen CB’s. kW Time GCB kW 3 PSG system controls kW on Gensets to maintain fixed kW value on Utility supply (import or export). GCB 4 As system load varies, Genset supply kW varies to supply the load. kW 5 When Gen supply no longer needed, PSG Controls slowly ramp load back to utility supply and open Gen CB;s at near no-load. kW Load kW Level Time 5 PSG controls cooldown and shutdown Gensets.
Typical GE Zenith Configuration
Other key items (inside) GE Fanuc PLC (Single or Redundant) Flexible Woodward SPMA (sync) and LSM (load Sharing) modules Hardwired backup switches for load add/shed Backup 24 VDC power supply for system ride-thru on DC control power problems Key Items – GE Recommendation Highly visible, LED Annunciation for instant viewing and viewing from distance Full manual paralleling control switches (Auto/Manual, Sync Switch, CB Open/close, Synchroscope/V/Hz meters on swing panel) Full, Open transition, manual control of Utility CB Generator Analog Metering for best viewing of Gen & Utility stability Generator Protective Relay (Utility grade) Totalizing Power Quality Meter (PQM) with waveform & diagnostic capability Industrial Computer with graphical 1-lines, load controls, trending, alarm management.
Type 4 – Mission Critical Standby
Mission Critical Standby
Typical Architecture – Tier 4 Data Center System ‘A’ Gen Bus System ‘B’ Gen Bus System ‘A’ Utility Bus System ‘B’ Utility Bus Util A Gen A Gen B Util B Unit Subs Unit Subs Util A Gen B Unit Subs Gen A Util B Unit Subs Complete system redundancy – Tier 4 classification 100% Backup Generator N+1 capacity 2 x Independent Gen Paralleling systems, each capable of 100% backup & control of other system (GE Zenith-Fanuc unique design for Quadruple redundancy!
Typical GE Zenith Configuration
Util ‘A Util ‘B’ Gen ‘A’ Gen ‘B’ Key Items – GE Recommendation Full Manual backup, visible LEDs, Utility Grade relaying, PQ Metering Synchronized-backup PLC each Gen System (2 x PLC each Gen system) Gen System Graphical Display, + large monitor each system for display downstream load status Each System Master control capable backup of other system
ZDEC 2020
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