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Mini-to-Medium Scale LNG – A Profitable & Environmentally Sustainable Solution for Flared or Stranded Gas Matt BARCLAY Director, Energy Resources Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini-to-Medium Scale LNG – A Profitable & Environmentally Sustainable Solution for Flared or Stranded Gas Matt BARCLAY Director, Energy Resources Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini-to-Medium Scale LNG – A Profitable & Environmentally Sustainable Solution for Flared or Stranded Gas Matt BARCLAY Director, Energy Resources Group

2 Presentation overview The Agenda Introduction to Prometheus Energy Small-Scale LNG Production from Flare Gas or Non-Conventional Sources Applicable Purification & Liquefaction Requirements Why Small-to-Medium Scale Projects Work & What’s Driving the Market Niche LNG Market Opportunities & Future Demand Sources Summary & Conclusions

3 Prometheus Energy Company Company Background Vertically Integrated LNG Production and Supply Company – Design, Own, Operate LNG Project Development Capabilities – LNG Supply to Vehicle, Industrial and Utility Customers Non-Traditional LNG Supply Sources – Landfills, Coalmines, Associated Gas Wells & Digesters Corporate Offices in Seattle & London – Publicly Listed on London Stock Exchange (PEC.L)

4 What is small-to-medium scale LNG? An Overview of the Existing Market Numerous Small/Medium Scale LNG plants in operation around the world – Plants sized for 2.5-100M scf/d – Produce between 1/50th and 1/500th the capacity of global-scale liquefaction facilities – Niche Market Supply Focus Utility Peakshaving – Over 100 production/storage sites in US Other LNG Production Sources – NRU’s and/or Liquid Helium Plants – Non-Conventional LNG Plants (Prometheus)

5 Non-conventional Gas Source Comparision A Comparision of Component Concentations and Other Properties

6 Technologies For Gas Purification A Suite of Technologies Exist for Gas Clean Up Trace Contaminants – Filtration – Chilling; Phase change – Absorption Water Chemical Solutions Liquid CO 2 – Adsorption Activated Carbon/Zeolites Batch or Regenerative – TSA – PSA CO 2 Removal – Water scrubbing – Chemical Absorption Amines of various types Cold methanol – Adsorption (PSA) – Membrane – Cryogenic Distillation using ethane Freezing with sublimation Nitrogen Removal – Phase equilibria Batch or dynamic

7 Distributed Scale LNG Production A Solution for Otherwise Flared or Stranded Gas

8 Bowerman Landfill Gas-to-LNG Project Project Application: A 11M Scf/Day Flaring Reduction Project

9 Existing LNG Vehicle Markets The World LNG Vehicle Markets Continue to Grow Refuse Heavy Duty Fleet Mass Transit Paratransit & Shuttle Vans

10 Other Niche LNG Market Opportunites Existing Applications for LNG Utilization Propane & Heating Oil Displacement Residential supply Pipeline Outage Utility Peak-Load Shaving

11 Future LNG Demand Prospects Future Utilization in Heavy Fuel Demand Markets Source: Tupolev

12 Comparision Of Alternative Fuel Prices Economics Ultimately Drive the Market Prometheus Retail LNG with Federal Excise Tax Included Other Alternative Fuel Retail Price 46%19%47% 59% 41%40% 53% (GGE) (DGE) GGE: Gasoline Gallon Equivalent DGE: Diesel Gallon Equivalent

13 Air Quality Benefits Of Alternatve Fuel Use Reductions in Ground Level Ozone Emissions can be Substantial +2% +10% -53% -15% -47% -85% -20% -48% -89% -100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% NO x PM CO CNG, LNGBiodiesel 100 Biodiesel 20 Source: 2005 NREL Technical Report 540-36355; Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Biodiesel Fact Sheet Ozone Forming Emission Reduction % by Fuel Type and Pollutant

14 LNG & Related Green House Gas Reductions The Use of LNG Can Lead to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions While natural gas vehicles do emit minor amounts of methane, this slight amount of unburned methane is more than offset by a substantial reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to other fuels CO 2 Emissions 1913 176 2089 3295 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Net CO 2 Equivalent Emissions from 2004 Natural Gas Transit Bus CO 2 Equivalent of Unburned Methane Emissions CO 2 Emissions from 2004 Diesel Transit Bus When compared to diesel, natural gas transit buses are shown to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 37%. Source: 2005 NREL Technical Report 540-36355 Emissions of CO 2 & CO 2 Equivalent from Model Year 2004 Transit Buses (grams/mile traveled) + =

15 Bowerman LNG Project Emissions Benefits The Beneficial Use of Flared Gas can have Substantial Environmental Benefits Emission Reductions and Environmental and Energy Benefits for Frank R. Bowerman Landfill Gas-to-LNG Project 7,600standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) tons CH 4 /yrtons CO 2 /yr 42,242104,461 Equivalent to any one of the following annual benefits: Environmental Benefits Removing emissions equivalent to __ vehicles: 173,957 Planting __ acres of forest: 247,888 Preventing the use of __ barrels of oil: 2,109,687 Displacing the use of __ gallons of gasoline: 99,155,286 Total Equivalent Emissions Reduced [Total = Direct + Avoided] 0.8995 MMTCO 2 E/yr million metric tons of carbon dioxideequivalents per year tons of methane per year tons of carbon dioxide per year

16 Presentation Conclusion And Key Findings Where Does the Market Go from Here? Continued strong world-wide growth of LNG supply & demand – Market growth driven by economic & environmental factors Growing use of LNG in the transportation fuel market – New, much larger NGV markets for 400+ HP NG engines New global role for LNG produced from stranded or waste gas – Look for over 100 small/medium LNG projects to develop in next 10 years and for non-traditional sources of supply to play a significant role

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