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Recruit Training Command Great Lakes
Required Checklist Photo I.D. / Driver’s License Social Security Card
Address Book (Phone Numbers and Addresses) Marriage Certificate / Divorce Decree (if applicable) Copies of Dependents’ Birth Certificate (if applicable) Direct Deposit Form - from bank with routing number Prepaid Calling Card (around minutes)
Before You Leave Ensure everything is taken care of BEFORE you leave for training, such as: Rent/Mortgage, Utility Bills, Cell Phone (Military Hold on account), Power of Attorney Maintain a proper sleep schedule a week prior to departing to Great Lakes (Waking up at 0600, Sleeping by 2200) Pack only a small carry-on sized duffel bag with one day’s worth of clothes, as you will have to mail these back from Great Lakes at your cost.
Night of Arrival Off the bus Turn in Orders
First Phone Call – approximately 1-3 minutes Depending on the supervisor, you may be able to use your cell phone, if not, have a prepaid calling card ready Urinalysis Weigh-Ins / Measuring / BMI
Ditty Bag Issue Initial issue of hygiene items, pens, etc
Packing your box of civilian clothes, duffel bag, cell phone, etc Tennis Shoe issue using foot scanner
Processing Days at the USS Pearl Harbor
Medical/Dental/Optometry at Red Rover Meals will consist of “bag nasties” (bagged lunch) Your first few days at RTC are called P-Days (processing days). The amount of time you spend in P- Days can vary anywhere from three to 10 days. Processing days do not count toward your training time at RTC. Until P-Days are completed and you’re stamped Fit for Full Duty (FFD) you will not be authorized for any physical activity
Processing Day 1 (P-1) First thing you will do is shave (for males).
Receive green guard belt with a canteen. You will then be taken to the galley (where you eat). Haircut Moment of Truth Paperwork and Photo I.D. pictures taken Training by RDCs
Meeting Your Recruit Division Commander (RDC)
Once you are allowed to sleep following the night of arrival, you will be awoken only a few hours later to one (if not all three) of your RDCs. Maintain military bearing at all costs, address your RDC with the proper title and above all else, MOTIVATION. You do NOT want to give a bad impression on your first day of basic training.
The Guard Belt A green belt that symbolizes that you’re a recruit, issued to you shortly after being introduced to your RDCs. Attached to it is a standard GI Canteen, of which will be your dominant drinking source for the duration of basic training. You will be instructed to maintain proper hydration by drinking 8-12 canteens per day. Refilling your canteens consist of “Pump-and-Dumps” utilizing the Head (bathroom) sinks – Scuttlebutt (Water fountains are not authorized for recruits) You will wear your guard belt everywhere and anywhere you go until the day of graduation.
Processing Day 1 (P-2) You will wake up at approximately 0400
Your division will march to Red Rover to get blood drawn Bag Nasty Breakfast Uniform Issue – NWU (Navy Working Uniform) You will then take the DEP test, send a letter home with your ship address and get a religious brief.
Processing Day 1 (P-3) This day is focused on being FFD (Fit for Full Duty) Medical/Dental Screening at Red Rover Montgomery GI Bill Sign up for your bank account: Navy Federal Credit Union, Armed Forces Bank, or hometown financial institution (You must have some form of Direct Deposit)
Processing Day 1 (P-4) Vaccine Immunizations and further Dental Screening at Red Rover for vaccine shots and more dental screening. Clean your barracks get ready to move to your new ship (barracks). This is about a 2 mile walk with a sea bag on your back.
Processing Day 1 (P-5) Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Brief
Special Job Physicals Miscellaneous training Stenciling your clothing
Basic Training Schedule
1-1 = Week 1, Day 1 The countdown to graduation does not begin until the first day of training which is called the One-One (1-1) Day. This stands for the first day of the first week of training. The Two-Four (2-4) day would be the second week, fourth day of training, etc.
Moment of Truth During in-processing, you’ll also be asked if all the information you’ve provided to recruiting personnel is completely honest and open. Known as “The Moment of Truth,” this will be your final opportunity to disclose any information that could affect your qualifications for enlistment.
Recruit Hard Card The Recruit Hard Card is essentially your complete record of everything you do at Recruit Training Command. Makes note of pass/fail of all PFAs, Inspections, Activities, etc including any demerits or administrative action taken At the end of RTC, the Hard Card will essentially be destroyed
Recruit Tests There are three tests you will have to pass in order to graduate from RTC Course matter ranges from Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Naval History, Uniform Regulations, Naval Terminology, Damage Control, etc The assigned Education Petty Officer (EPO) will ensure everyone passes by executing ‘Readers’ daily
Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)
Consists of maximum amount of Push-Ups in 2 minutes, Sit-Ups in 2 minutes, and 1.5-mile run You will have three PFAs during basic training, the first and second being for training purposes, the third and final WILL COUNT. For advancement in basic training (E-1 > E-2 or E-1 > E-3) you must pass ALL three PFAs
Advancement in Boot Camp
In order to advance from a Seaman Recruit (E-1) to a Seaman Apprentice (E-2), or a Seaman Recruit (E-1) to a Seaman (E-3) you must: Pass the initial DEP test upon arriving to RTC Pass ALL 3 Academic Tests Pass ALL 3 PFA Tests Maintain training and not fall behind or become ASMO’d (A Sailor Moving On)
ITE (Intensive Training Exercises)
Once you are FFD, you will be able to participate in Physical Training, but you are also cleared for ITE. RDCs usually follow the ITE card guidelines which can range from push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, squats, arm circles, jumping jacks, etc The idea behind ITE is to discipline you and to have you focus on the idea behind Attention to Detail.
Oooh rah ___ (Division Number), Go Navy! Smooth Sailing!
Anchor’s Aweigh Stand Navy out to sea, Fight our battle cries We’ll never change our course so vicious foe steer shy-y Roll out the TNT, Anchors aweigh Sail on to victory and sink their bones to Davy Jones hooray! Anchors aweigh, my boys, anchors aweigh Farewell to foreign shores, We sail at the break of day day day day, Through our last night ashore, drink to the foam, Until we meet once more here’s wishing you a happy voyage home! Oooh rah ___ (Division Number), Go Navy! Smooth Sailing!
“I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those among us who do.”
RTC Maxim “I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those among us who do.”
Rank and Recognition Rank and recognition is very important in the military. At RTC you will be required to remember both the description (text) and the visual rank of enlisted and officers by week 2.
Phonetic Alphabet Although it isn’t exactly a vital item you need to remember for training (as compared to rank/recognition, Sailor’s Creed, 11 General Orders), it’s easy enough to have memorized in case you need it later.
Operating on a 24-hour Clock
Ensure you can properly execute the use of the military’s 24-hour clock. You must be able to instantly understand what time something is, for example, 2115 = 9:15PM Convert the following: , 0000, 0645, :15PM, 8:30PM, 1:45AM, 7:30PM
Weapon Conditions Condition 1: magazine inserted, round chambered, slide forward, safety on Condition 2: does not apply to the 9mm pistol Condition 3: magazine inserted, chamber empty, slide forward, safety on Condition 4: magazine removed, chamber empty, slide forward, safety on
Watchstanding Execute the 11 General Orders
Watch Bill - posted daily with list of names of recruits whom have watch the following day (check regularly) During watch you must have an ironed uniform, clean shave, etc Watch will always start 15 minutes prior to the start time of your watch: Roving Security Watch: =
Watchstanding There are two watches at RTC:
Roving Security Watch (RSW) equipped with 9mm handgun and trainee textbook (4 hours during the day, 2 hours during the night) posted at compartment door, makes roves every 30 minutes, responsible for maintaining decklog Night Security Watch equipped with flashlight and trainee textbook (2 hours) posted under compartment clock, takes RSW’s post when RSW is on rove, wake up iron/snow watch recruits
Snow Watch During the winter season, due to the location of RTC, frequent and unexpected snow storms/blizzards occur regularly. Always check the Snow Watch Bill for the time slot you are expected to do this watch. During lights out, you will be woken up by the night watch to head to the meeting location and shovel snow until told otherwise to stop.
Iron Watch Everyone in the military must have a perfect uniform.
In RTC, you will be expected to iron every night for 30 minutes at a time during lights out. The night watch will wake you up when it is your time to iron. Skipping Iron Watch is not an option.
Holiday Routine Occurs every government holiday and Sunday between 0700 and 1300 Recruits are authorized to go to Recruit Chapel services, write letters to home, polish boots, iron, have conversations, no limit on shower time, etc Recruit Chapel accommodates any and all religions
The Galley (Cafeteria)
Every ship has a galley built in, located on main deck Your division will prepare to get in a height line and march down to the galley wearing guard belts and holding trainee guides. While in line, you will study your trainee guide until you receive your food tray. There is no talking during chow-time, period.
Drill Marching Marching is an important part of your training at RTC.
Your division will march to and from chow, to get medical check-ups, classrooms, uniform fittings, etc Later on in your training you will also begin training for your graduation ceremony, which will be your true final test as well as the beginning of your Navy career.
Inspection Inspections include but are not limited to:
Uniform Inspection Rank/Recognition Chain of Command General Orders Military Bearing Cleanliness/Organization of Rack/Locker
Inspection There are three phases in RTC, which are followed by inspections. CART MCA FEP (Final Evaluation Phase) STATIC – These can occur at anytime during training, whether or not your division is present.
Recruit Petty Officers
Recruit Petty Officer in Charge (RPOC): division leader, maintains good order, discipline, and security within division Assistant Recruit Officer in Charge (AROC): assists RPOC, assumes duties of RPOC when not present, cadence caller Yeoman (YN) (RPO1): maintains RDC Office, recruit hardcard records, division rosters Master At Arms (MAA) (RPO1): maintains security and executes any order a RDC bestows upon them Port/Starboard Watch (RPO1): division watchbill coordinator
Recruit Petty Officers
Medical/Dental Yeomen(s) (RPO2): assists RDCs in preparing medical/dental records, coordinates appointments, etc Section Leaders (RPO2): supervise and assist recruits with racks/locker, personal cleanliness, clothing care, etc Laundry Petty Officer (RPO2): handles laundry for entire division Education Petty Officer (EPO) (RPO2): assists recruits with study material, upcoming tests, executes ‘readers’
Recruit Petty Officers
Athletic Petty Officer (APO) (RPO3): assists RDC’s with physical training, demonstrates exercises, motivates division Religious Petty Officer (Chaplain) (RPO3): gathers number of recruits attending chapel, provides worship service times, works at chapel on sundays as usher Mail Petty Officer (MPO) (RPO3): responsible for picking up and delivering mail
Entering/Exiting an RDC’s Office
Stand in threshold (At attention) Knock on door three times Address senior-ranking RDC Greet (followed by title) “Seaman Recruit _____, Division # ___, Reporting (followed by title) If told to enter: take 3 30-inch paces into office State business
Entering/Exiting an RDC’s Office
Stand in threshold (At Attention) (Head turned) “(Title) respectfully request permission to carry on (title) When told to leave respond, “Aye, Aye” (Title)
RTC Jargon When asking a question:“
“(Chief/Petty Officer) Respectfully request permission to ask a question (Chief/Petty Officer)” In error: “Belay my last” “My apologies” In emergency: “Training time out!”
Battlestations The final test.
Tests everything you have learned up until this point, will push you in every way possible. Required for graduation, upon completion you will sign a Page 13 (Military Non-Disclosure Agreement)
QUESTIONS NOTE: It’s going to be too late if you have any when getting off that bus.
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