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UNIT 22 PARTY – Parti PHRASES “İfadeler / Tamlamalar”

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 22 PARTY – Parti PHRASES “İfadeler / Tamlamalar”"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 22 PARTY – Parti PHRASES “İfadeler / Tamlamalar”

2 Which of …………………. What …………………. of parties What on …………………. Delicious …………………. Die of …………………. - eating Can’t help ………………….(Ving) Have a good …………………. them kind earth cookies over eating time earth, cookies, them, over, eating, time kind,

3 Have …………………. Enjoy …………………. Aykut and Leyla are ………………….. Call a …………………. Eating …………………. Look …………………. Party - …………………. fun Yourself / yourselVES dating taxi habits terrible goer dating, taxi, habits, fun, yourself, terrible, goer,

4 Party …………………. Admire …………………. At …………………. Have …………………. appointment A …………………. assistant Fancy …………………. party Welcome home …………………. addict someone once an shop dress party addict, an, dress, party,shop, someone, once,

5 Welcome …………………. party A cold …………………. …………………. attention Around the …………………. The renewal of the …………………. Scandinavian …………………. Fly the …………………. outside the house Have a …………………. home drink pay world soul people flag birthday soul, people, home, drink, pay, world, flag, birthday,

6 Make birthday …………………. In medieval …………………. …………………. coins …………………. their children’s heads …………………. smoking Entertain …………………. cakes times fake Shave quit people quit, people, times, cakes, fake, shave

7 A sense of …………………. Tell a …………………. Organize a …………………. …………………. clues A diving …………………. Take a …………………. humour joke party visual course trip visual, humour, joke, party, course, trip,

8 Indoor or …………………. Indoor …………………. Have a …………………. Work in …………………. Birthday …………………. outdoor parties bath pairs present bath, pairs, outdoor, parties, present,

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