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Simple Solutions to Green Our Homes. 60% of all Water that’s consumed in the home comes from the bathroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Solutions to Green Our Homes. 60% of all Water that’s consumed in the home comes from the bathroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Solutions to Green Our Homes

2 60% of all Water that’s consumed in the home comes from the bathroom.

3 One way to cut back on consumption is to install a low-flow shower head. This can save 20,000 gallons of water per year.

4 Another way to cut back on consumption is to install a low-flow toilet. This uses about 1/3 of the water than a regular toilet.

5 Installing an aerator on the sink faucet cuts down on water usage by adding air bubbles to the flow.


7 There are 7 ways to save water in your home without spending money.

8 Number 1: Turn the water off when you brush your teeth.

9 Number 2: Turn the faucet off when you shave.

10 Number 3: Put a milk jug full of pebbles in the toilet to reduce the amount of water used per flush.

11 Number 4 Fix leaking faucets. Number 5 Don’t Use the toilet as a garbage can.

12 Number 6: Reduce your shower time by two minutes.

13 Collect the bathwater that you normally run while waiting for it to warm up, then use to irrigate the plants in your yard.

14 30% of the water we consume is used outdoors.

15 Getting your car washed at a carwash uses only 35 gallons, but washing it at home uses 10 gallons every minute.

16 You can also save water while washing your car by using “water-less” bottle spray.

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