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General Infection Control Employee Education Dr. ihab nada ,m.d. , doe . mskmc
Importance of Hand Hygiene
Most important practice to reduce the risk of transmission of bacteria and viruses to our patients Thousands of bacteria can be on hands after doing simple tasks like: pulling a patient up in bed taking a blood pressure or pulse touching a patient’s hand rolling patients over in bed touching the patient’s gown or bed sheets touching equipment like bedside rails, over bed tables, IV pumps
When is hand hygiene recommended?
Upon Entering the patient room Leaving the patient room Before Putting gloves on–Touching the patient OR his/her environment Performing invasive procedures (e.g. inserting IVs, spinal tap) Eating, drinking or handling food After Touching the patient OR his/her environment Removing gloves Using the restroom
Why Are Alcohol Hand Cleaners Recommended?
Improved hand hygiene practices Convenient Fast and efficient Allows for proper hand hygiene when soap and water are not available
How to clean your hands withAlcohol Based Hand Sanitizers
Push dispenser lever once and rub hands together Cover all surfaces of your hands and fingers webs of fingers areas around/under fingernails Thumbs Rub hands together until alcohol dries thoroughly
How to wash your hands effectively
Wet hands first with water Push soap dispenser once Rub hands together for at least 15 seconds Cover all surfaces of the hands and fingers (webs, nails, thumbs) Rinse hands with water and dry thoroughly Use paper towel to turn off water faucet
Which hand hygiene product should be used?
Use soap and water whenever hands are visibly soiled, contaminated with physical dirt or organic material Usealcohol based instant hand sanitizers at ALL other times
Fingernails are an area of special concern in hand hygiene
Both long natural nails and artificial nails may serve as reservoirs for bacteria and have been associated with outbreaks of infection
Equipment needs cleaning too
Shared equipment used frequently should be cleaned before and after every use Examples: Blood pressure cuffs Otoscopes Ophthalmoscopes
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Lives in the nose Spread from person-to-person by direct contact Spread from patient to patient primarily on the hands of health care workers Important cause of hospital-acquired infections, such as:–Central line-associated bloodstream infections–Ventilator-associated pneumonias
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci(VRE)
Found in the gastrointestinal tract Spread from person-to-person by direct contact or contact with contaminated objects Cause of hospital-acquired infections, such as: Urinary tract infections Surgical site infections Bloodstream infections
Infection and Colonization: What’s the difference?
Colonization:–Presence of bacteria in or on a patient without causing any symptoms or disease Infection:–Entry of bacteria into a patient leading to local or systemic symptoms
Preventing the spread of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs)
Maintain good hand hygiene practices Adhere to Contact Precautions: Single patient room, if available, or cohort with patient with same MDRO Hand hygiene and gloves for room entry Gown for direct patient or environmental contact Remove all gowns, gloves before leaving room Use dedicated patient equipment Narrow antibiotic regimen based on culture results
Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
C. diff spores are excreted in stool and can be spread to others on hands, equipment, or room surfaces. Prevent spread of C. diff to other patients: Good hand hygiene Contact precautions
Preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections
A Central line insertion checklist reminds you to: Clean hands before putting on gloves Apply a sterile, full body drape Avoid use of femoral vein, if at all possible Once central line is in place: Clean ports and hubs with alcohol Ensure dressing is clean and intact Remove line as soon as it is no longer needed
Preventing surgical site infections
Ask patients to shower with chlorhexidine soap before surgery to reduce bacteria on skin. Do not use a razor to shave patients at the operative site. If hair must be removed before surgery, use clippers. Use appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis: Shortly before making the surgical incision Appropriate for the procedure perhospitalprotocol or published guidelines Of short duration (usually <24 hours after incision)
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