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6.3 S EDIMENTARY R OCK. S EDIMENTARY R OCK How is sedimentary rock formed? Compacting and cementing of layers of sediment.

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2 S EDIMENTARY R OCK How is sedimentary rock formed? Compacting and cementing of layers of sediment.

3 S EDIMENTARY R OCK How does cementation work? When minerals fill the spots b/t grains and bind (glue) them together.

4 S EDIMENTARY R OCK Law of Superposition - Sedimentary layers are deposited in a time sequence w/oldest on the bottom and youngest on the top.

5 S EDIMENTARY R OCK T YPES Clastic Sedimentary Rock Clastic Rock Are formed from fragments of other rocks through erosion.

6 S EDIMENTARY R OCK How do clastics form? As material is eroded it is transported down stream w/heavier material settling out first.

7 S EDIMENTARY R OCK T YPES Chemical Sedimentary Rock Form when minerals precipitate (fall) out of a solution. ex. Rock salt forms from salt water solution.

8 S EDIMENTARY R OCK T YPES Organic Rock Sedimentary rock consisting of the remains of plants and animals. Some of these organic materials include: Clams Corals Algae… When they die their Ca rich remains pile up on the the ocean floor.


10 F EATURES OF S EDIMENTARY R OCK Stratification – The change in the type of sediments being laid down.

11 F EATURES OF S EDIMENTARY R OCK Fossils (remains, impressions or evidence preserved plant and animals) – Occurs when fossils are buried in sediments and are gradually turned into rock.

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