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Sedimentary rocks. Conglomerate- clastic Made of rock pieces and pebbles that are rounded in shape.

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary rocks. Conglomerate- clastic Made of rock pieces and pebbles that are rounded in shape."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary rocks

2 Conglomerate- clastic Made of rock pieces and pebbles that are rounded in shape

3 Breccia- clastic Made of rock pieces and fragments that are Angular- have straight edges

4 Sandstone- clastic made up mainly of very small sand grains

5 shale forms from the compaction of silt and clay-size mineral particles that we commonly call "mud".

6 Wave marks- sedimentary rocks

7 Fossils- only in sedimentary rock

8 limestone

9 coquina Chalk Limestone made of bits And pieces of shells Cemented together Made from skeletal remains of Sea organisms

10 lignite anthracite Beginning form of coal- made from Remains of plants that might be Visible in it Highest form of coal- Well formed and less crumbly Than lignite

11 Chemical evaporite Halite (rock salt)

12 Dolomite

13 Gypsum

14 Clastic Chemically formed Organically formed shale sandstone halite limestone Lignite coal coquina conglomerate

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