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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is Rocks and Minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today Is Rocks and Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is Rocks and Minerals

2 M is for Mineral Name that Rock Formation Picture is worth 1000 words SedimentaryAnything Goes 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 Question: Name the mineral characteristic that is how the mineral splits along a flat surface Answer Cleavage

4 Question: What are the 5 characteristics of a mineral? Answer Naturally occurring Inorganic Solid Crystalline structure Definite chemical composition M is for Mineral: 400

5 Question: Name 2 uses for minerals Answer Gemstones Metals Alloys Food, medicine, fertilizer, building materials M is for Mineral: 600

6 Question: What type of rock is mined to extract a metal from the ground? Answer Ore or veins M is for Mineral: 800

7 Question: What are the three ways minerals form? Answer Crystallization Magma and Lava Formation Precipitate out of solution M is for Mineral: 1000

8 Question: Formed when one type of rock is put under INTENSE heat or pressure to become another rock Answer Metamorphic

9 Question: Usually formed near a body of water (beaches, rivers, lakes) Answer Sedimentary Rock Formation: 400

10 Question: Formed by cooling lava or magma Answer Igneous Rock Formation: 600

11 Question: Often used to build statues, like the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC because it is durable and easily polished. Answer Metamorphic (marble) Rock Formation: 800

12 Question: The most common type of rock covering the Earth’s surface Answer Sedimentary (75% of Earth’s surface) Rock Formation: 1000

13 Question: CLASSIFY this rock Answer Extrusive Igneous rock

14 Question: Classify this rock Answer Intrusive Igneous Pictures: 400

15 Question: Classify these rocks Answer Chemical sedimentary

16 Question: Classify these rocks. Answer Clastic sedimentary

17 Question: Classify these rocks Answer Foliated Metamorphic (schist)

18 Question: Name the 3 types of sedimentary rock. Answer Clastic, Chemical & Organic

19 Question: Coal Answer Organic Sedimentary

20 Question: Conglomerate, made of large pieces of rounded rock is what type of sedimentary rock? Answer Clastic

21 Question: How do chemical rocks form? Answer Too many minerals dissolved into water and then the water begins to evaporate, leaving mineral crystals behind.

22 Question: What are the FOUR STEPS to forming a clastic sedimentary rock? Answer 1. Weathering 2. Erosion 3. Deposition 4. Lithification

23 Question: Halite in sea water can form what type of rock? Answer Chemical sedimentary

24 Question: What does “metamorphic” mean? Answer Change form

25 Question: Name 3 of the things that may change during rock metamorphosis Answer Appearance, texture, mineral content, crystal structure

26 Question: Granite is what type of rock AND does it have high or low silica content? Answer Intrusive igneous with high silica content

27 Question: You observe a white, ashy texture to a rock. It is relatively light-weight and has no visible layering. What type of rock is it? Answer Extrusive igneous

28 Question: Who sang the Rock Cycle Rap? Answer … Mr. Lee, 6 th grade science teacher Mr. Lee, 6 th grade science teacher

29 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

30 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

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