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TRLN♦Oxford University Press♦YBP Consortial E-Books Pilot Charleston Conference 8 November 2012.

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1 TRLN♦Oxford University Press♦YBP Consortial E-Books Pilot Charleston Conference 8 November 2012

2 2 Rebecca Seger Oxford University Press Aisha Harvey Duke University Annette Day North Carolina State University Luke Swindler University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Ann-Marie Breaux YBP Library Services Our Panel

3 3 TRLN/OUP Comprehensive and Collaborative Collection Development Pilot TRLN “Beyond Print” Ebook Summit ( August 2011, Chapel Hill, Investigate the potential for new, sustainable and sensible business models and licensing for cooperative ebook acquisition OUP a month away from launching University Press Scholarship Online

4 4 September 2011 Discussions commence with MaRLI (Manhattan Research Library Initiative - ) regarding comprehensive collection development pilot involving all University Press publishers in University Press Scholarship Online, in print and digital Angela Carreno, NYU September -November 2011 Research into print and digital purchasing, via publisher platform, ebook aggregators and print vendors January 2012 Pilot Project begins – MaRLI comprehensively collecting OUP and all Partner Presses on the platform, in print and digital. December 2011 Discussions start with TRLN as a possible second participant in a similar pilot project

5 5 To create a sustainable model that strengthens all members’ collections with quality scholarship, addressing the needs of different disciplines in respect to print access (for as long as that is wanted/needed), and is financially sound and reasonable for the libraries, publisher and vendor. Ultimately, it’s taking a group of respected monograph publishers, and trying to use the shared resources among the member libraries to provide greater access to all, and to ease the burden of ebook acquisition. OUP Pilot Goals

6 6 Further examine the duplication of print purchasing among TRLN member libraries Review current Oxford Scholarship Online ownership among the libraries Detailed discussions about the inclusion and exclusion policies Devise a model that allowed shared ownership of the content, reduced the duplication of print and expanded the range of content they could purchase Our Process

7 7 Duplicative Print Purchasing throughout TRLN in 2010 Number of Libraries # Titles Acquired US/UK, P/E # Titles Acquired US/UK, P only Total titles2820 titles2644 titles 211991135 3873803 1617593 411095 51513 643 711 811

8 8 The Pilot Starts Agreement was reached Spring 2012, began purchasing in May 2012. Reduced duplication of print – one shared copy of all print books (excluding the sciences) available to all members. Key part of the program is experimentation with discounting additional print copies beyond first copy – in the event local copy is needed. Ownership of all digital content released on the University Press Scholarship Online within the year (except new presses not signed at the time of the agreement)

9 9 Print purchasing Print and digital circulation Information flow Challenges Examine All Aspects of the Pilot

10 10 Luke Swindler University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

11 11 Annette Day North Carolina State University

12 12 Manage UPSO Packages Control Duplication Consortial and Individual Libraries Approvals, Firm Orders, Standing Orders Print and E Packages and Individual Titles Track and Supply Consortial Print Copies No 1:1 Relationship between P and E Cataloging and Processing Manage Deep Discount for Individual Additional Copies YBP’s Role

13 13 First Invoice: May 1, 2012 May, July, September 2012 releases 98 packages (1,761 Titles) 10 University Presses Cairo, California, Edinburgh, Florida, Fordham, Hong Kong, Kentucky, Manchester, Oxford, Policy The Packages (so far)

14 14 First Invoice: May 25, 2012 Managed by UNC-Chapel Hill 1,409 Titles The Print Copies (so far)

15 15 What’s Next? Reconciliation for Added Print Copies Pilot Review

16 16 Rebecca Seger Aisha Harvey Annette Day Luke Swindler Ann-Marie Breaux Contact Information

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