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DO NOW Date: 01/28 You may use your notebooks to find the answer to this question. DO NOW: What is the function of Mitochondria? In which types of organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Date: 01/28 You may use your notebooks to find the answer to this question. DO NOW: What is the function of Mitochondria? In which types of organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Date: 01/28 You may use your notebooks to find the answer to this question. DO NOW: What is the function of Mitochondria? In which types of organisms are they found? 7 th Grade Science January 28th

2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do natural forces affect the Earth’s surface? OBJECTIVES: -Brainpop: Weathering and Erosion. -Complete a frame routine on Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

3 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Page Read the scenario. Answer the question. Uncovering Student Ideas

4 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Page Turn and talk What did your partner say about where beach sand comes from? Uncovering Student Ideas

5 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Weathering BrainPop

6 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Weathering- breaking down of rock over time. Definitions

7 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Mechanical weathering-breaking down rock into smaller rocks by water, ice, wind, and organisms. A physical change of rock. Definitions

8 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Chemical weathering- breaking down rock through chemical changes. The rock is changed into a new substance because it reacts with water, oxygen or other substances. Definitions

9 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Erosion BrainPop

10 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Erosion-the carrying away of rock or sediments. Wind, water, and ice carve out Canyons and Valleys. Definitions

11 Dark Matter 7 th grade science Deposition - the dropping off of sediments or rock to a new location. Deposition creates landforms like deltas, sandbars, or sand dunes. Definitions

12 Dark Matter 7 th grade science. Frame Routine Gateways: page 133 Complete the Frame Routine using the text

13 Dark Matter 7 th grade science. Frame Routine WeatheringErosionDeposition

14 Dark Matter 7 th grade science How are Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition related? Exit Ticket

15 DO NOW Date: 01/29 You may use your notebooks to find the answer to this question. DO NOW: All matter, including living organisms are made up of atoms. DRAW, step by step, examples all of the levels of organization starting with an atom, and ending with a cell. 7 th Grade Science January 29th atom

16 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do natural forces affect the Earth’s surface? OBJECTIVES: -Rock Shake Lab -Demonstrate mechanical and chemical weathering

17 Page Shake Rattle and Roll In your notebook: Objective: To examine and compare the chemical and mechanical weathering of limestone and granite rocks. Hypothesis: Predict whether or not limestone or granite will experience the most weathering. If___, then___. 7 th grade science

18 April 27 th Shake Rattle and Roll Procedure : Place 1 piece of limestone and one piece of granite on your timeline. Make observations in your comp book. Add all rocks to the container. Fill container with water. Shake the rocks vigorously for a total of 15 minutes. Remove 1 granite rock and 1 limestone rock every 3 minutes. Place them on your timeline, record observations on your timeline. 7 th grade science

19 Page Shake Rattle and Roll 7 th grade science Type of Rock Shaking Time (minutes) 0 minutes of shaking 3 minutes of shaking 6 minutes of shaking 9 minutes of shaking 12 minutes of shaking 15 minutes of shaking Limestone Granite

20 Page Shake Rattle and Roll In your notebook answer the following: Conclusion Was your hypothesis correct? How do you know? What does that tell you about limestone and granite? 7 th grade science

21 Chemical Weathering Add 5 drops of HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) to the granite. Add 5 drops of HCL to the limestone. Record your observations. What is happening? Page

22 Clean Up AMake sure all water is poured out into the sink BReturn Materials CWipe off desks DCheck and clean floors around desk

23 Page LAB ANALYSIS QUESTIONS 7 th grade science 1.Weathering of rock can be described as… 2.There are two different types of weathering… 3.Which mountain range is older? Please use evidence from the lab to back up your answer. Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains

24 DO NOW Date: 01/30 01/31 You may use your notebooks to find the answer to this question. DO NOW: Draw an example of an organic compound. Write its chemical formula. Ex: Water H 2 O 7 th Grade Science

25 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do natural forces affect the Earth’s surface? OBJECTIVES: -Erosion Time Lapse Video -Stream Table Lab -Discuss real world examples of erosion and deposition January 30 th -31 st

26 Timelapse: Erosion Timelapse Video: Waves Eroding Land on the Coast

27 DO NOW Date: 02/01 You may use your notebooks to find the answer to this question. DO NOW: How is it possible to have such a difference in color in these two beaches? 7 th Grade Science

28 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do natural forces affect the Earth’s surface? OBJECTIVES: -Share comic strips to understand Earth’s process. -Identify weather, erosion, and deposition. -Revisit “Beach Sand” February 1st

29 Earth's Processes

30 Weathering Lab Debrief



33 Weathering

34 Erosion


36 Rivers Carry Sediments

37 Deposition



40 Can you picture it? Picture #Erosion or DepositionAgent of Change (water, wind, gravity)

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