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F82227: Techniques in Physical Geography 20 credit module Practical & field assessments

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Presentation on theme: "F82227: Techniques in Physical Geography 20 credit module Practical & field assessments"— Presentation transcript:

1 F82227: Techniques in Physical Geography 20 credit module Practical & field assessments

2 F82227: Techniques in Physical Geography The team: Teresa NeedhamMatt JonesAdam Algar Sarah Metcalfe …with contributions from Richard Field, Gary Priestnal and Graham Morris

3 Hand-in Project 1Group20%Field course Project 2Group20%Field course Project 3Individual40%December 2011 PosterIndividual20%May 2012 F82227: Techniques in Physical Geography Allocation of marks

4 Field course 12 th – 19 th September

5 Yorkshire Dales

6 Malham: field-base ICT facilities a library a drying room a student common room a weather station a shop a walled garden a bar

7 Typical Day 8-9am Breakfast 9.30-4.30In the field/lab 6 – 7pmDinner 7-10pm Debrief, notebook/coursework write up, reading for the next day

8 Field Programme (subject to change!) 1. Survey training 2. Rivers day 3. Limestone pavement day 4. Lake day 5. Soils and sediments day 6. Dissertation Dragon’s Den

9 Reading

10 Survey day Vegetation survey Topographic survey

11 River Day Investigating river geomorphology, hydrology and water chemistry at Cowside Beck

12 Limestone Pavement Day Malham Cove Limestone Pavement

13 Lake Day Water sampling & phosphate budget Invertebrate community structure

14 Soils Day Soil Analysis and Carbon Storage. Identification of site Preparation of soil pits and collecting samples for analysis. Description of soil types.

15 Departure days and times Friday 12 th September –Depart School of Geography 12 midday. Friday 19 th September –Depart Malham 10am –Arrive Nottingham ~2pm

16 Fieldwork You need to bring: –Wellies & walking boots –Warm, waterproof jacket & trousers –Warm head gear and gloves –Several layers of warm clothing + a change –Towel, wash things, medication –Flask –Camera –Work things: coloured pencils, clipboard, A4 lined paper, ruler, rubber, tippex, hard-backed notebook, Laptop etc.


18 You might like to bring.... Snacks Cash

19 Important Forms Fieldcourse record forms (Next of kin, medical info) Must be completed and handed in by 31 st May 2014. No attendance without the field record form


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