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Presentation on theme: "How to use this template (DELETE THIS SLIDE) This is only a guide, you may add to this if you wish. Do not add pictures as background, to hard to see and."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use this template (DELETE THIS SLIDE) This is only a guide, you may add to this if you wish. Do not add pictures as background, to hard to see and looks messy. Less is more, don’t fill slides with words, add brief bullets and a picture or diagram. You should explain in your talk not have other read your slide. Your presentation needs to be 5 minutes long so practice and be sure to hit all important points and discussions. Be sure to cite everything that is not yours!!!

2 Ordovician Carbonates in Northwest Lewis and Parts of Southeast Jefferson Counties Andrews, J Teacher Block 1

3 Purpose Statement Using field data collected personally and with other geologists from 2003 field season. “Rework” the complicated naming system that is defined previously.

4 Introduction Collecting field data (via walking waterways) Naming system used incorrectly. Rocks in this area were formed underway and have fossils in the rocks. Titus 1986 and Isachsen 2000 Harvard Geology department

5 Methods All researchers including myself walked rock outcrops where ever possible. Measurements of the formations made with Jacobs Staff All data recorded, faults, dipping layers and fauna


7 Results Rock layers were described by Johnsen (1971) and Walker (1973) based mainly on formation thickness and fauna. Discuss results of methods of research Any possible issues with the research?

8 Discussion Formational ID new What are your conclusions from your research? What are the results of this research? Compare results to you purpose statement

9 Age Formation Lithology & Contact Description Average Thickness (m) Fuana System Series Group Middle Ordovician Mohawkian Trenton Hillier (Cobourg) Base: See top of Stueben Ls, mostly Micritic. Top: Erosional surface capped by phosphatic rich beds. 8 Hormotoma, Fusispira, Conularia trentonensi, Rafinesquina deltoidea Steuben (Cobourg) Base: base of criniodal grainstone that has no Shale interbeds Top: Sparry grainstone grading to micritic packstone. Contact can span over 1m. 8 Rafinesquina deltoidea, Triarthrus eatoni, Climacograptus Denley (Denmark) Base: Shale beds increase to 5-8cm. Ls increase and are micritic Top: Shale interbeds disappear, top is defined by last shale interbed 10-50 uncertian Cryptolithus, Paraspora, Trocholites, Rafinesquina, Hormotoma, Resserela Sugar River (Shoreham) Base: Ls beds decrease to (5-8cm) and are sparry. Contact sharp to gradational Top:Defined by Base of Denley 14-22 Trocholites, Cryptolithus, Prasopora Kings Falls (Kirkfield) Base: lowest in series of 12-25cm thick beds contianing para-ripples Top: Bed thickness decreases but still variable. 14-20 Triplesia, Sowerbyella, Cryptolithus pora orientalis, Rafinesquina, Parastrophina Napanee (Rockland) Base: thin to thick, grey to brown calcilutites interbedded with shale, Basel beds are often graded (disconformity) Top: Beds become more sparry and fosiliferous. 4-16 Doleroides ottawanus, Triplesia cuspidata, Paucicrura- Dalmanella rogata, Sowerbyella Triarthrus Cryptolithus Trilobites Prasopora Sowerbyella

10 Age Formation Lithology & Contact Description Average Thickness (m) Fuana System Series Group Middle Ordovician Mohawkian Black River Watertown (Chaumont) Base:Base of thick to massive weathering Ls beds. Top: Top of a set of thck to massive weathering Ls containing Chert nodules 6 (chephalopods) Actinoceras tenuifilum, Endoceras, Gojioceras, Tetradium fibratum Lowville Base: Top of Pamelia Top: Dark grey micritic Ls containing Gastropods 8-18 Phytopsis tubulosa, Hormotoma sp. Pamelia Base: arkosic conglomerate or Ss or Dolostone. (nonconformity) Top: where a 3.0m interval has a dolostone/Ls ratio of 1:1, also placed at top of last dolostone bed. 6-10 Tetradium syringoporoides, PreCambrianGniess?? Brachiopods



13 Conclusion Work done by Kay (1930’s) was correct and properly cited, thus must be used (ACSN 1982). Future research included mapping of faults for natural gas and the use of radiometric dating.

14 References American Commission on stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1982, note1 –Organization and objectives of the Stratigraphic Commission: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 31, no. 3, p. 513-518. Chenoweth, A. P. 1952. Statistical methods Applied to Trentonian Stratigraphy in New York. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Volume 63, pp. 521-560. Cushing, H. P. 1908. Lower portion of the Paleozoic sections in northwestern New York. Geological Society of America. Bulletin 19: 155-176. Fisher, D. W. 1962. Correlation of the Ordovician rocks of New York State. New York State museum and science service. Map and chart series 3. Folk, R.L., 1962, Spectral subdivisions of limestone types, in W.E. Ham (ed.), classification of carbonate rocks: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Mem. 1 p. 62-84. Isachsen, W. Y., Landing, E., Lauber, M. J., Rickard, V. L., Rogers, B. W.. 2000. Geology of New York, A simplified account. Second edition. New York State Museum. Johnsen, H. J. 1971. The Limestones of Jefferson County, New York. N.Y. State Museum and science service. Map and chart series 13. Kay, G. M. 1933. The Ordovician Trenton Group in Northwestern New York: Stratigraphy of the lower and upper limestone formations. American Journal of Science. Kay, G. M. 1937 Stratigraphy of the Trenton group. Geological Society of America. Bulletin 48 pp. 233- 302. Titus, R. Fossil Communities of the Upper Trenton Group (Ordovician) of New York State. Journal of Paleontology. Volume 60, no. 4, pp. 805-824. 1986. Walker, K.R. 1973. Stratigraphy and Environmental Sedimentology of Middle Ordovician Black River Group in the Type Area- New York State. N.Y. State Museum and science service. Bulletin 419. Winder, C. G. 1960. Paleoecological interpretation of Middle Ordovician statigraphy in southern Onartio, Canada. Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy and correlations. Inter. Geol. Cong., Copenhagen, Denmark 21: 18-27.


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