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Hoosier State and Crossroads of America. o Statehood: December 11, 1816 o Flag: Blue and Gold with 19 Stars o Seal: Buffalo.

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Presentation on theme: "Hoosier State and Crossroads of America. o Statehood: December 11, 1816 o Flag: Blue and Gold with 19 Stars o Seal: Buffalo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hoosier State and Crossroads of America

2 o Statehood: December 11, 1816 o Flag: Blue and Gold with 19 Stars o Seal: Buffalo

3 o State Bird: Cardinal o State Flower: Peony o State Tree: Tulip Tree o State Rock: Limestone o State River: Wabash River

4 o Capital: Indianapolis o Counties: 92 o State Boundaries: Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois

5  Agriculture: o Eggs o Dairy Products o Cattle o Soybeans o Corn o Hogs  Industry: o Steel o Electric Equipment o Transportation Equipment o Chemical Products

6 o Abraham Lincoln (16 th president) o Johnny Appleseed o George Washington (1 st president)

7 o Indianapolis Zoo o Conner Prairie o Children’s Museum

8 4 th Grade Ms. Cummings Social Studies

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