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Chapter 11 Section 1: Scope of Congressional Powers

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1 Chapter 11 Section 1: Scope of Congressional Powers
Big Idea: The Constitution gives Congress certain powers, but liberal interpretation has given Congress great scope.

2 Vocabulary Expressed powers Implied powers Inherent powers
Strict constructionists Liberal constructionists consensus

3 Notes Identify and describe the 3 types of Congressional power:
Compare and contrast strict construction of the US constitution to liberal construction on the subject of congressional power:

4 Chapter 11 Section 2: The Expressed Powers of Money and Commerce
Big Idea: many of the expressed powers of Congress have to do with money and commerce or business.

5 Vocabulary Tax Direct taxes Indirect taxes Deficit financing
Public debt Commerce power Legal tender bankruptcy

6 Notes What is the purpose of taxes?
What are 4 limitations on the Congressional power to tax? How does Congress use its power to borrow money? Why is Congress’s commerce power important? How does the bankruptcy power work?

7 Chapter 11 Section 3: Other Expressed Powers
Big Idea: Congress has a number of major expressed powers that are not related to money and commerce.

8 Vocabulary Naturalization Copyright Patent Eminent domain

9 Notes What two sources do the foreign relations powers of Congress come from? What powers does Congress have concerning war? What powers does the President have concerning war? List and describe the other expressed powers of Congress:

10 Chapter 11 Section 4: The Implied Powers
Big Idea: the Necessary and Proper Clause led to massive expansion of Congress’s Power.

11 Vocabulary Necessary and Proper Clause Appropriate doctrine

12 Notes How does the Necessary and Proper Clause give Congress flexibility in lawmaking? Explain Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton’s dispute over implied powers of Congress

13 Chapter 11 Section 5: The Non-Legislative Powers
Big Idea: Congress has a number of non-legislative powers, including electoral, executive, and investigative powers.

14 Vocabulary Successor Impeach Acquit Perjury Censure subpoena

15 Notes What is Congress’s role in amending the Constitution?
What is Congress’s role in deciding elections? Describe Congress’s power to impeach and bring the president to trial: What are Congress’s executive powers? What are Congress’s investigative powers?

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