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Published byYadira Tenneson Modified over 10 years ago
Integrating Safety into Tribal Transportation Planning Supported by: FHWA and the Transportation Safety Planning Working Group June 10, 2009
1 Webinar Faculty Chimai Ngo, FHWA, Federal Lands Highway Susan Herbel, Cambridge Systematics Lorrie Lau, FHWA, Planning Kyle Kitchel, FHWA, Federal Lands Highway Dennis Trusty, Northern Plains TTAP Richard Hall, Northern Plains TTAP
2 Webinar Agenda Tribal Safety Problem Description Introduction to Transportation Planning Introduction to Transportation Safety Planning Data for Transportation Safety Planning Transportation Safety Planning Products Resources for Transportation Safety Planning Conclusions
Why is Tribal Transportation Safety Planning Necessary?
4 Need for Tribal Transportation Safety Planning Native Americans Highest risk of motor-vehicle related death of all ethnic groupsHighest risk of motor-vehicle related death of all ethnic groups For ages 4 to 44, motor-vehicle related injuries are leading cause of deathFor ages 4 to 44, motor-vehicle related injuries are leading cause of death Total fatalities down from 42,884 to 41,059 (2003 to 2007) Reservation fatalities up from 325 to 356 (2003 to 2007) Note: only reported fatalities Low safety belt use (78 percent fatalities 1999- 2004) High alcohol use (57% fatalities 1999-2004) 4
5 Safety Challenges for Tribal Communities Road characteristics and maintenance Data collection, management, and analysis Occupant Protection Impaired driving Law enforcement Pedestrians 5
6 Road Characteristics and Maintenance Most Tribal lands are in rural, isolated locations Road maintenance on reservations is generally lacking due to scarce resources Rural reservation road data is often limited or outdated Reservation roads often lag behind other road systems in design and safety standards Traffic markings and signs are limited
7 Data Management BIA and Tribal police departments often do not have a standardized system for collecting and storing crash data Tribal traffic records are likely to be stored in multiple departments Sovereignty issues More detail in Data Module
8 Occupant Restraint Low safety belt use rates Overall, Native American safety belt use on reservations is 62 percent (2006) compared to a national average of 81 percent (2006) Child safety seat use is low – 27 percent (1999-2004, FARS) 8
9 Impaired Driving 65 percent of Native American fatal crashes involved alcohol, compared to the national average of approximately 47 percent (1982 to 2002) More than 50 percent of Native American drivers in fatal crashes were over the legal limit (>=.08 BAC) (1999–2004, FARS) BIA estimates 75% of all reservation incidents involve alcohol
10 Limited Law Enforcement Resources 2,380 BIA and tribal officers police 1.4 million Native Americans on 56 million acres of land About half of the number of officers per capita in other American communities Most reservations are rural and tribal members are located in small isolated communities remote from the tribal headquarters Tribal/BIA police spend most of their resources on law enforcement activities other than traffic enforcement 10
11 Pedestrian Crashes Pedestrian fatality rates – five to seven times the national average Alcohol use – almost 70 percent had been drinking High incidence of train – pedestrian fatalities
12 What Is Transportation Planning?
13 What is Transportation Planning? Process of developing strategies for design, construction, operation, maintenance and safety improvements of transportation facilities Purpose is to move people and goods and provide services to residents Objective is to maximize the transportation benefits from the resources invested
14 Why Engage in Transportation Planning? Manage resources Address transportation needs and priorities SafetySafety Economic developmentEconomic development Land useLand use Quality of lifeQuality of life Engage the public Develop investment strategies Adapt the system to meet current and future needs 14
15 Key Partners in Transportation Planning Public Tribal Governments Federal transportation agencies Federal land management sgencies State government agencies Local government agencies Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) Regional planning organizations Special interest groups
16 Transportation Planning Agencies and Processes MPO and State requirements Include safety as a priority planning factorInclude safety as a priority planning factor Involve Tribal Governments in planning processInvolve Tribal Governments in planning process Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) All metropolitan areas with population greater than 50,000All metropolitan areas with population greater than 50,000 Metropolitan Long-Range Transportation Plan/TIPMetropolitan Long-Range Transportation Plan/TIP State DOTs Conduct planning in rural areasConduct planning in rural areas State Long-Range Transportation Plans/STIPsState Long-Range Transportation Plans/STIPs 16
17 Tribal Transportation Planning Policy FHWA and FTA policy Require state, regional planning organizations, and metropolitan planning organizations to consult with Tribal GovernmentsRequire state, regional planning organizations, and metropolitan planning organizations to consult with Tribal Governments Must consider the interests of Tribal Governments in the development of transportation plans and programsMust consider the interests of Tribal Governments in the development of transportation plans and programs BIA and Tribal policy Develop Long-Range Transportation PlanDevelop Long-Range Transportation Plan Develop Tribal Transportation Improvement ProgramDevelop Tribal Transportation Improvement Program 17
18 Transportation Planning Process Establish policy, goals, and objectives Analyze system conditions Perform a needs analysis Set priorities Establish a funding plan Develop the plan Develop the program Implement and monitor the plan
19 Transportation Planning Process Involve the public throughout the process!
20 What is transportation safety planning?
21 Crashes Aren’t Accidents Crashes Aren’t Accidents Most crashes are preventableMost crashes are preventable Injury prevention is a public health issueInjury prevention is a public health issue Transportation Safety Planning is critical for improving the safety and quality of life for Native Americans
22 SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users Established safety as a key planning factor Increased emphasis on transportation safety planning Requires Strategic Highway Safety Plans (Section 148)
23 Strategic Highway Safety Plans Addresses 4 Es: Engineering, Education, Enforcement and Emergency response Evidence based using safety data Focus on “emphasis areas” and strategies with greatest potential payoff Involves a wide range of stakeholders in the process including Tribal Governments Includes methods to measure performance
24 Additional Safety Plans and Programs Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) State plan for safety infrastructure improvementsState plan for safety infrastructure improvements Federally fundedFederally funded State Governor’s Office of Highway Safety – Highway Safety Plan (HSP) Focus largely on behavioral issues, e.g., safety belt use and impaired drivingFocus largely on behavioral issues, e.g., safety belt use and impaired driving Federal and state fundingFederal and state funding Tribal Highway Safety Programs Indian Highway Safety ProgramIndian Highway Safety Program Indian Reservation Roads ProgramIndian Reservation Roads Program Tribal Safety Management SystemTribal Safety Management System 24
25 Eligible HSIP Projects Intersection safety Pavement and shoulder widening Rumble strips Skid resistant surface Pedestrian, bicycle, disabled improvements Railway-highway crossing safety improvements Traffic calming Safety conscious planning 25
26 Eligible HSIP Projects (continued) Elimination of a roadside obstacle Improvement in highway signage Improvement in data collection and analysis Work zone safety Guardrails and barriers Measures to reduce wildlife crashes Signs at pedestrian-bicycle crossings and in school zones Improvements on high-risk rural roads
27 Fundamentals of Tribal Transportation Safety Planning Develop data collection and management systems Analyze data to determine priorities Collaborate to extend Tribal resources Use the process to build Tribal capacity 27
28 Issues Unique to Tribes Tribal sovereignty Jurisdiction in Tribal and non-Tribal landsJurisdiction in Tribal and non-Tribal lands Confidentiality of dataConfidentiality of data Cultural identityCultural identity Tribal courts State – Tribal relationship 28
29 Tribal Transportation Safety Projects Public service campaigns and active enforcement of safety belt laws and drunk driving High school education programs on safety belt use and pedestrian and bicycle safety New legislation and enforcement of occupant protection Road Safety Audits Community traffic safety programs 29
30 What data are needed for transportation safety planning?
31 Good Data are Fundamental Basis for all plan development Justification for funding Develop priorities Benchmark changes Evaluate the outcomes 31
32 Types of Data: Traffic and Roadway Data Crash location Through local, county, state, and Tribal agenciesThrough local, county, state, and Tribal agencies Can be collected through field inspections (Road Safety Audits)Can be collected through field inspections (Road Safety Audits) Traffic counts/exposure data (IRR inventory) Roadway characteristics
33 Motor Vehicle Crash Data Sources Police accident reports Age, gender, ethnicityAge, gender, ethnicity Safety belt useSafety belt use Impaired driversImpaired drivers Insurance companies Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Medical facilities 33
34 Basic Data Needs Data recorded soon after crashes in a consistent and thorough format (preferably at the crash site) on approved crash reporting forms Crash records consistent with NHTSA and MMUCC standards to allow for comparative analysis Roadway characteristics Exposure data Citation data and court disposition records Data sharing among agencies
35 Overcoming Data Deficiencies Public input Law enforcement Hazardous elements review Narrow bridgesNarrow bridges Guardrail terminalsGuardrail terminals Sharp curvesSharp curves Road Safety Audits Safety studies
36 Use of Data Example – Menominee Reservation (WI) observational survey of occupant restraint use 22 percent belt use 22 percent belt use 9 percent child safety seat use 9 percent child safety seat use Transportation safety strategies should focus on occupant restraint
37 Data to Identify Crash Location Navajo Nation Contributing Factors Analysis (2001) AcyCommunity Rte Number Number Accidents MilesADT Acct Rate LocationBMPEMP Percent Accidents by Cause* Percent Accidents by Cause* N32Shiprock641661.06,52023.2 NM64 btwn SW & NE Jct 2223 N33 Tuba City 160380.54,96114.0 Fr AZ264 to Warrior Dr 321.9322.4 N36 Window Rock 264310.64,7739.9 AZ264 fr N12 Jct to NM State line 475.5476.1 N36 Window Rock 264651.94,2877.3 AZ264 fr N112 Jct to N12 Jct 473.6475.5 41.3% After Dark N36 Window Rock 12360.79,9994.7 N12 fr AZ264 Jct to Shonto Blvd 23.524.2 N33 Tuba City 1011160.84,0344.5 Fr N1017 to Warrior Dr 00.8 37.5% After Dark
38 Data to Identify Location and Severity of Crashes Navajo Nation Crash Location Analysis (2001)
39 Navajo Nation Roadway Safety Strategies Fencing for roads with high rates of animal crashes Street lights for roads with high crash rates after dark Lighting and intersection design for intersections with high crash numbers Access control for areas of development with high numbers of crashes Sidewalks and pedestrian crossings for roads with high pedestrian crash rates 39
40 What are the planning products and desired outcomes of transportation safety planning?
41 Products and Desired Outcomes Coordination with External Planning Processes Participate in development of the transportation plans and programs Participate in development of state/regional transportation safety plans… particularly the SHSP Best Practices Maricopa Association of Governments (Phoenix MPO) has two tribal members Montana’s SHSP includes Tribal component and involvement
42 Potential Tribal Plans and Programs Explicit consideration of safety in the Tribal Long Range Transportation Plan (TLRTP) Tribal Highway Safety Improvement Program Tribal Highway Safety Management Plan 42
43 Tribal Safety Program Objectives Reduce the number and severity of motor vehicle crashes Decrease the potential for crashes Identify and address highway safety needs Unsafe highwaysUnsafe highways Impaired drivingImpaired driving Safety belt useSafety belt use Child passenger safety educationChild passenger safety education Traffic records improvementsTraffic records improvements
44 Implementing Tribal Safety Programs Utilize available Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) guidelines Review and consider revising outdated Tribal transportation and traffic codes Become familiar with the Federal Tribal Safety Management System (SMS) and the State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Develop a tribal transportation safety management plan
45 Tribal Transportation Safety Management System Federally mandated that BIA develop a SMS to address safety on Tribal lands Administered by BIA and FHWA with assistance from other safety partners Each Tribe is encouraged, but not required, to develop its own SMS 45
46 FUNDING SOURCES Incorporating Safety into the Transportation Planning Process LRTP TTIP IRR TIP State TIP Safety Committee Input Tribal Council Policies Other Sources Construct Project Evaluate
47 Transportation Safety Behavioral Approach LRTP TTIP Safety Committee Input Tribal Council Policies State Highway Safety Offices Indian Highway Safety Program State Department of Transportation Other Sources FUNDING SOURCES Implement Program Evaluate
48 Tribal Safety Planning Examples Northern Plains TTAP Dennis TrustyDennis Trusty Richard HallRichard HallMarketing “Roads are color blind”“Roads are color blind” Empowering the Tribes to invest in safetyEmpowering the Tribes to invest in safety Roadway safety investments are good for Indian Country and local towns and villagesRoadway safety investments are good for Indian Country and local towns and villages
49 Tribal Safety Projects SOAR – Safe on All Roads Road Safety Audits NPTTAP Local Roads Safety Manifesto – What works? Signs, delineators, and chevronsSigns, delineators, and chevrons Vegetation controlVegetation control Gravel roadsGravel roads DitchesDitches ApproachesApproaches GuardrailsGuardrails
50 NPTTAP Manifesto (cont.) Paved roads – repair and maintenance Substandard bridge guardrails and alignment Intersecting roads Sight distance
51 What resources are available to support Tribal safety planning?
52 IRR Transportation Planning Funds “Up to 2 percent of funds made available for IRR each fiscal year shall be allocated to those Indian Tribal Governments applying for transportation planning pursuant to the provisions of the Indian Self- Determination and Education Assistance Act” (23 U.S.C. §204 (J)) In addition to the 2 percent set-aside, Transportation Planning is an eligible item that can be funded with a Tribe’s share of IRR funds
53 IRR Program Funds Allocated to tribes based on a Tribal share formula determined from population and data in the IRR Inventory Priorities for construction and improvement of roads, bridges, and transit facilities IRR Program Funds may pay for the local match for many other fund categories A Tribe may use up to $35,000 or 5% of its IRR Program construction fund, whichever is greater, for transportation planning.
54 IRR Process Administered by BIA DOT and FHWA Federal Lands Highway Office Available to Indian Tribal Governments for transportation planning on Indian lands Tribes prioritize how IRR funds will be used at the tribal level
55 IRR Eligible Activities Transportation planning Tribal representation at transportation planning meetings Preparation of application for funds from other sources Planning related activities for other modes such as transit Employment of a transportation planner Research of right-of-way records for transportation planning purposes Other activities in a proposal mutually agreeable to the Indian Tribal Government and the Secretary of the Interior
56 NHTSA Programs State and Community Highway Safety Grant Intoxicated Driver Prevention Program Alcohol-Impaired Driving Countermeasures Incentive Grants Safety Incentive Grants for Safety Belt Use Occupant Protection Incentive Grants State Highway Safety Data Improvement Grants Child Passenger Education Program Research and Demonstration Grants Training
57 BIA Indian Highway Safety Program (IHSP) Set aside in SAFETEA-LU for Tribal governments Funded by NHTSA; BIA considered a state Administered by BIA Office of Indian Highway Safety Program in Albuquerque Many of the same programs available to states
58 Training and Technical Assistance Tribal Technical Assistance Programs (TTAP) Local Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP) BIA FHWA, Federal Lands Highways FHWA/BIA Safety Management System FTA
59 Other Organizations Indian Health Services (IHS) Injury prevention trainingInjury prevention training Motor vehicle crash reporting and analysis trainingMotor vehicle crash reporting and analysis training Fellowships for epidemiology and Tribal capacityFellowships for epidemiology and Tribal capacity Other Federal departments –Energy, Education, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Justice, and Health and Human Services Tribal funding -- Tribal funding -- F/AZ592s.pdf F/AZ592s.pdf
60 What conclusions can we draw from this webinar?
61 Tribal transportation safety planning saves lives and reduces injury among Native Americans.
62 Resources are available to support Tribal transportation safety planning.
63 Many Tribes have succeeded in establishing effective transportation safety plans and programs. It can be done!
64 Contact Information Chimai Ngo FHWA Federal Lands 202.366.1231
65 Polling Question Please tell us which of the following categories best describes your work. Tribal transportation planner Tribal transportation engineer Tribal or BIA law enforcement Health/Safety professional Federal or State engineer or planner ConsultantOther
66 Polling Questions For Tribal/BIA staff and tribal consultants, please describe your relationship to the State’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan Fully involved in the development process Fully involved in the implementation process Partially involved in the development and/or implementation Familiar with the process Not familiar with the SHSP
67 Polling Question On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest score; how well did this webinar meet your needs? A. Learned a lot and can follow up B. Learned new information I think I can use C. Informative but not sure how I can use the information D. Interesting but not of much practical use E. Webinar did not meet my expectations and needs
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