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Company Introduction May 2006.

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1 Company Introduction May 2006

2 Corporate Profile 2006 Services Revenues $200,000,000+ Employees 700+
Offices 21 offices in 8 States Industry Rank: 14th largest in U.S. Market Identity Specialty Focus Middle Market Services Retail Brokerage Co-Brokerage Risk Management Consulting Benefits Consulting Underwriting Claims & Loss Control Human Resources Consulting

3 Offices Driver-Alliant Kelter-Alliant Franey Muha-Alliant

4 Revenue by Line Specialty P&C 40%

5 How are we organized?

6 Organization

7 Driver Commercial Jerry Hall, President Overview Alliant Revenue Founded in 1925, forms Alliant’s West Coast operating platform, specializing in middle market retail distribution. Largest independent insurance broker in California Dominant position in San Diego, Riverside, & San Bernardino markets Operates out of 10 offices in California, Arizona, and Washington. 2005 Revenue of $57 MM 2005 business mix by operating revenue H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W

8 Driver Specialty Ralph Hurst, President Overview Alliant Revenue Founded in 1977 and primarily serving the public sector Provides clients with proprietary programs distributed on a retail basis The company’s largest client (CSAC) and largest program (PEPIP) both reside in this operation Heavy concentration in California but now doing retail business in 30+ states Current Revenue of $52.5 MM 2005 business mix by operating revenue H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W

9 Alliant Specialty Sean McConlogue, President Overview Alliant Revenue Alliant Specialty is the primary platform for program based co-broker distribution Primary component of the operation today is ‘Tribal First’ which provides advantaged programs to Indian Nations across the country Major initiative for this operation is expanding the reach of our public sector business via co-brokerage distribution Current revenue is $30.5 MM 2005 business mix by operating revenue H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W

10 Alliant Risk Services Greg Zimmer, President Overview Alliant Revenue Formed in 2000 to provide non-brokerage services to clients and programs Two primary groups: Underwriting Services and Business Services Underwriting Services creates greater control and additional revenue for program-based business Business Services (including Strategic HR) enhances the relationship between our firm and the client by providing best-in-class services Current Revenue of $13.4 MM 2005 business mix by operating revenue H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W

11 Kelter Commercial Michael Kelter, President Overview Alliant Revenue Founded in 1930, forms Alliant’s Midwest regional operating platform Operates primarily in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio through 40+ employees One of the largest insurance agencies in the greater Detroit metropolitan area Specializes in lawyers’ professional liability through its ProQuest program sold on both a retail and co-brokered basis with clients including 30 of top 200 U.S. law firms Current Revenue of $20.7 MM 2005 business mix by operating revenue H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W

12 Franey Muha Commercial
Bill Franey, President Overview Alliant Revenue Founded in 1973, forms Alliant’s Mid-Atlantic regional operating platform Operates primarily in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and DC through 100+ employees Distributes both Property & Casualty and Benefits products on a retail basis Largest distributor of insurance for land conservation and preservation-related exposures in the U.S. Current Revenue of $22.4 MM 2005 business mix by operating revenue H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W

13 Alliant - Corporate Services
Overview Alliant Revenue Responsible for all corporate functions including: Mergers & Acquisitions Corporate Finance Accounting Human Resources Information Technology Legal Affairs Risk Management Carrier Relations The plan is to consolidate non-client related activities within Corporate Services and maintain client activities in the local operations. Corporate Franey Muha Kelter Comm’l Alliant Risk Alliant Specialty H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W Driver Specialty Driver Comm’l

14 Alliant - Corporate Services
Overview Alliant Revenue Responsible for all corporate functions including: Mergers & Acquisitions Corporate Finance Accounting Human Resources Information Technology Legal Affairs Risk Management Carrier Relations The plan is to consolidate non-client related activities within Corporate Services and maintain client activities in the local operations. Alliant $208MM H I S T O R I C A L   F I N A N C I A L   P E R F O R M A N C E   R E V I E W

15 Major Programs Sector Premium Existence
CSAC Programs Public Entity $75 MM 20 yrs PEPIP Public Entity $70 MM 14 yrs SLIP Public Entity $ 6 MM 8 yrs Tribal First WC Indian Nations $50 MM 7 yrs TPIP Indian Nations $15 MM 3 yrs Tribal First ALA Indian Nations $15 MM 10 yrs Law Firms Commercial $50 MM 25 yrs Refuse Haulers Commercial $10 MM 10 yrs Conserve-a-Nation Commercial $8 MM 10 yrs Parking Garages Commercial $8 MM 15 yrs Energy Commercial $8 MM 10 yrs

16 Distribution Map Tribal First Commercial Programs
Public Sector Programs ProQuest Conserve-a-nation

17 Financial Partner

18 Lindsay Goldberg & Bessemer (LGB)
On November 30, 2005 Alliant was purchased from its prior shareholders by a new group comprised primarily of your management team, brokers, and our new financial partner LGB Management and broker ownership represents just shy of 50% LGB is a $2.0 billion New York-based private equity fund LGB partners with: Well managed businesses committed to growth Companies that differentiate themselves in their industry

19 LGB’s Attraction to Alliant
Stable and growing organization Specialty niche market focus Highly experienced management team Best in class organic revenue growth Strong producer culture Successful acquisition track record Committed to our vision

20 Our Vision “Alliant will emerge as the premiere U.S. specialty broker providing advantaged, program-based risk solutions for the middle market.”

21 Core Values Quality people Customer focused
Entrepreneurial environment Open access to all resources Team environment Fair and equitable compensation Sustained growth and profitability Flat management structure Continuous improvement No politics

22 Producer Profile

23 Producer Profile Alliant fosters a sales driven, entrepreneurial environment. Maintaining the flat organizational structure is dependent on hiring producers that are self motivated and do not require a significant amount of management. The average tenure for Alliant’s producers is 11 years.

24 Producer Profile (cont.)
Alliant’s producers are under contract which provides the company with protective covenants and the producers with… 35% commission (“new” and “renewal”) A post separation payment provision that provides the producer with “quasi-equity” in the business originated. It is Alliant’s philosophy to provide equity opportunities to its brokers. Such opportunities are considered on an individual basis.

25 Business Plan

26 Business Plan Organic Growth: Strategic Acquisitions:
Recruitment of quality proven producers (i.e. “leveraged hires”) Creation and expansion of Broker Revenue Groups (BRG’s), broker teams that share personal income Continuation of Broker Development Program Providing our producers with differentiated products and programs Strategic Acquisitions: Builders not Sellers… we will acquire only strategic acquisition (for which there are no geographic bounds) Acquisition candidates will have dynamic sales culture that compliments Alliant’s values Candidates will typically be either specialty oriented or have a dominant geographic presence

27 Best-in-class organic growth
Historical organic revenue growth rate ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’02 Alliant Competitor average Willis Arthur J. Gallagher Marsh & McLennan Hub International Aon Brown & Brown Hilb Rogal & Hobbs U.S.I. Organic growth drives employee opportunities!

28 Proven acquisition history
Historical revenue and growth “Acquisitions are not the future but the foundation for future growth”

29 Where does this take us? 2005: $200M Revenue 2010: $500M Revenue
A strategy of “independence” to: Maintain our Culture Provide Professional Growth Opportunities Enable an IPO by 2010

30 Growing a great company…

31 Growing a great company…
Driver Specialty Group Driver Commercial Group Franey Muha Commercial Group Kelter Commercial Group Alliant Specialty Insurance Services Alliant Risk Services (ProQuest) (Tribal First)

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