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Why the German Gamble Failed: Selective Service Act: 3 million drafted - 2 million sent; African- American troops segregated War Industries Board: consumer.

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Presentation on theme: "Why the German Gamble Failed: Selective Service Act: 3 million drafted - 2 million sent; African- American troops segregated War Industries Board: consumer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why the German Gamble Failed: Selective Service Act: 3 million drafted - 2 million sent; African- American troops segregated War Industries Board: consumer goods to war supplies

2 Why the German Gamble Failed: Food Administration Herbert Hoover: eat corn instead of wheat, meatless days, etc; sacrifice “Victory Gardens”

3 Americans React to the War Committee on Public Information - George Creel Propaganda Propaganda Media/Government - promote war & patriotism Media/Government - promote war & patriotism

4 “Over There” Americans Tip the Balance of Power Gen. John J. Pershing (“Black Jack”): Commander - AEF U.S. troops fresh – Supplies are plentiful – Germany Exhausted Summer 1918 British, French, American troops stop German advance on W. Front Push them back (Second Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel, Belleau Wood)

5 11/11/1918 – Armistice Day

6 11/11/18 Toll of the War  Total deaths approx. 26 million (1/2 civilians)  20 million wounded  10 million refugees  $350 Billion  Armenian Genocide- 1.5 million killed by the Turks  110,000 Americans die in less than one year of fighting- 60,000 from the flu.  Americans tip the balance- Wilson calls for “Peace with Honor” based upon his 14 Points

7 The Lost Generation “Had we returned home in 1916, out of the suffering and the strength of our experiences we might have unleashed a storm. Now if we go back we will be weary, broken, burnt out, rootless, and without hope. We will not be able to find our way any more.” - Erich Maria Remarque - All Quiet on the Western Front

8 The Fourteen Points: Wilson’s plan for peace GOAL: Eliminate the causes of the War GOAL: Eliminate the causes of the War Open Diplomacy... Open Diplomacy... Free Trade... Free Trade... Arms Reduction... Arms Reduction... Right to Self-Determination... Right to Self-Determination... Freedom of the Seas... Freedom of the Seas... Europeans only accept The League of Nations Europeans only accept The League of Nations

9 Complications at Versailles 1. Wilson Refused to take major Republican leader with him to the Paris peace talks 2. Wilson went to Paris very idealistic – goal was to create world peace Europeans wanted to punish Germany and divide up its territory. Europeans wanted to punish Germany and divide up its territory. Peace talks drag on for months- British Blockade continues- Thousands more starve in Germany. Peace talks drag on for months- British Blockade continues- Thousands more starve in Germany.

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