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1 State of Connecticut Core-CT HRMS Users Group Meeting January 15 & 16, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 State of Connecticut Core-CT HRMS Users Group Meeting January 15 & 16, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 State of Connecticut Core-CT HRMS Users Group Meeting January 15 & 16, 2008

2 2 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

3 3 Welcome Since We Last Met... Fiscal Year End Mass Salary Changes PeopleTools Upgrade Maintenance Packs 4-8 Tax Updates and Calendar Year End Processing

4 4 Legacy Data Migration BOSS Time & Attendance Data Currently resides on a VAX (declining platform) Data retention policies are under review One option under consideration is to move some of the data to EPM Please Complete the Survey – to help us determine what data agencies need

5 5 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

6 6 Payroll Update Additional Pay Processing Notes Hint: Use end dates rather than goal amounts for each earnings type used. Hint: Make a habit of reviewing Job Data Override on any employee who has transferred from another agency and for whom you are making an additional pay entry.

7 7 Payroll Update Additional Pay Processing Notes, Continued Existing Historical Record On Additional Pay Page

8 8 Payroll Update Additional Pay Processing Notes, Continued As this screenshot exemplifies, an override combo code was attached to this additional pay transaction.

9 9 Payroll Update Additional Pay Processing Notes, Continued Current Action: Add new row, effective date, addl seq, end date, and earnings amount (check ok to pay).

10 10 Payroll Update Additional Pay Processing Notes, Continued The system brings back the last action on the job data override which in this case is a combo code from the 2004 row and the previous employer. Delete this combo code and override with another combo code specific to your agency or let the combo code default from position data.

11 11 Payroll Update Additional Pay Processing Notes, Continued FINAL COMMENT: Load of Longevity amounts – Goal amount is used with intent to ensure that employees on leave will receive payment upon return from leave. Be wary of check reversals!

12 12 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

13 13 Human Resources Update Social Security Numbers Social Security Numbers: Be cautious when entering the SSN in Personal Data –May create employee number errors When correcting a SSN –Notify your payroll and benefit personnel of correction –Creates premium carrier discrepancies

14 14 Human Resources Update FLSA Status FLSA Status (Fair Labor Standard Act) is defaulted in from position or if changing job code defaults in from job code setup. FLSA Status and FLSA Period in Days –No FLSA = N/A –Nonexempt 171 – Law enforcement 80 – Health care worker physically working in a hospital 40 – All others

15 15 Human Resources Update FLSA Status

16 16 Human Resources Update FICA Status FICA Status (Federal Insurance Contribution Act) is located in Job Data on the Payroll tab Status is used to indicate FICA deduction type: – Subject - full deduction – Medicare Only - partial deduction – Exempt - no deduction

17 17 Human Resources Update FICA Status

18 18 Human Resources Update HR Tickets Tickets: Do not assume we are aware of an existing problem Log a ticket so we can determine if a problem exists and have an opportunity to resolve it Contact the Help Desk at 860-622-2300 or

19 19 Human Resources Update Action/Reason Codes Action – Reason usage in Job Data Action – Position Change Do not use Position Change in Job Data. This action code is only to be used in Position Data.

20 20 Human Resources Update Probationary Date Probationary Date: Reflects the TRUE working test period end date. Example: Connecticut Careers Trainee. One to three years training period. Probationary Date field reflects length of training not the six-month WTP date. This field does not trigger leave accruals. Must set up leave plans with correct effective date.

21 21 Human Resources Update Maintenance Pack Changes Job Data Position Description is now always visible.

22 22 Human Resources Update Navigation Tips Searching in Core-CT “Find” button is located in: –Position Data –Job Data –Personal Data

23 23 Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued

24 24 Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued

25 25 Human Resources Update Current Training Classes Job Data and Position Data training classes: Job Data is full days Position Data is half days with help labs available after the training class If classes are full, ask your Agency Training Coordinator to put you on a waiting list.

26 26 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

27 27 Time and Labor Update Leave Plans No one should be using the conversion plans: Sick - CNVDFS Vacation – CNVDFV PL - CNVDFP

28 28 Time and Labor Update Leave Plans, Continued Daily Mail dated 12/20/07: If entering more than one effective dated row for a particular leave plan, you MUST save the rows as you enter them. Enrolling Employees in Leave Plans job aid updated with new instructions.

29 29 Time and Labor Update Leave Plans, Continued Example: An employee will be on maternity leave from December 12, 2007 until March 2, 2008 and you want to ensure that no accruals are awarded during the leave. The employee is currently enrolled in the V80AXW plan.

30 30 Time and Labor Update Leave Plans, Continued Steps: 1)Enroll the employee in the VNOACC plan effective December 12, 2007 2)SAVE the row 3)Enroll the employee in V80AXW leave plan effective April 1, 2008 4)SAVE the row

31 31 Time and Labor Update Alternate Work Schedules Time in each week should be entered exactly as worked No overtime paid for hours charged to REG Overtime should be entered as it should be paid when the hours in each week differ.

32 32 Time and Labor Update Alternate Work Schedules, Continued Examples:

33 33 Time and Labor Update Working Conditions Stipend New process For payments across bargaining unit All members of the bargaining unit receive payment Agency deletes exceptions Contact Belinda Thibedeau

34 34 Time and Labor Update Working Conditions Stipend, Continued

35 35 Time and Labor Update Time and Labor Labs Labs to be offered by agency or topic Content to be determined by agency users Bring problems/issues to be resolved by Time and Labor team member Can be held at agency (need room with Core- CT access) Contact Gail Robbins to schedule labs

36 36 Time and Labor Update Time and Labor Training Training for new users has been developed Can be modified for agency specific issues Delivery starting in January Need 5-8 participants per class Can be held at Core-CT or agency (need room with Core-CT access) Contact Gail Robbins to schedule classes

37 37 Time and Labor Update Self Service Agencies Employees at max for vacation: To avoid losing accrual employee can post time in future Only have access to post time to current pay period and next one Employee is able to use more time than entitled to

38 38 Time and Labor Update Self Service Agencies, Continued Example: Current pay period

39 39 Time and Labor Update Self Service Agencies, Continued Example: Current time posted

40 40 Time and Labor Update Self Service Agencies, Continued Example: Future pay period

41 41 Time and Labor Update Self Service Agencies, Continued Agency Resolution: Leave Accrual Balance Report

42 42 Time and Labor Update Self Service Agencies, Continued Agency Resolution: Reported Time Report

43 43 Time and Labor Update Upcoming Tasks Looking at rule programs Some rules not being used by Workgroup Some rules not working as intended Some missing rules Contact Karen Angell

44 44 Time and Labor Update Upcoming Tasks, Continued Can begin looking at Schedules All schedules will be renamed Rotating Averaging schedules impacted (Relative Start Date) Will update employee records centrally Contact Patti Maneggia

45 45 Time and Labor Update Contact Information Belinda.Thibedeau@ct.govBelinda.Thibedeau@ct.gov860-622-2262 Karen.Angell@ct.govKaren.Angell@ct.gov860-622-2020 Patti.Maneggia@ct.govPatti.Maneggia@ct.gov860-622-2185 Gail.Robbins@ct.govGail.Robbins@ct.gov860-622-2583

46 46 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

47 47 Benefits Update Remittance Process Employee premium payments for health and life insurance are calculated monthly. –Process runs after the final payroll confirm for the month. Payment is calculated by the employee’s enrollment at the time the remit process is run. – Benefits calendar to be issued in the near future Timely processing is necessary to ensure accurate payments to the carriers.

48 48 Benefits Update Remittance Process, Continued Remit process will retroactively adjust one month to account for changes to coverage. –Agencies must contact OSC Central Benefits Unit for approval to process changes beyond sixty days.

49 49 Benefits Update Payment and Discrepancy Report Payment and Discrepancy Report (CTBNR259) –Agencies should utilize the report to monitor monthly payments to the carriers. Employees who have had changes to coverage and/or status must be reviewed. –Automatically sent to agencies after the remit process runs –Report has three PDF files: Payment Report - Lists all employee premiums paid and credited to the carriers for the current month. Discrepancy report - Lists employee discrepancies based on the employee’s status and/or coverage level. Totals Report - Lists payment report totals for each health and life vendor.

50 50 Benefits Update Discrepancy Auto Query Agencies will receive an auto query after the remittance process has run for the month. The query will list all employees who have a discrepancy in their employee and/or state share amounts. Agencies must review each employee discrepancy and take corrective action if necessary. Agencies should compare discrepancy reports month to month.

51 51 Benefits Update Discrepancy Auto Query, Continued Examples of discrepancies: –Late payments in benefits billing –Retroactive coverage changes –Missed payroll deductions –Employees who are paying back an arrears amount

52 52 Benefits Update Carrier Warning/Discrepancy Lists Agencies are responsible for reviewing the carrier warning/discrepancy lists each month. Each employee record must be reviewed in Core-CT and corrected if necessary. Each employee must be reviewed on the payment report to ensure that the carriers have been properly paid. –Contact OSC Central Benefits Unit for employees who remain on the warning list for more than one month. Agencies must respond back to the carrier in a timely manner as to the status of each employee on the warning/discrepancy list.

53 53 Benefits Update Carrier Warning/Discrepancy Lists, Continued Class coverage discrepancies account for a majority of the total carrier discrepancies. The Core-CT enrollment record should match the carrier enrollment record to ensure proper premium payments. –Dependents who are deemed ineligible by the carrier should be reviewed by the agency and if necessary, corrective action must be completed. –Overage Dependent Query – Identifies dependents reaching age 19.

54 54 Benefits Update Carrier Warning/Discrepancy Lists, Continued Importance of reviewing discrepancies: –Under/over premium payments –Under/over employee shares –Non-compliance with federal COBRA regulations

55 55 Benefits Update COBRA Agencies must issue a COBRA Notice within fourteen days of a COBRA qualifying event. Verify the employee’s and/or dependent’s address prior to processing the COBRA qualifying event. Once the event is processed, the agency should generate the COBRA notice the following day. –Contact OSC Central Benefits Unit if you are unable to generate the COBRA Notice.

56 56 Benefits Update Termination for Non-Payment (TNP) Agencies must follow the procedures outlined in the Office of the Comptroller’s Memorandum 2007-08, Section G. Certified letters must be sent to employees before processing TNP events. – Notify the OSC Central Benefits and Group Life Units of all TNP events processed. –Carrier payments need to be adjusted.

57 57 Benefits Update Termination for Non-Payment (TNP), Continued Agencies should process all TNP events in a timely manner to avoid creating a liability to the State. Charges for billing periods when an employee has been terminated for non-payment must be charge adjusted to zero.

58 58 Benefits Update Evidence of Insurability (EOI) and Beneficiary Change (BNC) Events Never check the “Finalize/Apply Defaults” checkbox when processing EOI or BNC events in On Demand Event Maintenance. In order to prevent erroneous cancellation of health and prescription coverage, you must enter an election in On Demand Event Maintenance for the EOI and BNC events. In On Demand Event Maintenance - Election Entry: –EOI event - Enter the W (waive) option; validate and finalize the EOI event. If approved by the life insurance carrier, the OSC Group Life Unit will enter the coverage using a second EOI event. –BNC event - Verify that the option code is entered for the benefit plan that the employee is enrolled in and if required, input the beneficiary information. Validate and finalize the BNC event.

59 59 Benefits Update Evidence of Insurability (EOI) and Beneficiary Change (BNC) Events Check the Health Insurance and Life and AD&D enrollment screens in Core-CT before and after processing these events to ensure enrollment is correct. Review the Retro Ben All Calced by Dept. report on Wednesday of every pay confirm week to ensure health and life deductions are correct.

60 60 Benefits Update Evidence of Insurability (EOI) and Beneficiary Change (BNC) Events Refer to the Retroactive Benefit Deduction Process Job Aid for further information: Contact OSC Central Benefits Unit for assistance at 860- 702-3535 or e-mail at:

61 61 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

62 62 EPM Enhancement EPM New Reporting Table CT_EMERGCY_CNCT Emergency contact information for all active department employees. The Emergency Contact table is designed to assist agencies in development of rapid employee notification procedures in the event of a crisis. Role required: CT AGY HR SPECIALIST

63 63 EPM Enhancement EPM New Reporting Table, Continued Public Query: CT_CORE_HR_EMERGENCY_CONTACTS

64 64 EPM Job Aids Updated EPM 2008 Job Aids HR EPM SUBJECT MODEL AND REPORTING TABLE New Tables and Descriptions added: CT_EMERGCY_CNCT – CT_DRIVERLIC – May, 2007 CT_MILITARY – March, 2007

65 65 EPM Job Aids Updated EPM 2008 Job Aids, Continued EPM Reporting Table Indexes & Join Criteria Revised to include additional reporting tables. All accurate table joins identified.

66 66 EPM Job Aids Updated EPM 2008 Job Aids, Continued

67 67 EPM Job Aids Updated EPM 2008 Job Aids, Continued Reporting Table to Role Mapping Updated to include all projects/costing module roles.


69 69 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

70 70 Wrap Up Thank you for your participation today. We look forward to continuing our work together to make Core-CT a success! Look for this presentation on the Core - CT website ( Next meeting – Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 1:30pm - 4:00pm and Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 9:00am - 12:00pm Room 1002A and 1002B 101 E. River Drive

71 71 Agenda WelcomeAnne North and Sue Martin Business Process Updates PayrollNancy Ribes and Shirley Galka Human ResourcesLina Simonu Time and LaborBelinda Thibedeau BenefitsMarilee Gagliardo EPMBarbara Jacius Key MessagesAnne North and Sue Martin Questions & DiscussionAll

72 72 Questions/Discussion

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