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Published byAngelo Rideout Modified over 10 years ago
1 Presentation by:- Shri A.M. Wachasundar, Principal Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, Govt. of Goa. 39 th IWWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Feb 1 – 3, 2007 Emerging opportunities in management of water supply & sanitation projects Aiming for 24 x 7 Sustainable Water Supply in Goa
Salient Features - Goa 1. Population (2001 Census) 13,43,998 2. Population density 363/Sq. Km 3. Urban population 49.77 % 4. Area 3702 sq kms 5. Area under forest 38 % 6. No. of Districts Two 7. No. of Talukas Eleven
3 Present Water Supply Scenario Presently, water supply demand of the entire State of Goa is catered by 7 Regional Water Supply Schemes Name of the Scheme Exist. Capacity MLD Talukas covered Opa W.S.S. 115 Ponda, Tiswadi Assonora W.S.S. 42Bardez Sanquelim W.S.S. 52Bicholim Salaulim W.S.S. 160 Sanguem, Quepem, Salcete, Mormugao Canacona W.S.S. 5Canacona Dabose W.S.S. 5Sattari Chandel W.S.S. 15Pernem Total394
4 Our Achievements 100 % habitations have access to safe drinking water Uniform access to Urban & rural population Supply Levels much better than the GOI water norms GOI Norms Average Supply Level GOI Norms Average Supply Level Rural areas --- 40 LPCD 82 LPCD Rural areas --- 40 LPCD 82 LPCD Urban areas without Urban areas without underground sewerage 70 LPCD 143 LPCD underground sewerage 70 LPCD 143 LPCD Urban areas with Urban areas with underground sewerage 135 LPCD 143 LPCD underground sewerage 135 LPCD 143 LPCD
5 Water Consumed Statistics : Total metered consumers 202544 Nos Daily average water Consumed (Cu.m.) Hotels 10408 10408 Industries Industries38545 Defence7420 Domestic217569 Public taps 57830 Total Cu.m/Day 332313
VISION 2025 SEWERAGE AND WATER SUPPLY Optimum utilisation of water Providing 24 x 7 Sustainable water supply to all Supply levels-100 LPCD to rural areas and 150 LPCD to urban areas Ensuring that every household in the State disposes of its sewerage in environmentally secured manner whether through sewerage network system or stand alone disposal system and ensuring that every household has access to toilets.
7 Existing capacity vis-à-vis Present Water Demand and Demand by 2025 Taluka Present Demand (MLD) Domestic & Non-Domestic (As on 2005) Projected Demand (MLD) Domestic & Non-Domestic Pernem17.0016.00 Bardez70.0090.00 Tiswadi57.0070.00 Bicholim25.0028.00 Sattari14.0016.00 Ponda40.0058.00 Mormugao100.00160.00 Salcete90.00110.00 Quepem20.0021.00 Sanguem13.0014.00 Canacona10.0010.00 456.00593.00 UFW @ 34 % UFW @ 21.7 %
8 24 hrs x 7 days a week Water Supply How can we achieve continuous water supply ?
9 Important Indicators requiring consideration Indicators Present Status % Population coverage … (99.99 % covered) Supply duration … between 3 Hrs to 22 Hrs. Supply levels … 44 LPCD to 285 LPCD Tariff/Unit … Rs. 2.50/cu.m. to Rs. 5.00/cu.m. (Domestic) 1.7 % of Minimum Income (Affordable) 1.7 % of Minimum Income (Affordable) UFW …34 % (Transm. losses 15 % & Distri. losses 22 %) NRW … 47 % Quality … All Plants are equipped with Labs Billing Collection … All connections metered & Billed periodically periodically Cost/Unit … Rs. 5.50/cu.m (At Plant) & Rs. 10.20/cu.m. at the Consumer point the Consumer point Optimum Investment … Sustainability … O & M Cost recovered Complaint Redressal … Helpline Computerisation … Generation of authentic data Community participation
10 If supply capacity became sufficient against total water demand, 24 x 7 continuous water supply is possible theoretically However, It is necessary ……
11 Facility Improvement Intensive UFW Reduction O/M Improvement Institutional Development Public Relations concerning Wise Water Use Tariff Strategies to restrain excessive consumption and wastage
12 1. Facility Improvement Strengthening Distribution Network Extention of distribution network Increase in Treatment Plant Capacity Aug. of Dabose T.P. 10 MLD Aug. of Dabose T.P. 10 MLD Aug. of Canacona T.P. 10 MLD Aug. of Canacona T.P. 10 MLD Aug. of Assonora T.P. 50 MLD Aug. of Assonora T.P. 50 MLD New T.P. Ganjem 25 MLD New T.P. Ganjem 25 MLD New T.P. Moisal 10 MLD New T.P. Moisal 10 MLD Aug. of Salaulim T.P. 50 MLD Aug. of Salaulim T.P. 50 MLD ------------- ------------- Sub-Total 155 MLD Sub-Total 155 MLD Present 394 MLD Present 394 MLD Total 549 MLD Total 549 MLD
13 2. O & M IMPROVEMENT Replacement of old A.C. pipelines Replacement of corroded C.I. pipelines
14 Reducing leaks – improves water quality and saves the environment Reducing ‘Real Losses’ results in the need for less water to be produced – reduces O&M costs Reducing ‘Apparent Losses’ results in increase in revenue Deferment of investment on expansion or new source development Additional water availability where water is scarce – improves coverage and image 3. INTENSIVE UFW REDUCTION Need for NRW reduction strategy
15 Initiatives taken and experiences NRW.. Priority Measures Monthly Meetings with Field Officers to bring awareness Monthly Meetings with Field Officers to bring awareness Replacement of Non-Working Meters to the tune of 16000 Nos. Replacement of Non-Working Meters to the tune of 16000 Nos. Repair of leaking valves Repair of leaking valves Immediate repairs of pipeline breakdowns Immediate repairs of pipeline breakdowns Repair of leaking service reservoirs Repair of leaking service reservoirs Closure of public taps by giving Free tap connections. 8000 Nos of public taps are closed out of 15000 Nos. Closure of public taps by giving Free tap connections. 8000 Nos of public taps are closed out of 15000 Nos. ResultsResults 12 - 15 % increase in revenue 12 - 15 % increase in revenue Reduction in NRW by 8 % Reduction in NRW by 8 %
16 Initiatives taken and experiences NRW.. Long term measures Installation of good quality meters with 6 years Maintenance Contract. Testing & Calibrating after every 2 years. Installation of good quality meters with 6 years Maintenance Contract. Testing & Calibrating after every 2 years. Attempting for Monthly/Spot Billing Attempting for Monthly/Spot Billing Implementation of SCADA system ( Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Implementation of SCADA system ( Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Installation of precision flow meters at strategic locations for water auditing Installation of precision flow meters at strategic locations for water auditing New Consumer Coding system proposed for effective Water Balancing accounting with vital references like Regional Water Supply Scheme, Constituency, Rural/Urban, Tapping point, Service reservoir, Zone etc. New Consumer Coding system proposed for effective Water Balancing accounting with vital references like Regional Water Supply Scheme, Constituency, Rural/Urban, Tapping point, Service reservoir, Zone etc. Public taps are charged to concerned Panchayat/Municipality to induce accountability Public taps are charged to concerned Panchayat/Municipality to induce accountability
17 4. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT A Revenue/Auditing Wing headed by Executive Engineer is created Computerisation of PHE Sector
18 Computerisation Billing system is computerised Total computerisation of PHE Sector is in process involving works module, accounting, personnel management, Inventory/assets management, web portal, WAN, etc. Results Periodical generation of data of new connections, non-working meters, revenue arrears, etc. On completion of computerisation e-governance & e-tendering, effective management of assets and improved efficiency shall be achieved.
19 5. PUBLIC RELATIONS CONCERNING WISE WATER USE Initiatives taken and experiences Community Participation/Public Awareness 5. PUBLIC RELATIONS CONCERNING WISE WATER USE Initiatives taken and experiences Community Participation/Public Awareness Helpline operated by independent agency is installed for immediate registering of complaints/ grievances by the public as regards to water supply problems (quantity, quality, duration), Billing problems, pipeline leakages noticed, etc. Publishing of advertisements in local dailies in all languages to create awareness for judicious usage of water, repair of leaking taps, sumps and for reporting unauthorised drawal, leakages noticed in public distribution system, etc Participating in Gram Sabha & B.D.O. Meetings and the Meeting of Local representatives Periodical Consumer Meets are proposed at Sub-Divisional/Divisional levels Information pertaining to number of users and LPCD was introduced in the water bills Results Public started reporting Unauthorized drawal, leakages noticed in distribution system Public started reporting Unauthorized drawal, leakages noticed in distribution system Public co-operated in cases of shortage during breakdowns & in summer season Public co-operated in cases of shortage during breakdowns & in summer season
20 6. Tariff strategies to restrain excessive consumption & wastageVolumetric Tariff Strategy Tariff Structure is designed to make it affordable to the poorest of the poor. Against the norm of 3 – 4 % of the Income, the tariff is to the tune of 1.7 % of the lowest income group. Volumetric water tariff structure with higher tariff for higher consumption & deterrent tariff for excessive consumption in four slabs was introduced 0 to 15 cu.m. ---- Rs. 2.50/cu.m 0 to 15 cu.m. ---- Rs. 2.50/cu.m 15 to 50 cu.m. ---- Rs.5.50/cu.m 15 to 50 cu.m. ---- Rs.5.50/cu.m 50 to 65 cu.m ---- Rs 12.00/cu.m 50 to 65 cu.m ---- Rs 12.00/cu.m Above 65 cu.m. ---- RS. 30.00/cu.m Above 65 cu.m. ---- RS. 30.00/cu.m Results Results Public became aware for judicious use of water Public became aware for judicious use of water Some public & politicians (because of forthcoming elections) agitated Some public & politicians (because of forthcoming elections) agitated Tariff was rolled back to two slabs Tariff was rolled back to two slabs To be reintroduced at appropriate time with more publicity To be reintroduced at appropriate time with more publicity Public /Elected representatives (MLA’s/Ministers) understood the language of LPCD required, demand & supply Public /Elected representatives (MLA’s/Ministers) understood the language of LPCD required, demand & supply
21 Comparison of water tariff ------ Goa --- Karnataka --- Mumbai CategoryGoaKarnatakaMumbai Domestic (First Slab) Rs. 2.50/cu.m to Rs. 5.00/cu.m Rs. 6.00 to Rs. 30.00/cu.m. Rs. 4.00 to Rs.8.00/cu.m Dispensaries / Hospitals Rs. 12.00/cu.m Rs. 36.00 to Rs. 57.00/cu.m. Rs. 12.00/cu.m Shops Commercial Rs. 30.00/cu.m Rs. 36.00 to Rs. 57.00/cu.m Rs. 31.25/cu.m Industries Rs. 22.00/cu.m Rs. 60.00/cu.m Rs. 20.25 to Rs. 48.00/cu.m Public Stand Post Rs. 1.20/cu.m Rs. 3000/month Rs. 2.80/cu.m
22 Porvorim Zones --- LPCD
23 Achieving the Goal Presently some areas in Goa State are already being supplied 24 Hrs water supply All the different initiatives already started will be further pursued rigorously and the goal of 24 x 7 sustainable and safe water supply to entire Goa State shall be achieved within a period of 5 years and, Goa shall become a model State.
24 Thank you
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