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Fasting Lauren Herrera Kim Lim Micah Evangelista Val Moran.

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1 Fasting Lauren Herrera Kim Lim Micah Evangelista Val Moran

2 What is fasting When we do something that is good. Catholics starve themselves or watch what they eat – For example we fast and try not to eat snacks – It is a spiritual discipline to control the body – Focus on the important things – Fasting is also the practices that lead up to lent

3 Why do we fast Why Do We Fast: 1.Jesus fasted. Lent is 40 days because Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. He was tempted and he fasted. He also prayed before his public ministry began. Not only do we fast because Jesus fasted, but 2.By not eating, it shows us that we have the self discipline and helps us with our daily life. For example, by preventing ourselves from not eating, it helps us restrain from being slaves to our wants. It shows us that we can hold ourselves back. 3.By not eating, not only does it give us self discipline, but our suffering means finding meaning in Christ. Suffering is necessary for us to get to heaven. By suffering, it gives us a connection to Christ because he suffered for our sins. He said that whoever wishes to come after me, must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. If your body is feeling hungry when you are fasting from food, think about what you are doing to your soul when you’re not filling it with God. Comparison. The food fills in our stomach, where as god fills in our soul and heart.

4 What it teaches What it teaches: -By controlling the passions of the body, we free our souls for prayer. And by refraining from eating, we free up food or money that we can give to those less fortunate than us. oBy not eating, we have more food and money to give to others and share to others who actually are in dire need of it. Comparison: Its like when you have that faith for God and you believe in him, then you don’t just keep it to yourself. You can share it with others. That’s like the whole idea with fasting also. You have food but you don’t keep it to yourself so you restrain from eating so you have enough for everybody. There are so many people in the world who are poor and have no food. So fasting reminds us of the great things we have in our life and to make sure we don’t take advantage of that. Like Father Bruce’s homily earlier in mass, he said that Fasting reminds us that there are other people in the world who are in need for food and we remember that our longings and wants aren’t what we need.

5 How does fasting help us in our lives It reminds us of our hunger for god. It helps us change our attitude have a closer relationship with god It will also help us understand what the poor go through It will also help us live out our baptismal promises: – During baptismal we are charged with responsibilities – Of showing Christ’s love to the world

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