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Equality Alison Ridout. Why should I concern myself with Equality?

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Presentation on theme: "Equality Alison Ridout. Why should I concern myself with Equality?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality Alison Ridout

2 Why should I concern myself with Equality?

3 Drivers Legal Business Moral

4 Legal Drivers Even though legislation may not change the heart, it can restrain the heartless Martin Luther King, 1962 “ ” Legal

5 JN401727 July 2010 Government Equalities Office

6 Our Equality Duties To eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation To advance equality of opportunity To foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not share it Applies to clients and staff

7 Protected Characteristics Disability Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion or belief Sex Sexual orientation

8 Definitions Discrimination – Direct Treats someone less favourably on grounds of protected characteristics than other persons are or would be treated Discrimination – Indirect Applies ‘provision, criterion or practice’ which puts certain groups at a disadvantage, but is not a proportionate means to achieve a legitimate aim Victimisation Treats someone less favourably because they have taken action, given evidence or alleged discrimination Harassment Unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person

9 The Law Prohibits Direct discrimination Discrimination by association Discrimination by perception Indirect discrimination Harassment Victimisation Discrimination arising from disability Not making reasonable adjustments

10 Business + Equitable employment is cheaper than employment that leaves staff feeling discriminated, bullied and harassed. This is due to improved work performance, reduced staff turnover and reduced sickness in a fair, open and transparent organisation. + Equitable services cost less than services which lead to persistent health and social inequalities, which have a profound impact on the individuals or communities affected and also yield a negative social impact. Business Drivers

11 Equality Impact Assessments Check all policy and service decisions for negative impacts on people with protected characteristics. Where negative impacts are identified, alternative options or mitigating actions must be considered.

12 Moral Drivers Respect and Dignity Commitment to Quality of Care Compassion Improving Lives Working Together for Patients Everyone Counts 42% of hearing impaired people find it difficult to communicate with NHS staff, and 24% of them miss appointments due to not being able to hear staff call their name and other poor communication. Moral

13 Health inequalities Health inequalities affect people with protected characteristics: Coronary heart disease and diabetes among ethnic minority communities Life expectancy among Gypsy and Traveller communities Suicide among lesbian and gay communities and men General ill-health for people with mental health problems and learning disability A good employer understands that age, disability, gender, race, religion & belief, sexuality and socio-economic status interact with other factors such as housing, education, and the labour market to determine health

14 Further information Equality and Human Rights Commission 0845 604 6610 Law Centres Federation Citizens Advice Advice UK Government Equalities Office National Council for Voluntary Organisations Charity Commission for England and Wales

15 What data do I need to collect in order to meet my legal, business and moral duties for Equality ? Consider

16 Questions

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