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Decriminalised Parking Enforcement in Wrexham County Borough Peter Lowe RTA Associates Ltd. 31 st January 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Decriminalised Parking Enforcement in Wrexham County Borough Peter Lowe RTA Associates Ltd. 31 st January 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement in Wrexham County Borough Peter Lowe RTA Associates Ltd. 31 st January 2008

2 The Impact of DPE in Wrexham CBC u Background to decriminalised parking enforcement u Functions retained in-house u Enforcement/ Notice Processing u Experience from elsewhere

3 Local Authority Parking Enforcement u Road Traffic Act 1991 u Traffic Management Act 2004. u Police handover of responsibility for non-endorsable offences u Special Parking Area u On and off-street integration u County Court for debt collection u Independent adjudication system u Ring fenced account for on and off-street u Clamping and removals

4 The Benefits u The Council decides the enforcement required and applied u New traffic schemes can be introduced and enforced u Better traffic management u Improved environmental conditions u Provides encouragement to use car parks u A single enforcement regime u Self financing – no public long term costs u A simpler perception for the public u Police resources freed up

5 Government Transport Policy u Restrain growth in traffic volumes u Increase costs of use of vehicles above inflation u Increase cost of accessing the urban centre by car u Discourage commuting by car u Bus Lanes, moving contraventions

6 National Progress on Decriminalised Parking u All of London has decriminalised (33) u 197+ authorities outside of London have taken on the powers u 4 in north wales. u The Adjudication Service is up and working u Many other authorities are planning to take on the powers

7 The steps to Highway Authority Enforcement u Agreement with the Police u DfT Application & formal consultation u Financial assessment and provision u Review of the traffic regulation orders u Information Technology strategy u Public Relations strategy u Staffing and accommodation review u Training and procedures

8 Financial modelling u Comprehensive models of all aspects of DPE u County wide u TRO based

9 Financial Details u 6,600 PCNs per year, at 67% paid rate. u Annual surplus predicted.

10 Conclusions on DPE u Decriminalisation is a traffic management opportunity u Better enforcement of parked vehicles u Traffic regulations will have a greater significance u It helps to provide a better environment u It prepares the way for continued growth in traffic demand u It provides vital support to Wrexham transportation strategies u It can be self-financing u IT IS NOT AS SEEN ON TV

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