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Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving

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1 Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving
Chapter 15 Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving

2 Effects of Alcohol on Driving Safely-15.1
Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in our society today. It is by far the most frequently found drug in fatally injured drivers. All states now enforce a minimum drinking age of 21. Alcohol Facts-Alcohol is classified as a drug because of its effects on the body’s central nervous system. Pg-314

3 15.1 Continued How alcohol affects behavior-Alcohol does not even affect the same person in the same way in all situations. Pg-315 Mental Abilities and Alcohol-Alcohol is not digested. It is absorbed directly and quickly into the bloodstream. Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it quickly flows to the brain. Alcohol has the greatest effect on the parts of the brain that control judgment and reasoning. Pg-315

4 15.1 Continued Judgment and Reasoning-Euphoria is the false sense of well-being. Pg-315 The driver will actually feel as though thinking and judgment abilities are sharper and quicker. Pg-315 Inhibitions-The inner forces of personality that restrain or hold back one’s impulsive behavior. Pg-316 Physical Abilities and Alcohol-The brain takes longer to process the information and react to the danger. Pg-316

5 15.1Continued Reaction Time and Coordination-Alcohol slows reflexes and reaction time. Muscular coordination becomes slow and clumsy. Pg-316 Seeing and Speaking Abilities-One of the most dangerous effects of alcohol is impaired vision. Pg-316 Alcohol also affects the reflex action of the eyes. After only a few drinks, this reflex action is impaired. Pg After excessive drinking, a person might see multiple images. Pg-317

6 15.1 Continued Alcohol also impairs depth perception. Pg-317
Peripheral vision also is impaired by alcohol. Pg-317 Alcohol can also affect a person’s speech. Pg-317 Other Physical Problems-As a person continues to drink, the center of the brain that controls breathing and heartbeat can become impaired. Death can occur if a large amount of alcohol is consumes over short period of time. Pg-317

7 15.1 Continued Chart on page 318. Amount of alcohol in standard drinks. Alcohol in the body-Blood Alcohol Concentration(BAC). Each drink adds about 0.02 to 0.03 percent to the person’s BAC. Pg-318 Factors Affecting BAC-Amount of alcohol consumes, amount of time over which a given amount of alcohol is consumed, and person’s body weight. Pg-318 When alcohol is mixed with carbonated beverages, the rate of absorption is even faster. Pg-319

8 15.1 Continued Controlling impairment-The body rids itself of alcohol at a rate of about three-fourths of a standard drink an hour. A person who has one drink needs about an one and a half hours to rid the body of the alcohol in that drink. Pg-319 Myths and Truths about Alcohol-I can sober up by drinking black coffee, taking a cold shower, or doing exercises. One little drink won’t hurt me. I will not be affected because I am only drinking beer. I can drive better after a few drinks. A young person cannot become a problem drinker. Pg-320 Reducing Driving Risks-Alway8s refuse to ride with drivers who have been drinking. Appoint a designated driver. Pg-320

9 Other Drugs and Driving-15.2
Types of Drugs-Some drugs depress, or slow down, the central nervous system. Others stimulate it, or speed it up. Pg-321 Over-the Counter Medicine –OTCs medicines have side effects that include drowsiness, dizziness, slowed reaction time, and poor judgment. Pg-321 Depressant-Drug that can slow down, or depress, the central nervous system. Alcohol, barbiturates, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers are examples. Pg-321

10 15.2 Continued Stimulants-Drug that can speed up, or stimulate, the central nervous system. Amphetamines are a type of stimulant. The feeling of alertness wears off soon and the person becomes very tired very quickly. Pg-322 Hallucinogens-Are unpredictable mind-altering drugs that can alter personality and cause panic or terror as the distort a person’s sense of direction, distance, and time. Marijuana is a hallucinogen, it can impair judgment, memory, depth perception, and coordination. Pg-322

11 15.2 Continued Combining Drugs-When other drugs are combined with alcohol, the effects of both drugs can be multiplied, rather than just added together. This is known as a synergistic effect. Pg-322

12 Traffic Laws Governing the Use of Alcohol 15.3
Implied-Consent Law-Anyone who receives a driver’s license automatically consents to be tested for BAC and other drugs if stopped for suspicion of drug use while driving. Pg-323 DWI and DUI-For Illinois these are pretty much the same now. The legal BAC limit is 0.08 Pg-323 Zero-Tolerance Law-Makes it illegal for persons under the age of 21 to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in the blood. Pg-324

13 15.3 Continued Chemical Testing-Analysis of blood, urine, or breath can accurately determine BAC. The breath test machine is called an intoxilyzer. Pg-324 Field Sobriety Test-Includes a series of on-the-spot, roadside test that help an officer detect impairment. Pg-324 Nystagmus-The involuntary jerking of the eyes as the person gazes to the side. Pg-325 Stopped by a police officer-Signal and pull over to the right in a safe place. Keep your hands visible. Stay in the vehicle and follow the officer’s instruction. Pg-325

14 Coping with Peer Pressure-15.4
Peer Pressure-Influence of other of a similar age, Pg-326 Positive and Negative Peer Pressure. Pg Negative-Some people worry a great deal what others think of them, negative peer pressure might result in them doing things that are against their beliefs and values. Pg-327 Peer Education-Process in which young people make decisions and determine goals. Pg-327

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