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P12031: Motion Assistive Seating Device for Sailing Project Team: Steven Gajewski Aleef Mahmud Mitchel Rankie Christopher “Chappy” Sullivan 10/12/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "P12031: Motion Assistive Seating Device for Sailing Project Team: Steven Gajewski Aleef Mahmud Mitchel Rankie Christopher “Chappy” Sullivan 10/12/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 P12031: Motion Assistive Seating Device for Sailing Project Team: Steven Gajewski Aleef Mahmud Mitchel Rankie Christopher “Chappy” Sullivan 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Faculty Guide: Edward Hanzlik Technical Mentor: Kate Leipold Primary Customer: Richard Ramos Secondary Customer: Keith Burhans Sponsor: Mark Smith and M.E. Dept. 1 Please view our Website for Live Updates:

2  Meeting Date: Wednesday 11/4/2011  Meeting Time: 3:30PM-5:30PM  Meeting Location: RIT Engineering #09-4425 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Agenda 2 Desired Outcome from Meeting:  Gather critical Feedback on our progress!  Are we headed in the right direction?  Should we change anything before detailed design?  Interactive meeting: question or comment as we go!

3 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Project Description 3

4 Customer Needs 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 4

5 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Engineering Specifications 5

6  Ideal material:  High corrosion resistance  High strength properties  Weld-able  Common  AA 6061-T6:  Has all material qualities we are looking for  Very common across all distributors 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 6 Material Selection MaterialModulusPoisson’s Tensile Strength YieldShear Cost (12"x1"x1") [McMaster] Weld able AA 6061-T670-800.33115 4883 $6.32Yes

7 Recap: Functional Decomposition UserDevice Portability Attachable Non Permanent Assembly Required Major PartsTiller StrutTiller Arm Track Platform Passenger Interface SeatCranks Pedestal Base Tiller Control Override Rotate hand Crank Ropes Taut Shifting Weight Ropes and Pulleys Locking Mechanism Restrain User 4-Point harness HandsFeet Steering column tilt Boat 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 7

8 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Recap: System Interface 8

9  Safety 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 9 Detailed Design  Triple Constraint

10 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 10 Pedestal Base  Pedestal base changes  Re-routed lines (new pulley location)  Taller support tube  Shorter platform

11 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 11 Track Platform

12 Material Properties 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 12 Young’s Modulus YieldUltimateDensity Structural Steel200 GPa250MPa460MPa Aluminum T6 (MatWeb) 70.0 GPa270 MPa395MPa2823 kg / m 3 Plywood (The Engineering ToolBox) 1.6GPa N/A50 MPa600 kg / m 3

13 Richard Swinging Across 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 13

14 Richard Swinging Across 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 14

15 ANSYS Work for Richard Swinging 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 15

16 Rough Waves 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 16

17 Rough Waves 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 17 1425N-down 25N-Bow

18 Rough Waves 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 18 At Stop At Unsupported At Middle

19 Acceleration 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 19  The Maximum acceleration the system can handle 4.5 Gs

20 Acceleration 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 20 Bow 5GStern 4.5GStarboard 4.5G Port 5GBow 10GCombined Starboard and Sten3.5G Mag = 4.9

21  The Passenger Interface is a very elaborate subsystem that was further dissected into two sub-subsystems:  Crank System  Seating Support 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 21 Passenger Interface

22  Passenger Interface was heavily driven by the user’s dimensions. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 22 User Dimensions

23 “ASO seat pan will be 19 wide x 18 long and about 4" tall” - Colleen Wolstenholm, Aspen Seating LLC “Seat pan will have a t-nut fastener heated and sunk into the seat on the inside plastic, then a 1/4-20 stainless knob screwing from the outside of the aluminum tabs to the seat.” - Joe Bieganek, Aspen Seating LLC Aluminum tabs can be welded on to seat plate once we have access to the Custom Seat to align with the bolt location.  Waiting for more details on the custom seat. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 23 Custom Seat Dimensions

24 The Parameters for choosing the seat:  Seat must fit within a common interface with the Custom Seat.  Interface will be aluminum flat plate with the dimensions of 20”wide by 18”long.  Seat Height cannot exceed 30”  Seat must fit within the boundaries of the Sonar Boat.  Seat must have minimal weight.  Seat must be durable in corrosive environment.  Seat must be intended for rigorous activity.  Seat cost must be relatively low compared to the market. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 24 Benchmarking: Seat

25 Kirkey 19800 Economy 10 Degree Layback  Versatile mounting.  17.5”wide by 14.5”long by 35”high with 10 ⁰ recline.  Weighs 13.5lb  Al 5052 has good formability, corrosion resistance and weldability.  Designed for low horse power cars on small tracks.  Stock frame costs $136.60 and the Blue Vinyl cover cost $68.40. Total estimate is about $205.  Catalog: atalog.pdf atalog.pdf 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 25 Benchmarking: Seat

26 The Parameters for choosing the seat:  Harness must fit with the Custom Seat and Commercial Seat.  Harness must restrain user within the confines of the seat.  Harness must be accepted by user for final application.  Harness must be durable in corrosive environment.  Harness cost must be relatively low compared to the market. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 26 Benchmarking: Harness

27 Wheelchair Butterfly Chest Harness  Harness intended to attach via 4” adjustable straps which can be mounted on the seat.  Harness is designed to restrain disabled users into their wheel chairs while in movement.  User has already voiced his preference for butterfly type harnesses.  Harness material is a versatile nylon webbing and plastic buckle that should not rust.  Harness cost is very low compared to its competitors.  Catalog: butterfly-chest-harness.asp butterfly-chest-harness.asp 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 27 Benchmarking: Harness

28 Hand Constraints & Attachment 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 28  Used C-5 Grip system as benchmark  System too expensive to purchase  Decided to redesign and fabricate

29 Our “C-5” System 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 29  Same functionality  Cheaper components  Simple solution Hand Tube Casing Bearing Threaded Insert Pin Hole

30 Bearing Specifications Max Dynamic Load2110lb Max Static Load966lb Max Axial Load966lb  Sealed bearing to last in elements  Able to withstand larger loads than applied  Cheap to replace if needed 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 30

31 Boat Constraints  Needed to know boat dimensions to design everything  Shumway provided non dimensioned drawing  Took real world measurements to scale drawing 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 31

32 Boat Constraints Cont.  From dimensions we scaled drawing  Created the boat itself to make sure system fits inside  Created a hybrid 3-D drawing to show walls and important features on boat 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 32

33 Boat Constraints Cont. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 33

34 Seat Tilt and Support 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 34  Once boat was laid out design was possible  Decided on permanent tilt for simplicity  Went with 10 degree tilt for comfort and visibility  Seat has built in seat so you are actually tilted 20 - 25 degrees  Decided to keep the back of bar in same location  Raised front where pedestal mount is  Therefore system needed to shift forward to prevent contact with sides and traveler  With tilt total height will decrease to miss boom

35 Seat Tilt Prelim Design 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 35

36 Seat Support Design 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 36  Once angle and structure was decided we laid out our support system  Single beam for simplicity  Cross beam for support and bearing mount

37 Crank Geometry Constraints 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 37  Crank center of rotation was to be placed at location relative to seat  Distance between pulleys was fixed by v-belt length  Width of crank fixed by Richard’s dimensions  Seat was a large factor  Seat issues:  Seat drives where crank is  Different seats move crank (different dimensions)  Where seat plate is located  Tilt created difficult geometry

38 Crank Center Location 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 38  Crank located 23” from back of seat and 12” from seat cushion  Assumed 11” torso and 14” from torso  Used 23” so there is play and space for different seats

39 Crank Layout Design 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 39  Used Callahan’s system for layout  Shaft set up allows for line drum to rotate as well as steering system to rotate out of the way  Support arm provides strength and constrains rotation of system

40 Crank Layout Cont. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 40  Centered line drum over pedestal  Secured support arm with ball lock pin for easy installation

41 Points of Adjustability 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 41  To change crank location the following dimensions must be changed

42 Adjustability Cont. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 42  Grip system will have longer or shorter hand tubes for different should widths  Seat can be moved relative to the plate  Harness size can be changed

43 Mechanical Advantage:  User input force will be amplified through the pulleys and crank sizes.  Current system amplifies to approximately 85lb output.  Current system will amplifies to approximately 150lb output.  Approximately 75% increase 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 43 Calculation: Mechanical Advantage

44 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 44 Calculation: Seat Plate

45  Final conclusion is that the seat will be able to withstand the loading under its current specifications in ideal conditions. No further redesign is recommended at this time. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 45 Calculation: Seat Plate

46 Crank System:  Aluminum 6061-T6  Analyzed through use of ANSYS Workbench.  Assume Fixed Support at connection points.  Case #1: Normal 20lb applied by user on the crank axis.  Case #2: Extreme case of 170lb applied by user on the crank axis to represent his entire weight being pulled against the crank system.  Case #3: Extreme case of 170lb applied by user on the crank axis to represent his entire weight being pushed onto the crank system. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 46 Calculation: Crank System

47  Final conclusion is that the Crank System will be able to withstand the loading under its current specifications. Despite being loaded in the most aggressive scenarios to simulate the entire weight of the user being slammed against and pulled away from the crank, the crank system will still be able to withstand the load. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 47 Calculation: Crank System

48 Original Tiller Strut :  Aluminum 6061-T6  Analyzed through use of ANSYS Workbench.  Assume Fixed Support at connection points.  Case #1: Previous load of 85lb on previous design.  Case #2: Enhanced load of 150lb on previous design. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 48 Calculation: Original Tiller Strut

49  Final conclusion is that the Tiller Strut will not be able to withstand the Enhanced load of 150lb generated through mechanical advantage of the new proposed design. Steps must be taken to redesign the Tiller Strut as well to withstand the new load generated in the new design. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 49 Calculation: Crank System

50 Tiller Strut Redesign :  Aluminum 6061-T6  Beefed up with Aluminum tubes.  Analyzed through use of ANSYS Workbench.  Assume Fixed Support at connection points.  Case #1: Simulates the boat going straight under peak load.  Case #2: Simulates the boat turning left under peak load.  Case #3: Simulates the boat turning Right under peak load. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 50 Calculation: Tiller Strut Redesign

51  Final conclusion is that the new Tiller Strut design will be able to withstand the Enhanced load of 150lb generated through mechanical advantage of the new proposed design. The implementation of the square tubes should also work to limit the deformation caused by the accentuated loading to less than 1/8”. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 51 Calculation: Crank System

52 Preliminary Test Plan 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 52 Major Sub-Systems/ Features/ Function 1 Weight and Cost 2 User Comfort 3 Installation 4 Normal Sailing Conditions 5 Rough Sailing and Worst Case Conditions 6 7 General Template for Testing Function/ Feature Name:________________ Date Completed: _________________ Performed By: __________________ Tested By: ________________________.

53 Preliminary Test Plan Cont. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 53

54 Preliminary Test Plan Cont. 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 54

55 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Project Plan: MSD I 55

56 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Project Plan: MSD 2 56

57 Risk Assessment 1 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 57

58 Risk Assessment 2 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 58

59 Risk Assessment 3 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 59

60 Risk Assessment 4 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 60

61 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 61 Next Step

62 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Questions and Feedback 62

63 Richard Ramos  For Richard Ramos:  Status of custom seat  Timeframe for current system return  Probably reach BOM cost of $3000 Unknowns and Action Items 10/12/2011 MSD - P12031 Keith Burhans  For Keith Burhans:  SONAR availability during Winter for testing phase Stakeholders  For all Stakeholders:  Are we headed in the right direction?  Should we change anything before detailed design? 63

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