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SAFE at the plate! ASC Orientation
BEFORE BEGINNING CLASS, CHECK INTERNET CONNECTION AND VERIFY EMBEDDED LINKS When our customers come to us, they have an expectation that they are going to be safe. Of all of the safety factors we consider at ASC and at SUNY Cortland, one of the most difficult is food safety. This is because the hazards that exist in foods often cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. According to the CDC, over 300,000 people are hospitalized annually with FBI, and over 5,000 die. Just as highway patrols and insurance companies say that almost all vehicle accidents are preventable, the same holds true for FBI. Human error accounts for the overwhelming majority of FBI cases. Today we will talk about the critical role you play in ensuring the safety of the food prepared and served here at ASC. As an added bonus, much of what we’ll talk about here is applicable off the job as well – at home, in the residence halls, and when eating out. ASC Orientation
Serve It Safely! Prentice Hall – Personal Hygiene Video (7 min)
There is one “goof” in the video – prize for the person who finds it (narrator talks about using a paper towel to open the restroom door but then throws away his towel and doesn’t do it) The video lists names of specific FBI which must be reported to a manager. Participants need not remember the specific names – just that any diagnosis of FBI in themselves or their household must be reported – they cannot work until health department gives medical clearance for RTW.
1• Providing Safe Food Foodborne Illness Foodborne Illness Disease carried or transmitted to people by food Foodborne-Illness Outbreak Incident in which two or more people experience the same illness after eating the same food Talking Points: Discuss the definitions of foodborne illness and foodborne-illness outbreak. In most states, a licensed physician who diagnoses foodborne illness in a patient is required by law to notify the local health department which will trigger an investigation. By talking to each person involved and tracking similar complaints, the health department will be able to identify where the outbreak occurred. Begin the class with an icebreaker where participants introduce themselves, their position/unit, and the worst example of food safety practices they have seen (no names!) 1 - 2 1-2
It's enough to make you sick
1• Providing Safe Food Foodborne Illness Fines/Penalties Lawsuits Medical Bills Embarrassment Bad publicity Business closure Unemployment Death Talking Points: Discuss the consequences of a foodborne-illness outbreak. Discuss a current foodborne illness news article. Solicit stories from participants regarding a foodborne illness they may have had. It's enough to make you sick 1-2
But wait… You may think back to Grandma leaving the Thanksgiving turkey to thaw on the counter or licking the cake batter from the bowl and think “I’m still here, right?” Just as traffic laws are designed to identify and reduce common road hazards, food safety standards are designed as best practices to most effectively reduce or eliminate hazards associated with food. When we cook at home, we are accountable only to ourselves (and perhaps our families or friends). However when we serve food to the public, we are responsible for exhibiting a reasonable standard of care in ensuring their safety. Knowing and following established food safety practices is part of that standard of care. Think about when you visit a restaurant or grocery store – you have a right to trust that you will be safe from harm – whether that be physical safety, cash handling/credit card integrity, or the safety of the products you consume.
Foodborne Illness Poor Personal Hygiene Cross Contamination
Almost every case of foodborne illness can be linked back to one or more of these chief causes: Poor personal hygiene Cross contamination Time & temperature abuse We will discuss how every ASC Dining employee has impact on these three chief causes. If you are working as a cook, prep cook, kitchen staff or supervisor, you will receive more comprehensive food safety training in the near future. Poor Personal Hygiene Cross Contamination Time-Temp Abuse
And now a word from our sponsor…
DON’T try this at work! (or anywhere else) DUMB-o-vision
DUMB-o-vision What is this an example of?
3 types of hazards Biological Chemical Physical 1• Providing Safe Food
Talking Points: Discuss each type of hazard and give examples. Tell participants that biological hazards include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and biological toxins. Chemical hazards include toxic metals, pesticides, and chemical cleaners. Physical hazards include dirt, hair, carton staples, glass, etc. Explain that biological hazards are the greatest threat to food safety. Chemical Physical 1-8
Come Clean! Wash hands properly
1• Providing Safe Food Come Clean! Wash hands properly Observe strict rules for eating, drinking, and smoking Limit jewelry to 1 smooth wedding band Restrain hair Don’t work with food if you are ill Maintain general personal cleanliness Talking Points: Explain to participants that ensuring good personal hygiene is the manager’s responsibility. Discuss the importance of proper training and of modeling good behavior. Ask participants to describe poor personal hygiene practices they have witnessed. Ask them to explain how they corrected the problem. Drinking – cover and straw; out of customer view and away from immediate food area Clean clothes/uniforms Hat or hairnet 1-13
Feel Well Persons with flu-like symptoms should be assigned to non-food handling tasks or sent home Must report diagnosis or exposure to person with a food borne illness. (Roommate, family, close friends)
Food Allergies Milk/Dairy Fish Eggs Peanuts Chocolate Shellfish
3• Contamination, Food Allergies, and Foodborne Illness Food Allergies Milk/Dairy Fish Eggs Peanuts If you don’t know, don’t guess Make sure signage is accurate Be aware of cross contact opportunities – counters, utensils, hands Refer students with allergies to manager Chocolate Shellfish Wheat/gluten Tree nuts 3-15
DUMB-o-vision Just as this isn’t smart, having physical contaminants such as staples, paper clips, band aids, etc., where they can get into food is hazardous. Can you tell which ones are balls and which ones are gumballs?
Pass It On! Jacks Game & Handwash Video (allow 4-5 min for game and 6 min for video)
Come Clean! Proper Hand Washing Procedure
4• The Safe Foodhandler Come Clean! Proper Hand Washing Procedure 1. Wet hands with running water as hot as you can comfortably stand 3. Vigorously scrub hands and arms for at least 30 seconds 2. Apply anti-bacterial (anti-microbial) soap We’re adults here – didn’t we learn this as kids? This is the single most important thing you can do to promote food safety. It’s as easy as putting on a seat belt or reading a directional sign – but how often do we get busy and “forget” or “miss”? Discuss and demonstrate the six steps for proper handwashing. Point out the following: Water should be at least 100°F (38°C) Apply enough soap to build up a good lather Lather well beyond the wrists, including the exposed portions of the arms Never use aprons or wiping cloths to dry hands after washing Explain that foodhandlers should prevent hands from becoming contaminated prior to returning to the workstation. When to wash? Why wash twice after using the restroom? 4. Clean under fingernails and between fingers 5. Rinse thoroughly under running water 6. Dry hands and arms with a single-use paper towel or warm-air hand dryer 4-5
Gloves are worn AFTER handwashing, never INSTEAD!
4• The Safe Foodhandler Gloves When To Change Gloves As soon as they become soiled or torn Before beginning a different task or food item Before handling cooked or ready-to-eat food After touching hair, face, body, dirty dishes, trash Gloves are worn AFTER handwashing, never INSTEAD! Talking Points: The gloves are only as effective as a user – they are not a “super barrier” Explain to participants that gloves help create a barrier between hands and food. Discuss the frequency of changing gloves. Discuss proper glove use. Explain that gloves must never replace handwashing. Remind participants that gloves do not protect food are not worn properly or if they contact contaminated surfaces (hair, face, body, trash, dirty dishes, 4-8
Storage Store raw meat, poultry, and fish:
6• Keeping Food Safe in Storage Storage Store raw meat, poultry, and fish: Separate from or below cooked and ready-to-eat food In the order indicated in the illustration Higher cooking temperature = lower storage position` Kitchen staff will review this in greater detail – this is just to make you aware of proper storage basics if you are involved in breaking down and putting away food at the end of a shift The key is to store RTE foods – those which will not be cooked or heated before serving – above raw foods. That way the raw items cannot drip onto the RTE items which will not receive cooking or heating to kill the microbes. 6-6
Watch the Zone! 40 o 140 o ASC observes a temperature danger zone of ’F. Federal codes have a slightly more lenient zone (41’-135’) however many of our food safety procedures are more conservative than code to provide an extra measure of assurance. The key is to move food through the TDZ quickly to restrict the amount of time for rapid pathogen growth. 4 hours max is over the whole life of the food. You don’t know how long the item has already spent in the TDZ during transportation, preparation, storage, holding, etc. This is far more detailed, and those involved in cooking or monitoring temps will receive more comprehensive training. The bottom line for you now – hot food hot, cold food cold. If you suspect something is not at the correct temperature or that temperature holding equipment is not working properly, notify your supervisor immediately.
DUMB-o-vision Yeah, this is pretty gross. But it does happen pretty regularly in food processing. Contamination can occur at any point in the flow of food; not just at the point of preparation.
Hold It! (Safely) Keep food out of TDZ Display food in small batches
8• Protecting Food During Service Hold It! (Safely) Keep food out of TDZ Display food in small batches Measure internal temperatures at least every 1.5 hours Never mix new and old batches Talking Points: Tell participants that the temperature requirements for holding food will be discussed in the next several slides. Explain that food should not be prepared any further in advance than necessary to avoid temperature abuse. Point out the importance of checking the internal temperature of food at least every two hours using a calibrated thermometer. 8-2
DUMB-o-vision What’s wrong with this picture? No hair coverings
Guy on right using a knife to stir with (?) Bowl at edge of counter where it could easily slide off Are those cooked tarts he’s filling? Bare hands – raw batter nearby.
Self Service Monitored by trained employee Sneeze guards in place
One utensil for each item; store in food with handle extended Customers use clean plate for refills Monitor temps every 2 hours This is important – you may be overseeing salad bars, sandwich stations, and other self-serve stations. Most customers have not had food safety training, so it is up to us to tactfully explain proper procedures to them. Why store utensils in food? Why one utensil per item? Why clean plate? How would you approach a customer reusing a plate?
11• Cleaning and Sanitizing
Cleaning & Sanitizing Cleaning Removing food and other types of soil from a surface Sanitizing Reducing the number of microorganisms on a clean surface to safe levels Talking Points: Point out that to be effective, cleaning and sanitizing must be a two-step process. Surfaces must first be cleaned and rinsed before being sanitized. 11-2
Sanitizing Immersion Spraying Wiping Keep rags in bucket
Why keep rags in the red bucket? How to wipe table then chairs? Use of rags for floor spills Keep rags in bucket
Chemicals Containers must be labeled Store away from food
Use as directed on label Never mix chemicals Know MSDS location If you don’t know how to use the chemical, ASK We will discuss chemical safety in more detail this afternoon. Be aware that improperly used or stored chemicals can pose a hazard not only to people but to food. The chemicals used in a professional kitchen are stronger and potentially more dangerous than those used at home. Like many organizations, ASC is trending toward environmentally friendly “green” chemicals – however green chemicals aren’t necessarily safer chemicals. Read and follow label directions and posted signage. Use the chemical as directed – more chemical doesn’t mean a faster or easier job – at the least it means waste – in the worst case, it could be a trip to the ER. Keep chemicals away from food and food storage. Some have pleasant or food-like smells or packaging that can be mistaken for food item (aerosol stainless polish vs. pan spray; all purpose cleaner concentrate that looks and smells like Kool Aid mix) What is an MSDS? Where can you find it?
Notify manager of any complaints First priority is wellness/care
13• Food Safety Regulation and Standards Notify manager of any complaints First priority is wellness/care Physician reporting requirement Investigation and follow up While FBI is serious stuff, there’s often a tendency to over-assume and over-sensationalize actual or perceived cases of FBI. Many of the initial symptoms of FBI are flulike and can resemble symptoms of typical college activity – stress, lack of sleep, physical and mental exertion, overindulgence in food or beverage. The incubation period of common foodborne pathogens can range from several hours to several days. In many cases, it is not the most recent meal consumed that caused the illness, even though the complainant will often insist that it was. Bottom line: Don’t panic and don’t assume. Contact your manager. The first priority will be for the wellness & care of the person – getting them to medical care By law, medical professionals who diagnose FBI must contact the local health department. The health department will interview the victim(s) and conduct a thorough investigation of all reported food sources ASC will cooperate fully with the health department – our first priority is to prevent FBI, however if an incident is suspected or does occur, our goal is the same as theirs – to identify and correct it. By consistently practicing sound food safety – and training such as this – we significantly reduce the chances that an FBI incident will occur here. WE – all of us. Not the managers. Not the cooks. All of us. 13-4
DUMB-o-vision Read and follow instructions. If you don’t understand something, ask. If something doesn’t look right, speak up
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