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Veterinary Medicine What’s it all about?.

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Presentation on theme: "Veterinary Medicine What’s it all about?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterinary Medicine What’s it all about?

2 Areas of Veterinary Medicine
Private Practice Teaching & Research Regulatory Medicine Public Health Uniformed Services Industry

3 Private Practice Examine animal patients
Vaccinate against infectious diseases Diagnose diseases Perform medical & surgical treatments Prevent transmission of disease Advise owners how to keep their pets healthy

4 Companion & Exotic Animal Practice
Amphibians Ferrets Rabbits Birds Rodents Fish Horses Reptiles Cats Dogs

5 Food Animal Practice

6 Mixed Animal Practice

7 Species-Specific Animal Practice

8 Veterinary Specialists
Dentistry Surgery

9 Pets in the United States
59 million 55.6 million 3.5 million 4.8 million 4 million 13 million 5.7 million 53 million 2007 US Pet Ownership & Demographic Sourcebook, AVMA

10 Teaching & Research

11 Teaching & Research Prevent & solve health problems in animals and people Develop ways to reduce or eliminate the threat of disease

12 Regulatory Medicine Quarantine & inspect animals brought into the United States Test for presence of disease & supervise animal shipments Enforce animal welfare laws

13 Public Health Study effects of pesticides & other pollutants
Make sure medicines & food additives are safe and effective Investigate disease outbreaks Evaluate safety of food processing and water supply

14 Where can these veterinarians work?
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)

15 Uniformed Services Manage infectious diseases control programs
Monitor & control insect-borne diseases Manage human disease vaccination programs

16 Industry Develop, test & supervise production of drugs, chemicals and vaccines

17 The Possibilities are Endless!
Where do veterinarians work? Aquariums Classrooms Farms Hospitals and clinics Laboratories Zoos …almost anywhere!

18 High School Preparation
Good grades in math & science Experience working with animals Communication skills Leadership skills

19 How do you get experience?
Volunteer Shadow a veterinarian Join a club like 4-H or FFA

20 College Preparation Study math & science
Veterinary and animal-related experience Join a pre-veterinary club Complete pre-veterinary coursework

21 Admission to Veterinary School
Good Grades in math & science courses Veterinary and animal–related experience

22 U.S. Veterinary Medical Colleges

23 Veterinary Technicians
Work closely with the veterinarian Restrain animals Perform certain procedures and tests Administer treatments and monitor patients …and much more!

24 National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA)
Additional Resources American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) © copyright 2010 AVMA All rights reserved

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