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Welcome to Session 2 The Four Faces of Manhood. MANHOOD’S 4 FACES.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Session 2 The Four Faces of Manhood. MANHOOD’S 4 FACES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Session 2 The Four Faces of Manhood


3 Face #1: THE KING

4 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Reflecting:Righteous Energy

5 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Characterized by:

6 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Characterized by: Strong Convictions Strong Convictions

7 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Characterized by: Strong Convictions Strong Convictions Courageous Moral Choices Courageous Moral Choices

8 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Characterized by: Strong Convictions Strong Convictions Courageous Moral Choices Courageous Moral Choices A Servant Spirit A Servant Spirit

9 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Characterized by: Strong Convictions Strong Convictions Courageous Moral Choices Courageous Moral Choices A Servant Spirit A Servant Spirit Righteous Leadership Righteous Leadership

10 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Seen in Scripture: But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day. Proverbs 4:18

11 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #1: THE KING Seen in Scripture: A righteous man who walks in his integrity -- How blessed are his sons after him. Proverbs 20:7


13 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Reflecting:Conquering Energy

14 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Characterized by:

15 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Characterized by: Initiative Initiative

16 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Characterized by: Initiative Initiative Protecting Protecting

17 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Characterized by: Initiative Initiative Protecting Protecting Providing Providing

18 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Characterized by: Initiative Persevering Initiative Persevering Protecting Protecting Providing Providing

19 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Characterized by: Initiative Persevering Initiative Persevering Protecting Fighting Protecting Fighting Providing Providing

20 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #2: THE WARRIOR Seen in Scripture: Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called. 1 Timothy 6:11-12


22 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Reflecting:Romantic Energy

23 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Characterized by:

24 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Characterized by: Tenderness Tenderness

25 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Characterized by: Tenderness Tenderness Sensitivity Sensitivity

26 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Characterized by: Tenderness Tenderness Sensitivity Sensitivity Sacrificial Sacrificial Care Care

27 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Characterized by: Tenderness Emotional Openness Tenderness Emotional Openness Sensitivity Sensitivity Sacrificial Sacrificial Care Care

28 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Characterized by: Tenderness Emotional Openness Tenderness Emotional Openness Sensitivity Physical Affection Sensitivity Physical Affection Sacrificial Sacrificial Care Care

29 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #3: THE LOVER Seen in Scripture: Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25


31 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Reflecting: Connecting Energy

32 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Characterized by:

33 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Characterized by: Loyalty Loyalty

34 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Characterized by: Loyalty Loyalty Accountability Accountability

35 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Characterized by: Loyalty Loyalty Accountability Accountability Challenge Challenge

36 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Characterized by: Loyalty Loyalty Accountability Accountability Challenge Challenge Fun Fun

37 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Seen in Scripture: A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17

38 MANHOOD’S 4 FACES Face #4: THE FRIEND Seen in Scripture: Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

39 OBSERVATIONS … All too often, these honorable faces of manhood are replaced by ugly caricatures.


41 K F W L Tyrant

42 OBSERVATIONS … K F W L TyrantAbdicator

43 OBSERVATIONS … K F W L TyrantAbdicator Destroyer

44 OBSERVATIONS … K F W L TyrantAbdicator DestroyerWimp

45 OBSERVATIONS … K F W L TyrantAbdicator Critical DestroyerWimp

46 OBSERVATIONS … K F W L TyrantAbdicator ColdCritical DestroyerWimp

47 OBSERVATIONS … K F W L TyrantAbdicator UserColdCritical DestroyerWimp

48 OBSERVATIONS … K F W L TyrantAbdicator UserColdLonerCritical DestroyerWimp

49 OBSERVATIONS … Because of our morally-compromised culture, many men today lack a King. Without a King, the Warrior becomes unrestrained, hurting lives, including his own, in the process.

50 OBSERVATIONS … Our increasingly feminized culture has emasculated the Warrior in many young men. The result has been the creation of the soft male, indecisive as to direction, weak as to leadership.

51 OBSERVATIONS … Our world is desperate for the four-face balance of real manhood!

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