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Hessian Fly In Wheat Fly damaged plants and/or tillers.

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Presentation on theme: "Hessian Fly In Wheat Fly damaged plants and/or tillers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hessian Fly In Wheat Fly damaged plants and/or tillers

2 Adult Hessian fly

3 Hessian fly eggs

4 Hessian fly larvae 2nd stage (L) and 3 stage (R)

5 Hessian fly puparia


7 Pupal cases (7) from emerged Hessian flies

8 Hessian fly eggs

9 Planting Date Test Oct. 19 16.060 Oct. 26 0.525 Nov. 2 0.00.0 Nov. 16 0.00.0 Treatment* Larvae** % Infestation * planting date ** per 10 plants on 12/11

10 Early spring Hessian fly control with insecticide in fall infested wheat Treatments* Eggs/10 leaves** HF/5 plants*** Bu/acre Warrior@2.6 oz 12.3 c 41.2 c 48.2 a Warrior@ 3.8 oz5.0 c 23.3 c 56.7 a Warrior@2.6 oz 2X8.0 c 16.2 c 58.1 a Untreated 32.3 b 131.8 a 17.7b * Sprayed 3/13; ** on 3/20; *** on 4/6 JVD

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