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One World Centre educating for a just and sustainable world One World Centre educating for a just and sustainable world.

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Presentation on theme: "One World Centre educating for a just and sustainable world One World Centre educating for a just and sustainable world."— Presentation transcript:

1 One World Centre educating for a just and sustainable world One World Centre educating for a just and sustainable world

2 The Lolly Game Image Credit: Sonwill

3 “…the lines didn't represent coasts or rivers or political borders, but real human relationships… It's not just a pretty picture, it's a reaffirmation of the impact we have in connecting people, even across oceans and borders...”

4 What’s citizenship?

5 Civics and citizenship - Rationale The Civics and Citizenship curriculum aims to reinforce students’ appreciation and understanding of what it means to be a citizen. It explores ways in which students can actively shape their lives, value their belonging in a diverse and dynamic society, and positively contribute locally, nationally, regionally and globally. As reflective, active and informed decision-makers, students will be well placed to contribute to an evolving and healthy democracy that fosters the wellbeing of Australia as a democratic nation.

6 Year 6 Civics and citizenship Who can be an Australian citizen, the formal rights and responsibilities, and shared values of Australian citizenship.(ACHCK038)(ACHCK038) The obligations citizens may consider they have beyond their own national borders as active and informed global citizens. (ACHCK039)(ACHCK039)



9 Rockstrom, Sachs, Ohman & Schmit-Traub (2013) Sustainable Development & Planetary Boundaries.

10 What’s a global citizen?

11 How is this global citizenship?

12 A couple of options: The ‘Warrior Princess’ Slacktivism “Do Something, but do it with competence”

13 “In our world today, our businesses, our governments, our churches, our schools…our communities need active global citizens – people who have developed these critical competencies and leadership skills. It doesn’t just happen by accident. Too often global travel is conflated with global citizenship. That is such a poor shallow substitute. And it should never be assumed that an extended service experience will automatically equip someone with the attitudes and skills of a global citizen.” Aaron Ausland

14 Team Australia

15 “We have grown more comfortable in our own skin, whatever colour that may be. And we are relaxed in knowing that there is more than one way you can be Australian.” Tim Soutphommasane

16 What’s Global Education? “Enabling young people to participate in a better shared future for all is at the heart of global education. Global education promotes open-mindedness leading to new thinking about the world and a predisposition to take action for change. Students learn to take responsibility for their actions, respect and value diversity, and see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful, just and sustainable world” Global Perspectives: A framework for global education in Australian Schools Commonwealth of Australia, 2008


18 The good life road Ernie’s search for work The election Living on less than $1.25 The web of poverty Guidance for teachers about fundraising and partnerships




22 Contact us at: 5 King William St Bayswater 6053 Ph: (08) 9371 9133

23 Learn More OWC Student Days 2014 3 rd July 30 th September Whole day PD event for pre-service teachers, $15, includes OWC membership Email to register

24 Image: The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative

25 Contact us at: 5 King William St Bayswater 6053 Ph: (08) 9371 9133

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