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Soccer Warrior Rate Card. DAILY SUN AMPS 2012 BA.

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1 Soccer Warrior Rate Card











12 THE BIGGEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN SA Top 5 read daily newspapers in SA Daily Sun Sowetan Die Son Isolezwe The Star Readership – 000s

13 BIG REACH Daily Sun reaches 34% of all AMPS newspaper readers in SA 53% of all daily newspaper readers 30% of AMPS weekly newspaper readers 71% of Black AMPS daily newspaper readers

14 REPRESENTS “THE MARKET” % Aimed at Black working class Daily Sun is aimed at “the average South African”. It is a mass market media solution that offers huge reach.

15 LSM 4-7 Emerging market Daily Sun readers are in a state of active acquisition. High consumption patterns. Readers respond well to advertising and trust Daily Sun. 0.1%

16 DAILY SUN AT A GLANCE Circulation : 348,265 94%Black 4.9 milLSM 4-7 56%Urban 35 Average age 55%Male 2.2 milWorking Value R353 bil p/a Readership: 5,669milHouseholds: 2,292mil Average Household Income R9, 380


18 NATIONAL COVERAGE 15 12,153 93,000 TOTAL CIRCULATION 348,265 TOTAL READERSHIP 5,669 mil KZN N West N Cape E Cape W Cape Gauteng 6,408 88,000 20,123 293,000 21,982 449,000 11,312 77,000 20,986 604,000 Limpopo 29,655 1.148m 20,205 259,000 194,970 2,265m 159 = Foreign

19 WHY DAILY SUN A Daily Sun in every hand Daily Sun provides companionship and relevance to readers Futurefact 2009 Accessible and available High awareness 87% say both the editorial and advertising in Daily Sun are important to them 86% say they believe the ads in Daily Sun because it is for them Readers trust the advertisements in Daily Sun

20 MANY PEOPLE CAN ONLY BE REACHED VIA DAILY SUN High exclusive readership 3.4 mil people can only be reached via Daily Sun and no other daily newspaper 2 mil people can only be reached via Daily Sun and no other newspaper 5 mil All other daily newspapers 6.6 mil 1.6 mil Daily Sun already reaches a quarter of other daily newspaper readers

21 NEWSPAPERS ARE IMPORTANT IN THE LIVES OF DAILY SUN READERS 70% of Daily Sun readers are likely to respond to advertisements that appear in newspapers


23 MAJOR SUNDAY PLAYER Top read Sunday newspapers in SA Readership – 000s The second biggest Sunday paper in SA With sister titles, City Press and Son op Sondag, has greatest reach on Sunday 3.9 mil readers The biggest tabloid paper in SA on a Sunday

24 MASS MARKET: WITH FINE TUNED FOCUS Sunday Sun offers the desirable mass “Sun market” but with a finer tuned focus into the more affluent segment of this market. There is low duplication between Daily Sun and Sunday Sun and the two offer comprehensive reach of the average South African consumer. Exclusive Sunday Sun readers are the most well off of the Sun continuum. If you want to reach the mass market and need to fine tune your focus, Sunday Sun offers the media solution that delivers.

25 LOW DUPLICATION WITH DAILY EDITION 1 1 3 3 6 6 2 2 4 4 5 5 1 1 Total Sun market 6.4 milR8,812 Daily Sun 5 milR8,373 Sunday Sun 2.4 milR10,001 Duplicated 1 milR9,402 ReadersIncome 2 2 3 3 5 5 4 4 6 6 Exclusive Daily Sun 4milR8,105 (not SS) Sunday Sun 1.3 milR10,446 (not DS )

26 SUNDAY SUN MORE AFFLUENT 1 1 Total Sun market Daily Sun Sunday Sun Duplicated 2 2 3 3 5 5 4 4 6 6 Exclusive Daily Sun (not SS) Sunday Sun (not DS) LSM 1-5 LSM 6-7 LSM 8-10 27 31 38 30 41 25 44 20 18 26 47 42 48 46 22 17 29 1 1 3 3 6 6 2 2 4 4 5 5 More affluent

27 Emerging market LSM 5-8 represents an emerging market that is in a state of active acquisition. Consumption patterns are high and LSM 5-8 accounts for three in five consumers. LSM 5-8 accounts for:- 60% of clothing/shoe purchasers 63% of furniture buyers 62% of luxury items (fragrance/ jewellery/ watches/ DVDs/ CDs) 64% of small electrical appliance purchasers 59% of large electrical appliance purchasers 54% new financial product clients LSM 5-8

28 SUNDAY SUN AT A GLANCE Circulation : 207 294 96%Black 1.9 milLSM 5-8 71%Urban 34 Average age 61%Male 1.2 milWorking Value R207 bil p/a Readership: 2.6 milHouseholds: 1 mil Average Household Income R12 103


30 EXCLUSIVE REACH Sunday Sun reaches a quarter of all Sunday readers 914,000 people can only be reached via Sunday Sun and no other Sunday newspaper 511,000 people can only be reached via Daily Sun and no other newspaper 2.4 mil All other Sunday newspapers 8.3 mil 1.5 mil Sunday Sun already reaches 17% of other Sunday newspaper readers

31 SUNDAY SUN IS COST EFFICIENT Total Readers Black LSM 6-10 Cost of 39x7 FC ad: R56,784 R46,956 R102,102 R253,890 R19,301 R21,794 Sunday Sun is the most cost effective national Sunday paper Sunday Sun also offers the most cost effective way to reach Black LSM 6-10


33 R99,000 per month CPT = R37.96 R120,000* worth of product or R66,000 cash given away over an annual period CPT = R23.89 Real CPT = R11.95 * Retail value MOBI Site ADDED VALUE

34 ENTERTAINMENT PLATFORM: PRESS SOCCER WARRIOR Monthly 16 Page Comic Book Insert Sunday Sun ADVERTISING PACKAGE INVESTMENT RATE PER MONTH12 MONTHS 6 -7 Sponsors Full Page Adverts Product Placement Branding R 99 000R 1 188 000 Please Note: Above rates exclude VAT and 16.5% agency commission. Weekly strips’ value will be in lieu of trade exchange. Includes: SOCCER WARRIOR Weekly Comic Strip W: 260mm x H: 100mm Daily Sun RATE PER WEEK52 WEEKS N/ATRADE EXCHANGE

35 Please call Paul or Chiara to become a SOCCER WARRIOR partner Paul Goddard I JHB, Gauteng, Cape Town & Coastal I 082 650 9231 I Chiara Turilli I JHB, Gauteng, Cape Town & Coastal I 021 4222 512 I

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