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PIKES PEAK CHAPTER NWTF – Dedicated to making a difference.

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1 PIKES PEAK CHAPTER NWTF – Dedicated to making a difference


3 PROPOSED MISSION: -- National & State: Dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage -- Pikes Peak Chapter: --- Support/grow Colorado’s Merriam & Rio Grande turkey populations through habitat enhancement programs and projects coordinated with the CO DoP&W --- Promote a hunting and conservation mindset among the local hunting populace NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

4 Support/grow Colorado’s Merriam & Rio Grande turkey populations through habitat enhancement programs & projects coordinated with the CO DOW -- Habitat Enhancement Projects --- Walk-Before-You-Run Approach: Start small and grow our participation, over time, in both scope, funding, people & resources --- Support Existing CO DoP&W Plans/Projects: Work with the DoP&W on their existing plans for SWAs --- Collaborative Effort: With the DoP&W & NWTF in the lead, “roll in” the MDF, Pheasants Forever, BSA, 4H Clubs, etc., as appropriate --- Involvement, “more hands” is key NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

5 PROPOSED HABITAT ENHANCEMENT FOCUS: -- Two Buttes State Wildlife Area (SWA): --- ~40 mi south of Lamar, CO --- “emerging” Rio Grande turkey population --- DoP&W food plot/habitat improvement projects underway ---- Primarily focused on whitetail & mule deer herds ---- Add a robust “turkey” variable to the equation NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

6 Promote a hunting and conservation mindset among the local hunting populace -- Develop existing NWTF programs, locally --- JAKES --- Wheelin’ --- Women in the Outdoors -- Other activities? NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

7 Robust JAKES Program -- Requires serious-minded JAKES committee member as program lead --- Don’t “invent the wheel” to plan an event ---- Use NWTF JAKES webpage ---- Benchmark against other chapters --- Tap into local venues... Wonderland Ranch, Fox Run Park. Sportsman’s Warehouse, Steel Fork Pheasants, Izaak Walton Club, etc NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

8 Robust Wheelin’ Program -- Requires serious-minded Wheelin’ committee member as program lead --- Don’t “invent the wheel” to plan an event ---- Use NWTF Wheelin’ webpage ---- Benchmark against other chapters --- Tap into Ft Carson leadership, Local Wounded Warrior Program, Buckmasters,, other web-based organizations NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

9 Robust Women in the Outdoors (WITO) Program -- Requires serious-minded WITO committee member as program lead --- Don’t “invent the wheel” to plan an event ---- Use NWTF WITO webpage ---- Benchmark against other chapters --- Tap into Ft Carson leadership, Local Wounded Warrior Program, Buckmasters,, other web-based organizations NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

10 Other Activities -- Most require fundraisers to allow completion --- Chapter coins/patches --- NWTF logo and mission statement in yearly CO DoP&W turkey hunting regulations (aka New Mexico) --- Sister chapter program with chapters in NM/WY/KS/NE/UT --- Quarterly membership ad in Gazette --- Tailgate at USAFA football game --- Raffles (Firearm(s), Bronco tickets, etc.) --- Other NWTF PIKES PEAK CHAPTER

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