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Stoll 2010 A Culturally Appropriate Gospel Message (Part 4) Shame-based Worldview.

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1 Stoll 2010 A Culturally Appropriate Gospel Message (Part 4) Shame-based Worldview

2 Worldview “A framework or map of ideas that you use to explain life around you.” The three main worldviews that we have discussed, originated at the time of Adam and Eve’s first sin predate the development of linguistic diversity, specific cultures, religious traditions or political nations. are almost never seen in isolation. They should be thought of as primary colors; observed in blended forms throughout the cultures of the world.

3 The Culture Iceberg Feelings Values Authority RolesBeliefs Concepts of TruthMotivations Worldview Subjective Culture Objective Culture Food Greetings Clothing Eye Contact Initiative Time Consciousness Modified from A Beginner’s Guide to Crossing Cultures Patty Lane, IVP, 2002.

4 Fear-based Fear / Power Appeasing spiritual forces Animism and folk religions Reality of the supernatural world Searching for: strength/protection; Lord as Victor/Resurrected; security leading to peace

5 Guilt-based Guilt / Innocence Right vs. Wrong Legal model of salvation Foundational to western thought Searching for: forgiveness, truth and righteousness; Christ the Redeemer; freedom leading to joy

6 Shame-based Introduction 1) What does it mean to “serve honorably”? 2) What would be a result of serving dishonorably?

7 Shame/Honor in Military Creeds and Ethos Sailor’s Creed – “I proudly serve my country’s Navy combat team with Honor, Courage and Commitment.” Army’s Soldier’s Creed – “I am a Warrior and a member of a team… I will never leave a fallen comrade.” Coast Guardsman’s Creed – “I never, by work or deed, will bring reproach upon the fair name of my service, nor permit others to do so unchallenged…I shall endeavor to be a model citizen in the community in which I live.”

8 Exclusiveness of an community ethos seen in “The few. The proud. The Marines.” “I” and “My” are used 15 times in the Airman’s creed, while “Our” is absent. Why? Shame/Honor in Military Creeds and Ethos

9 Honor Buzz Words Community, community, community Relationship, relationship, relationship “To whom do you belong?”

10 Overview for Shame-based Worldview Shame / Honor – dependent upon a group Honorable vs. dishonorable ways of acting Status or positions in society “Being” vs. Doing - being in the presence of God Muslim world, Asia, South America Searching for: restoring of honor; reconciliation; Jesus the Messiah, the Resurrected, the Glorified; acceptance leading to love; hope of glory

11 Honor Must be honorable/act honorably as one always represents their family Honorable ways of acting: –Bestowing honor on a guest –Showing your place in the world by dress etc. –Men – hold off speaking until you have something wise to say; proverbs and parables –Following the wishes of one’s father/parents Used as a controlling factor (like guilt at a catholic school)

12 Honor With speech, it is not a question of right or wrong, a question of “is what is being said honorable?” –A lie can be OK if the lie protects honor of the tribe –Not OK if lie is motivated by selfishness –Exaggeration and flattery are the norm. Why? –Criticism may be a compliment to avoid another’s pride –Offending someone (or even property damage) isn’t a big deal unless it shames my family or tribe

13 Goal: To maintain or preserve honor –Entire “code of conduct” is based on preventing shame, preserving honor. Live by code of honor –Certain amount is held, like blood – you only have so much, you must protect honor –Honor or shame is a position in society –Very difficult to add or gain honor, but easy to lose –Maintain amidst a shameful and alienated world

14 Honor is all about “being” –Who you are is dependent on who you belong to –The family’s position in society: honorable or not? –There is no independent choice apart from the whole –Any decision affects the whole family/tribe/nation… –Your “being” in community is who you are

15 What to do? If no one knows of the dishonorable behavior, there is no shame Shameful deeds are covered up (may include blame) If it can’t be covered up, it is avenged –Person responsible for shaming is killed – honor restored –Payment of money is negotiated – honor restored –Suicide – honor of family, tribe, nation is restored It is possible to rely on a mediator –Ruler’s wise diplomatic efforts can end dispute –Ruler can force submission ending in peace

16 Shame-based Shame / Honor – dependent upon a group Honorable vs. dishonorable ways of acting Status or positions in society “Being” vs. “doing” Muslim world, Asia, South America Searching for: restoring of honor; reconciliation; Jesus the Messiah, the Resurrected, the Glorified; acceptance leading to love; hope of glory; hope of being in the presence of God (read “relationship”)

17 Quiz time! Name two characteristics of the Shame-based worldview. Relationship, community, honor, “being”, cover, avenge

18 Best Practices? How can we present Jesus in the most relevant way to a person with a heavy shame-based worldview? What scriptures can show how to be reconciled to God? What Bible stories deal with healing of broken relationships with God?

19 He honors us When Jesus took on our sin, he took on our guilt, shame and fear too. He freely bestows honor on us (Ephesians 1:5,6; Psalm 8:5)

20 Honor Him Honor Him with thoughtful conversation across cultures With gentleness and respect, in love (Eph 4:2; 1 Pet 3:15) Not protecting/preserving our cultural worldview, but understanding a bit about other’s worldview (Phil 2:3,4) Become all things to all men…in order to share God’s love (1 Cor 9:18-23)

21 On Your Own… 1.Fill out the Assessing Worldview worksheet 2.Color code Colossians chapter 1, looking for buzz words/phrases for guilt, shame and fear based worldviews

22 The information in this presentation is taken from: The Messenger, The Message, The Community by Roland Muller 2006 Publisher: CanBooks; ISBN: 0-9733642-1-1

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