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Political & Directive Leadership Lecture 1 & 2 Notes.

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1 Political & Directive Leadership Lecture 1 & 2 Notes

2 Fundamental Assumptions People act out of self-interest and personal pursuit of power, wealth, and influence Careerism-focused on their own needs Scarcity of resources-zero sum game Intensifying competition outside and complexity inside companies call for increased specialization Organizational units are embedded with Localitis

3 Political Leadership Central tenets Move forward in small incremental steps Orchestrate change from behind the scenes Selective use of shared information

4 Setting and Communicating Goals Keep your goals flexible, sometimes vague Broad goals minimizes the likelihood that opposition will mobilize Involve as many as possible to maximize creativity and innovation Communicate the strategy over time

5 Formal Systems and Structures Value loyalty in key positions Staffs can be a powerful resource to review and evaluate results for “contamination” Tilt towards greater dependency on staff assessment

6 Resolving Conflicts Don’t signal your position pre-maturely Negotiate compromises that are most likely to reduce and defuse opposition to objectives Save face for those that might lose in the situation, if necessary Since compromise is likely, answer the question what am I willing to give up?

7 Directive Leadership Fundamental Assumptions People are also motivated by a drive to realize their potential They want to take responsibility for their decision and enjoy the satisfaction of success Believe people are willing to meld self-interest with corporate interest Organizations need strong pushes toward coherence and goals Coherence and substance are more important than style

8 Setting and Communicating Goals Leaders strive to embrace a clear vision Encourage open debate grounded in facts Prone to act and set the agenda Strive for internal cooperation Embrace consistency of purpose and action

9 Formal Systems and Structures Systems and structures are not ends in and of themselves Rather should be adapted to meet the needs of the business Design and redesign systems and structures consistent with means and ends

10 Resolving Conflicts Demand open and frank exchanges Some disagreements reflect fundamental differences in knowledge, assumptions, and view of risks Information is a powerful tool to build a commitment for shared purpose, goals, and actions Once the issues have been aired and the strategy is set, everyone pulls together

11 Political vs. Directive P-Bias toward being led by bottom-up influence over DM P-More willingness to rely on corporate staff D-Bias toward top-down influence over DM distinguishes strategic from tactical D-Fully engaged at all necessary levels

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