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Opening Session Tutor Conference March 11, 2013 9:00 am – 10:15 am.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Session Tutor Conference March 11, 2013 9:00 am – 10:15 am."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Session Tutor Conference March 11, 2013 9:00 am – 10:15 am

2 Agenda Welcome! Introductions Conference Day Overview Objectives Spotlight on Tutoring Enhancement of Tutoring Skills Supporting Your Program PAACE


4 People don’t care what we know until they know that we care. -Anonymous


6 Objectives Explain the role of a volunteer instructor State at least three responsibilities of volunteer instructors Explain the five levels of Guskey’s evaluation of professional development Identify the five steps of tutoring Develop an initial plan for implementing the five steps of tutoring


8 Your Role as a Tutor "As a volunteer instructor, I will continually strive to identify and meet the needs of the learner(s) I tutor Handout

9 Your Role as a Tutor "As a volunteer instructor, I will continually strive to identify and meet the needs of the learner(s) I tutor by learning about and applying new techniques during my instruction.

10 Your Role as a Tutor "As a volunteer instructor, I will continually strive to identify and meet the needs of the learner(s) I tutor by learning about and applying new techniques during my instruction. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the tutoring sessions, I will document the instructional strategies I apply and how the learner is affected.

11 Your Role as a Tutor "As a volunteer instructor, I will continually strive to identify and meet the needs of the learner(s) I tutor by learning about and applying new techniques during my instruction. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the tutoring sessions, I will document the instructional strategies I apply and how the learner is affected. Whenever possible, I will share my tutoring experiences with my peers so we can all learn and grow together."

12 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By …

13 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs

14 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction

15 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress

16 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process

17 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process Sharing experience

18 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process Sharing experience You are …

19 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process Sharing experience You are … Often helping those with greatest barriers

20 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process Sharing experience You are … Often helping those with greatest barriers Positively impacting others

21 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process Sharing experience You are … Often helping those with greatest barriers Positively impacting others Filling a gap

22 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process Sharing experience You are … Often helping those with greatest barriers Positively impacting others Filling a gap Changing lives

23 Spotlighting the Tutoring Process By … Identifying learner needs Providing most appropriate instruction Determining progress Documenting process Sharing experience You are … Often helping those with greatest barriers Positively impacting others Filling a gap Changing lives Making a difference


25 Enhancing the Tutoring Process: How do You… Identify learner needs? Handout

26 Enhancing the Tutoring Process: How do You… Identify learner needs? Provide the most appropriate instruction?

27 Enhancing the Tutoring Process: How do You… Identify learner needs? Provide the most appropriate instruction? Determine progress?

28 Enhancing the Tutoring Process: How do You… Identify learner needs? Provide the most appropriate instruction? Determine progress? Document process?

29 Enhancing the Tutoring Process: How do You… Identify learner needs? Provide the most appropriate instruction? Determine progress? Document process? Share your experience?


31 Guskey Overview Five Levels of Professional Development Evaluation (adapted from Guskey, 2002) Level 5: Student Outcomes Assessing student learning Level 4: Participants’ use of new knowledge and skills Assessing degree and quality of implementation Level 3: Organization support and change Assessing organizational advocacy, support, accommodation, facilitation, recognition Level 2: Participants Learning Assessing new knowledge and skills Level 1: Participants Reaction Assessing initial satisfaction with experience

32 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

33 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

34 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

35 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, and is directly related to the needs of local students. (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

36 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, and is directly related to the needs of local students. It is designed to enhance teacher’s content – specific instructional practice (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

37 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job-embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, and is directly related to the needs of local students. It is designed to enhance teacher’s content –specific instructional practice and consists of teachers analyzing students’ learning (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

38 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, and is directly related to the needs of local students. It is designed to enhance teacher’s content – specific instructional practice and consists of teachers analyzing students’ learning in order to find solutions to immediate problems of practice. (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

39 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, and is directly related to the needs of local students. It is designed to enhance teacher’s content –specific instructional practice and consists of teachers analyzing students’ learning in order to find solutions to immediate problems of practice. Agency JEPD should be aligned with students’ goals and desired NRS outcomes. (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

40 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, and is directly related to the needs of local students. It is designed to enhance teacher’s content –specific instructional practice and consists of teachers analyzing students’ learning in order to find solutions to immediate problems of practice. Agency JEPD should be aligned with students’ goals and desired NRS outcomes. It should support the agency’s program improvement goals. (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.) PDS

41 Job-Embedded Professional Development Professional Development in Pennsylvania focuses on job- embedded practices. Supporting job-embedded professional development (JEPD) means understanding that this type of learning takes place in the classroom, is an ongoing process, and is directly related to the needs of local students. It is designed to enhance teacher’s content-specific instructional practice and consists of teachers analyzing students’ learning in order to find solutions to immediate problems of practice. Agency JEPD should be aligned with students’ goals and desired NRS outcomes. It should support the agency’s program improvement goals. Quality organization support of agency JEPD creates a learning environment for practitioners which is learner-centered, knowledge-centered, community-centered, and assessment- centered. (Based on the work done by the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.)

42 Documenting Process Online report form

43 Resources TLC’s website, PAACE’s website, Lori Como, Kim Rossman,

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