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Sweden  9,4 million inhabitants  450 000 km 2  Public responsibility for household waste  Reduction fo climat gases  Material for recycling  Energy.

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2 Sweden  9,4 million inhabitants  450 000 km 2  Public responsibility for household waste  Reduction fo climat gases  Material for recycling  Energy recovery

3 Avfall Sverige Public waste management  Front runner waste management field –Competence –World class infrastructure  Environmental and social benefits  Ensures long term work according to the waste hierarchy  Zero waste!

4 Avfall Sverige  Waste management & recycling sector’s expert organzation –Reason: the municipalities' responsibility for household  400 members –Represent 99,9 % of the Swedish population  Community contacts, advice, training, communication, development programme, lobbying, networking  Primary task: represent and develop members by creating networks, providing information, influencing  Members of Cewep, ECN, ISWA, Municipal Waste Europe  Aiming toward an environmentally correct and sustainable waste management, for the benefit of society

5 Development programme  15 years – 360 development projects  Total cost SEK 68.9 million  The projects are presented in reports published on the website  Practical use for the members At least 35 reports/year, some of them translated into english

6 Member advisory  9 advisors, experts on different matters  Members can turn to the them for advice  Guidelines, recommendations, templates

7 Influencing work  Target groups: –The parliament, –the government, –public authorities, –various organizations, –media.  Long process: –everything is not visible, –requires many contacts.  Decision-makers knows that Avfall Sverige – Swedish Waste Management is an important actor

8 Guidance  Avfall Sverige consists of the association Avfall Sverige and wholly owned service company Avfall Sverige AB  Funding –membership fees –revenues from sales of education/training, reports etc. –development fee  The Annual meeting appoints the Board –Municipal members vote  Daily operation by CEO with 17 employees, with the support of working groups, committees etc

9 Organization CEO Working groupsOffice Guidance committee Annual meeting (General meeting) Board

10  18 members –ten are elected representatives, mayors etc –eight administrative officials  nominating committee should –“strive to ensure that the structure of the board reflects the association’s membership in terms of its organisational structure, size and geographical distribution, and strive to achieve as even gender distribution as possible”.

11 Working groups  Public procurement & legislation  Biological recycling  Landfill  Energy recovery  Export  Hazardous waste  Communication  Logistics  Material recycling  Recycling centers


13 Communication Trademagazine 5 issues/year Newsletter published when needed, about 20 issues/year, also published electronically

14 Communication  Joint communication 2006 – 2012: –Hazardous waste –Material recycling –Waste-to-Energy –Biogas, bio-fertilizer and compost –The roles and responsibilities of municipalities  Key objectives: –to increase the knowledge about Swedish waste management –to increase the knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of municipalities

15 Education  Extensive training programme to increase the level of knowledge and competence  In total 2,500 people take part in about 40 training programmes every year  Qualitycertified since 2009  Online training programme Avfallsakademin (Waste Academy)

16 Zero waste! Longterm goals 2020:  Decoupling amount of waste – growth rates  Strong upward movement in waste hierarchy - Municipalities, their companies are the engine and the guarantor of the transition Avfall Sverige’s vision BNP Avfallsmängd GDP Amount of waste

17 Waste hierarcy

18 Swedish Waste Management  Municipalities are responsible for the collection and treatment of household waste, excl producer responsibility material  The responsibility and the performance is organized in several different ways  Municipalities and their companies are also handling commercial waste

19 Clear division of responsibilities Producers: Collection and treatment of waste with producers responsibility Waste generator: Private persons/households: Sort and leave waste at indicated collection points Companies/Industries: Handling of own generated waste Municipalities: Collection and treatment of municipal waste Information to households Waste prevention Parliament/ Government Authorities

20 Waste trend 2008 - 2012

21 Swedish household waste

22 Important success factors  Waste management is a public service  Clear division of roles and responsibilities that enable necessary investments  Long-term regulations and economical steering instruments  Co-operation between municipalities  Collaboration between public and private sectors  Focus on communication and public engagement

23 Contact Weine Wiqvist Prostgatan 2, S-211 25 Malmö +46 40 35 66 05 +46 70 893 15 99!/avfallsverige /sveriges.storsta.miljororelse

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