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ANLC’s Plan to an “A” Principal Grisier Sept 30, 2013 October 4, 2013.

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1 ANLC’s Plan to an “A” Principal Grisier Sept 30, 2013 October 4, 2013

2 ANLC Core Beliefs We strive to develop self-directed, self-motivated and self- disciplines learners. We believe in authentic, meaningful, hands-on learning and assessment. We focus on the social, emotional and academic development of each child. We believe in fostering creative, joyful, lifelong learners. We believe in holding students accountable for learning and for behavior. We value the process of learning as well as the product. We believe in differentiating instruction to meet the academic needs of our students. We believe in student-centered learning.

3 Objectives To understand how letter grades are determined for Arizona schools. To know what characteristics of a school do not count towards letter grade determination. To learn ANLC’s letter grade determination. To understand ANLC’s school-wide plan to an A and the strategies that will be implemented.

4 Arizona: Letter Grade Determination Primarily based on AIMS data Schools earn points based on: – Median Student Growth – Overall percent passing (Meets and Exceeds) in math and reading combined – FFB points in 3 rd grade reading and 8 th grade math – ELL reclassification on AZELLA (need 23%)

5 Letter Grade Determination: What is not figured in to the points Social/Emotional development of the student at school – Bullied at other schools – School anxiety – ANLC is a “safe” school Community/Parent involvement – Exploration Friday – PTO/Paiute Bilingual meetings Building inadequacies – Moving to new building with new procedures and expectations – No playground until Fall Break


7 Letter Grade Determination Points for ANLC 2013201420152016 Growth Percentile 42495259 % Passing66697379 ELL Points0333 FFB Points0333 TOTAL108-C124 - B133 - B144 - A

8 Strategies to Reach Goal: Increase Median Student Growth Percentile Monitor each individual student academic achievement Principal/Student individual Data Dialogues Focused researched-based enrichment learning activities Weekly Data Dialog meetings Increase Parent Education and Communication Professional development – Gifted Cluster teachers continue endorsement – Dr. Dodds to come to ANLC 5 times this year to work with teachers to help with differentiation

9 Strategies to Reach Goal: Percent Passing Reading – Book Whisperer – Monitor and adjust student learning – Targeted Intervention block/instruction – Specific goals per grade level (AMOs determined by state of Arizona) – Springboard curriculum for middle school – Professional Development – Leveled text library and new materials

10 Strategies to Reach Goal: Percent Passing (cont.) Math – Monitor math fluency to provide intervention – Instructional Rounds - Math Curriculum Specialists – Mountain Math supplemental material – Professional Development Cognitively Guided Instruction Arizona Math Partnerships (AMP) for MS math teachers

11 Strategies to Reach Goal: ELL Points Practice strategies specifically used on the AZELLA test i.e. using the phone to talk with students Teachers to encourage ALL students to speak in complete sentences ACTION Tutoring

12 Strategies to Reach Goal: FFB Points 3 rd grade reading – I/E block – Specific “at-risk” students monitored – Leveled books – After school tutoring 8 th grade math – Professional development – AMP – Hire instructional resource assistant for 8 th grade math class – Tutoring offered before school and during lunch – Multiple retakes offered until understanding

13 Strategies to Reach Goal: Main Points Focused professional development to improve instruction Systemic student achievement monitoring system Intervention/Enrichment to provide differentiation for struggling, on target, and gifted students Increase Academic Conversation at ANLC Increase Parent involvement, education and communication Continue to make ANLC a safe place to learn Address students’ social and emotional needs

14 “There is only one way to learn. It's through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

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