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Building a Winning Organization in the NEW Normal ? Ideas to Action.

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1 Building a Winning Organization in the NEW Normal ? Ideas to Action




5 What does this mean to me? How can I use this idea? What can I do right away?

6 Kuala Lumpur Oct 6 th 2011




10 Anyone who tells you they enjoy change… should seek immediate professional help.

11 Emotional Response to Perceived Negative Change Stability Immobilization Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Testing Acceptance Time Passive Active Emotional Response

12 Managing Positive Responses to Change Uninformed Optimism Informed Pessimism Hopeful Realism Informed Optimism Completion Checking Out TIME PESSIMISM

13 Here is the KEY message… You MUST work together to make this successful

14 For those who are prepared… …chaos brings opportunity


16 The willingness… even enthusiasm… to change EVERYTHING combined with the wisdom to understand what must NEVER be changed.

17 The Key To Success in the New Normal… Nimbleocity Nim-bo-licous




21 (T + C + ECF) x DE = Success (Talent + Culture + Extreme Customer Focus) x Disciplined Execution = Success

22 HUGE data set… 600,000 employees at 500 organizations. 6,800 senior managers. 900 books and academic articles. 30 CEOs of Fortune 500. From: Beyond Performance by Keller and Price

23 Nine Elements of Organizational Health DirectionLeadershipCulture Accountability Coordination & Control Capabilities Motivation Customer Focus Innovation From: Beyond Performance by Keller and Price

24 10 Elements of a Winning Culture 1.People enjoy the work they do and the people they work with. 2.People take pride in the work they do and the organization they work for. 3.There are high levels of engagement, connection, camaraderie and a community of caring. 4.There is a culture of fairness, respect, trust, inclusiveness and teamwork. 5.The leaders walk the talk, live the values and communicate a clear vision and strategy for growth. 6.Lots of open, honest, robust and transparent communication across the entire organization. 7.The organization invests back in employees; there is a commitment to learning, coaching and development. 8.There is a bias for action, employees have an ownership mentality and always strive to give their personal best. 9.There is high accountability and a strong focus on delivering the desired results. 10.There is ample recognition and rewards, and mediocrity is not tolerated.

25 “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Michael Jordan

26 What does it take to be a valued member of a team? Develop and display competence. Follow through on commitments. Deliver required results. Ensure your actions are consistent with your word. Stand behind the team and its people. Be enjoyable to work with. Be passionate about your work and those you serve. Communicate and keep everyone informed. Help the other members of the team. Help members of other teams. Share ideas, information and credit. Hold yourself 100% accountable.

27 D M C C M D irection – vivid, clear, inspiring --- shared easurements – specific, observable, focused ompetence – very good at what they do ommunication – open, honest, courageous utual Accountability – all team members iscipline – do this every day

28 E xtreme C ustomer F ocus

29 Web of Value: VOC + MOT + WOM

30 Extreme Customer Focus VOC Voice of Change

31 M oments O f T ruth Page 8

32 WOM Word of mouth

33 Embrace and Revel in Change. Talent is KEY to Success Build a Winning Culture ECF = VOC + MOT+ WOM* Demand Disciplined Execution FDA Summary *Extreme Customer Focus = Voice of Change + Moment of Truth + Word of Mouth

34 FDA Focus + Determination x Action

35 T HANK Y OU If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to send a note or call. My email address is: PLEASE connect with me on LinkedIn Also, you might find value in the ideas I share in my blog. You can sign up for it at: Lastly, these slides have already been uploaded to:

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