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Characteristics of MLB 1 st Round Draft Choice. Predicting Success at MLB Level  Scientific Approach  Multitude of factors  Physical  Scouting Reports.

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of MLB 1 st Round Draft Choice. Predicting Success at MLB Level  Scientific Approach  Multitude of factors  Physical  Scouting Reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of MLB 1 st Round Draft Choice

2 Predicting Success at MLB Level  Scientific Approach  Multitude of factors  Physical  Scouting Reports  Stat Sheets  Stopwatch  Speed gun  Mental Evaluation  Mental toughness  Concentration  Emotional Control

3 Blue Print for Player Development  Prospects who have physical tools, but don’t have the mental tools to make an impact at the MLB level  Lesser physical talent, mental make-up, develop into MLB talent

4 Characteristics of MLB 1 st Rnd  Concentration Errors – typical 1 st round MLB draft pick makes fewer…make the plays they are suppose to make…routine plays…Jeter  Cause of Concentration Errors – Distractions  Internal Distractions – from within the athlete  Fear of Failure, negative thoughts  Lack of Confidence  External Distractions – surroundings/environment  Umpires  Players  Parents

5 Typical Internal/External Distractions  Unusual noises or visual distractions  Intimidation, Psych-outs  Umpires  Presence of scouts, media, radar gun  Over-coaching – coach, parent, team mates  Negative thoughts, mind block  Off-field distraction  Frustration, dwelling  Mind reading – what others think of you

6 Refocusing Skills  Help athlete Recognize when off task  Off routine  Help athlete Regroup when off task  Get back on track  Help athlete Refocus  What’s important now  What do I need to do to execute this play or pitch


8 Characteristics of MLB 1 st Rnd  Typical 1 st round MLB draft pick makes better decisions  Speed of decision  Accuracy of decision  Commitment to decision  Derek Jeter flip play

9 Formula for Success No Expectations Replace with manageable objectives that focus on the process Replace with confidence and strong beliefs Let go of expectations How expectations limit success What type do you take to competition Types of expectations – results, stats, quality of performance Manageable objectives Strive for goals, don’t have to reach Focus attention on what you want to do Focus on the process Process Goals Performance Goals – quality AB, 2K approach Mental Goals – one pitch warrior, trust training, be aggressive

10 Characteristics of MLB 1 st Rnd  Typical 1 st round MLB draft pick has more confidence  Highly confident people  Intrinsic motivate vs. Extrinsic – they will do it themselves  Competitive – push themselves, own best  Quickly recover from physical and mental errors

11 No expectations + Confidence + Goals = Best of your ability What are expectations? Demands Focused on outcome Judgmental Support comfort zone Cause Pressure KILLS Confidence What is Confidence? Belief in one’s skill Focused on execution Non- judgmental About self- belief Based on quality Based on training What are Goals? Strive to improve Assess performance Evaluate Performance objectives Measureable Enhance Confidence


13 Summary  At the moment of truth, elite performers must be able to maintain focus, control emotions, and communicate effectively to team mates  MLB 1 st round picks -  Less Likely to make concentration errors – not distracted  Exhibit mental and emotional control – no expectations  Accuracy of decisions – confidence/competitive

14 Boost Your Confidence And Improve Performance With Mental Game Coaching  As the premiere training facility for athletes, Pro Performance Athletics is pleased to offer mental game training. Uncover the beliefs and attitudes that keep you from performing to your potential. You’ll learn proven mental strategies that have helped professional athletes get into the winner’s circle.  Our exclusive mental game coaching programs will help you:  Take your practice game to competition consistently  Uncover doubts and be proactive with your self-confidence  Increase the consistency of performance with pregame routines  Learn mental strategies to get into the zone  Manage distractions and perform with laser-like focus

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