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IDE20 Lab 1 Section: X Instructor: Your name here.

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1 IDE20 Lab 1 Section: X Instructor: Your name here

2 Today’s Lab Attendance*/Adds/Drops Icebreaker Policy Review Schedule Points Personality Test Team Application

3 Attendance Participation in labs is mandatory This time is to be used to work on your team’s project, assignments can be mostly completed in the lab session* Attendance policy Participation policy Add/Drops What I want from this class:

4 Icebreaker Speak LOUD* and clear, answer the following: – Name, Hometown, Intended Major (If you know) Pick two of the following to answer: – If you could meet anyone (living or diseased) who would it be and why? – What thought or message would you put into a fortune cookie? – What is one item that you really should throw away but probably never will?

5 My Icebreaker Answers Name, Hometown, and Major – Joe Miner – Rolla, MO – PhD in Theoretical Physics If you could meet anyone who would it be and why? – St. Patrick What is one item you really should throw away but probably never will? – HP48GX

6 Policy Review Purpose and Objectives (*) Clickers are required for lectures* Grading is point-based (90%+=A, 80%+=B, etc) Late work policy* Points and schedule are on website (

7 Personality Preferences Complete MBTI personality profile at:* – – Get four character code Complete team application page

8 Personality preferences influence problem- solving approaches Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) provides measure of preferences along four dimensions Teams diverse in personality preferences often more effective See MBTI self-score and explanation sheet Personality Preferences (2)

9 Focusing attention… Extravert(E) – External focus – Talks – Breadth of interest – Speaks first, reflects later – Sociable – Expressive Introvert(I) – Internal focus – Listens – Depth of interest – Thinks before speaking – Private – Contained

10 Processing data… Sensing(S) – Detail oriented – Practical – Factual / concrete – Present-oriented – Step-by-step – Trusts experience Intuition(N) – Big picture oriented – Imaginative – Abstract / theoretical – Future-oriented – Jumps around – Trusts inspirations

11 Making decisions… Thinking(T) – Analytical – Logical problem-solvers – Strive for objective truth – Reasonable / fair Feeling(F) – Sympathetic – Assess impact on people – Strive for harmony – Compassionate / accepting

12 Orientation to outside world… Judging(J) – Scheduled – Organized – Systematic – Like to plan – Avoid last-minute stress Perceiving(P) – Spontaneous – Open-ended – Casual – Adaptable – Energized by last-minute pressures

13 Compare Results How many get same result? How many differ in one dimension? Two dimensions?

14 Krebshirsh, S., 1992, MBTI Team Building Program: Leader’s Resource Guide, Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. AVG for Engineering Students

15 Krebshirsh, S., 1992, MBTI Team Building Program: Leader’s Resource Guide, Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. Personality preferences for engineering students  EI: Extravert vs Introvert = 45% vs 55%  SN: Sensing vs Intuition = 53% vs 47%  TF: Thinking and Feeling = 75% vs 25%  JP: Judging vs Perceiving = 61% vs 39%  TJ (Analytical and Scheduled) = 48%

16 Wrapping up… Turn in team application! Next week – Design Project – Team Formation – 1 st Memo Assignment

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