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1 Management Strategy – The Road Ahead Oupa Mopaki ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer 04 th May 2003 Midrand.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Management Strategy – The Road Ahead Oupa Mopaki ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer 04 th May 2003 Midrand."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Management Strategy – The Road Ahead Oupa Mopaki ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer 04 th May 2003 Midrand

2 2 Vision & Mission The ISETT-SETA seeks to develop South Africa into ICT knowledge based society by encouraging more people to develop skills in this sector, as a means of contributing to the economic growth of South Africa.

3 3 Purpose of Presentation To demonstrate how the Chief Executive Officer would lead the ISETT SETA towards achieving mandated/statutory objectives

4 4 Key Performance Areas Prepare and implement strategic/business plans in line with ISETT SETA mandate Develop and implement policies and procedures, systems and processes for ease of operation Observe/implement proper Financial Management Systems and Practices – PFMA & Code of Good Governance Develop a performance driven organisation Inculcate a service excellence culture

5 5 …Key Performance Areas Manage assets and develop resources Liaise and interact with all stake holders Create a participative, partnership culture among all stakeholders

6 6 Strategic Objectives 1.Customer/stakeholder centeredness &improved government relations THE ISETT SETA IS A SETA OF CHOICE 2.Internal Focus-employee centeredness & governance 3.Sustainability and Growth of the SETA –

7 7 Strategic Focus FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (1): 100% compliance with the PFMA (unqualified audit report) Policies and procedures, systems and processes Levy administration and Grant disbursement processes Grant disbursement schedule Risk management strategy

8 8 …Strategic Focus CLIENT/CUSTOMER CENTEREDNESS (2): Outward looking organisation with a pronounced stakeholder focus Hassle – free client relationship - Accessibility - Responsiveness - Quality service Develop a sense of ownership-Employees

9 9 …Strategic Focus INTERNAL FOCUS (3): Project Driven Organisation Quality Management System Performance Management System Service Excellence Model

10 10 …Strategic Focus SUSTAINABILITY/GROWTH (4): Guard against inertia Eliminate comfort zones and silos Promote team work Encourage Service Innovation Empowered Employees

11 11 …Sustainability and Growth(4) SWOT Analysis: Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legislative

12 12 A Organisational issues which may hinder the Effectiveness of the ISETT SETA …may be assessed by using the model illustrated

13 13 Performance Indicators Business Plan Targets Value for grants disbursed (NSDS Objectives) Client satisfaction survey Employee satisfaction/attitude survey

14 14 … Performance Indicators Project performance index (multiple projects) Quarterly and Annual Reports – DoL 100% Compliance with statutory reporting requirements

15 15 Issues for Urgent Consideration Strategy for the levy-grant system Systems and guidelines for Workplace Skills Plans Fast tracking the development of Unit Standards and Qualifications – JIP Qualifications Development Strategy and a Funding Model

16 16 … Issues for Urgent Consideration Learning Materials Framework Development Accreditation of Training Providers Learnership Development and Implementation Strategy – provider and employer partnerships Networking/collaboration with all stakeholders

17 17 Align and Create Synergies Across Core Functional Areas Develop and implement a consolidated ISETT-SETA Implementation Project Plan to support Sector Skills Plan and Business Plan

18 18 The ISETT SETA is a Customer Driven Organisation Develop/implement a Service Excellence Model/Strategy Inculcate a culture of service excellence Create a sense of urgency Eliminate fear ‘Raise the bar” Strive for continuous performance improvement

19 19 Operational Initiatives Identify constraints and resource deployment needs of the ISETT SETA Reduce cycle time in all activities Improve interpersonal, teamwork, supervisory and management skills of employees

20 20 Internal Management and Administration Eliminate silos Emphasize team-work Create an enabling environment (empowerment) Develop and implement a QMS, Project Management System and Performance Management System

21 21 … Internal Management and Administration Streamlined processes alone will not necessarily result in service excellence and performance improvement A change of attitudes and behaviour within the organisation required – A paradigm shift Create a learning organisation

22 22 … Internal Management and Administration Sustain/improve results Reward performers and address non- performers Adaptive leadership as opposed to maladaptive leadership

23 23 Provincial Offices and Service Delivery Taking the ISETT SETA to the people: Provide end – to – end service to clients/stakeholders Implement and maintain quality in service delivery – Service Excellence Collaborate with DoL provincial office (Provincial Skills Plan) and other stakeholders


25 25 “We refuse to embrace mediocrity” THANK YOU!!

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