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Encouragement from the Perspective of BRIGITTE TITZE Positive Psychotherapy.

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Presentation on theme: "Encouragement from the Perspective of BRIGITTE TITZE Positive Psychotherapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Encouragement from the Perspective of BRIGITTE TITZE Positive Psychotherapy

2 2 Courage is self-confidence under pressure. „Positive eyes“: How did I suceed today ? Each problem is a step towards progress. Each difficulty is a chance for enhancing self-development. Put together a list of your good sides, abilities and talents. Development of optimism. Even the smallest success is important.

3 3 The positive self-concept : Which of my ablities or behavior is sufficient? Is there something in which I suceeded today better than yesterday? Which correct decisions did I make in my life until now? What did I do today in a correct or sufficient way? What is positive: regarding myself regarding my life situation regarding my family and my fellows ?

4 4 A salutogenetic, positive psychotherapy (Hamid Peseschkian) Not only disturbances, but the power of self-healing has to be taken into account. A resource-oriented approach combined with a positive view of man Encouragement as to hope,belief and optimism

5 Research on happiness How do people become happy? What makes life worth living? How to achieve contentment in life? How to find the „good life“?

6 Positive Psychology A new field of research in akademic psychology Martin E.P.Seligman – pioneer, researcher and author of „Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfilment“

7 Themes of Positive Psychology Optimism, Resilience, Gratitude, Regulation of Emotions, Creativity, Humanity, Resources, Strengths, Virtues, Emotional Intelligence, Intrinsic Motivation, Mindfulness, Self-confidence, Life -Contentment

8 View of Man by Positive Psychology Orientied towards resources and strengths Does not ignore weak points

9 9 Autonomy and Self-Efficacy „I can take influence on my life“ „I can make decisions“ An important factor to achieve central life aims and life contentment

10 10 Flow „to be completely absorbed by doing something“ „to immerse oneself and to be absorbed in one´s whole feeling “ in opposite to anxiety and boredom

11 11 Activity Activity increases the probability of pleasant experiences. Enjoying one´s own achievement and enhancement of self-esteem

12 12 Extraversion and Sociability Interpersonal relations are most important. Being together with others, is the most frequent precondition for experiencing happiness. Feelings of love, confidence and self-esteem

13 13 Mindfulness and Gratefulness Happy people are living „here and now“. They hardly have the feeling of loosing time.They are concentrated on what is happening in this moment. Gratefulness and appreciation help to enjoy the „here and now“.

14 14 Realism and Balance Balance between what I actually have and what I fictionally want to have Balance between possibilities and challenges Reducing requirements and intensifying efforts Being able to renounce and to procrastinate

15 15 The small happiness: to be experienced frequently I don`t strive for major events from which I expect happiness. I consciuosly realize small moments of happiness and enjoy what I experience just now.

16 From Positive Psychology to Positive Psychotherapy

17 Positive Psychotherapy Dont`t work on symptoms (deficit- oriented) but: Detect and enhance what is healthy and efficient Activate resources (resource- oriented) Initiate the process of self- healing

18 18 Resources Resources are „wells of power“ from which you can get everything you need to make your life content and good and, further, to solve problems and cope with difficulties.

19 19 External Resources Economic and material utilities Income, living and environmental variables Social network Helping people

20 20 Interpersonal Resources Patterns of relationship which are positive and enhance a good living together : Respect, consideration, reliability, friendliness, helpfulness Therapeutic relation

21 21 Intrapersonal Resources Abilities, talents, gifts Personal characteristics and traits Optimism, Courage, positive self-esteem, Appreciation of competence Soft skills (social compentence)

22 22 Subjective Resource Objective Resource Resources I notice as to myself Resources others notice as to myself

23 23 Joy – a very special resource Feeling of self-evident confidence Feeling of relatedness to life Feeling of solidarity to and alliance with other people Feeling of increased vitality

24 24 Biography of Joy How did I experience joy ? How did I repulse joy? How did I deal with joy in the course of my lifetime?

25 25 Diagnosis of Resources Are resources existing per se ? Are resources related to a goal? Resources are used to achieve something (goal-oriented aspect).

26 26 Resources in Lifestyle Which resources (strategies of lifestyle, patterns of lifestyle) did I develop in childhood? Which aspects of my lifestyle helped me to cope with the tasks of life? Which of these strategies are still reasonable und effective in my present life?

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